Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Man you're a joke to all minorities. A joke. You can't even come up with one source to support your views, if I call that jibberish anything concrete. That's because you don't read. Post sources, info, heck anything besides your mug.

Let's not protest Civil Rights in Selma because you are walking on a white man's bridge. What kind of logic is this? Everything has to start somewhere. SMH.

I'll tell you, the choices I made, those same choices is what got your favorite CEO to a position where he's collecting huge bonuses and laughing at the rest of the world,


im delusional tho.

and the part about "laughing at the rest of the world" is why we call them scum and people are protesting.


again, youre under some falsehood that hard work is what separates the 1% from the 99%....

but im the delusional one?


you do know there are trust fund babies who eat caviar for breakfast TODAY off money that was made off of slave labor in the southern united states, right?

im sure they worked real hard for that position in life...


there is absolutely nothing a person can do for a bank thats worth a 10 million dollar cash bonus. period...not when WHOLE ENTIRE STATES ARE GOING BANKRUPT....ENTIRE SCHOOL DISTRICTS ARE BANKRUPT AND ONE MAN IS COLLECTING 10 MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH AT ONCE


but its a dog eat dog world, b.


Originally Posted by kidplay

CurbYourEnthusiasm wrote:
do you know how much their expenses have increased in the same time period? for all you know they could be raising tuition so they are not operating at an even larger loss. 
you're complaining about FIVE figure salaries for the TOP management positions of universities? 

their expenses have increased do to inflation. Would they be able to change the state constitution and increase tuition by 3 and 4 thousand dollars a quarter every year if people couldnt afford to pay the increase? no. the reason they can raise the tuition, is because, at a state public school, most people recieve government assistance...or loans....i.e. theyd just take out bigger loans to pay for any increase

at the same time, if a university is operating in the red by, just randomly, lets say 50k.....

instead of cutting all the boards of directors 5k each to make the deficit, they raise tuition

that is a joke.

if a company is in the red, they dont take reduced CEO wages, noooooo, they lay workers off...then overwork the population of employees they way they're getting paid less...they work so hard!

instead of CEOs of banks NOT taking a 4 million dollar cash bonus.....they could maybe just take their ridiculous salary, and put the 4 million back into the bank's profit margin, instead of their own pocket. or heres a real streach, they can reinvest it into the country somehow....not into their daughters BMW @ 16.

again, but EYE am the delusional one in this thread?

its ridiculous to gripe about a college president making over 800k a year when the school raises tuition almost quarterly....




"our bank needs 500 million dollars or were going to fail"




Your experience? No offense, but you are a damn therapist or whatever. How could you be so arrogant to think you have answers without reading anything? Experience? What?

THERE IS NO DEMAND FOR BAILOUTS. The people are already paying the price for mistakes. Look at foreclosure rates. Look at any statistic regarding unemployment, median income stagnation, anything... oh wait never mind. Your experience trumpets all this.

People are just asking for a discussion. Why is it so bad? Where are these demands for bailouts? Everyone is asking for fairness and justice. Anyone who does not understand does not follow current events. Simple as that.

You don't need to say you are well-informed. It shows in every single one of your posts not pertaining to JCrew and photography.
Funny thing is that I'm a victim of this flawed system, who isn't?...#*@@ I'm part of a very bullied middle working class, I pay a ridiculous amount of taxes every paycheck, get nothing back at the end of the year, sometimes I even owe, all this while the rich get tax breaks and my tax money supports the unemployed, the people who decide to have kids with no means of supporting them, etc etc.

I ain't even mad though.
whats funny? that sounds like a personal problem...don't expect us to be as powerless as you are.

you got your opinion but damn all that comin from you got me perplexed.
Ok Hank...enlighten me...what exactly is going to change?....not a damn @#!#$$* act like you bringing anything more to the table tan I am because you stay up on current events and unemployment statistics....what are YOU doing to bring forward change?...I'll wait.

Lol @ you calling me arrogant.
ksteezy you say its dog eat dog.. well this is the only way some people can ever dream of being anywhere near these people that are making all this money. So if it's dog eat dog why not smear their name and call them out in front of everybody in an effort to level the playing field. You are so off just stop bro.  Also if it isn't for them it's for the future and for people like me and you.  So stop hating and appreciate that people are fighting to try to make all of our lives a little easier.
I'm not asking for handouts but KSteezy reminds me of those middle class republicans thinking they're better than everyone else simply because they're "doing it"...kinda like "independent women"...then they go off and vote against their interests at the hands of big business.

I know the purpose of finance and I understand the markets are a gamble...but there are some people that SHOULD BE IN JAIL... there is no doubt about it.

With money, someone always loses. Not everyone can win. I understand this...but we have to be honest about this...there are some gross abuses of the system that need to be curtailed and I don't think that even as liberal or radical as those people seem, that they don't understand this.

We just want accountability...not entitlement.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

whats funny? that sounds like a personal problem...don't expect us to be as powerless as you are.

Personal problem?
I'm good bro, no problem here....powerless??...yeah because you are gonna do anything to bring forward change.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Funny thing is that I'm a victim of this flawed system, who isn't?...#*@@ I'm part of a very bullied middle working class, I pay a ridiculous amount of taxes every paycheck, get nothing back at the end of the year, sometimes I even owe, all this while the rich get tax breaks and my tax money supports the unemployed, the people who decide to have kids with no means of supporting them, etc etc.

I ain't even mad though.

the're whining in a post where you're calling people out for whining...


and you do sound mad.

your opinion is your opinion...but calling me delusional when, as evidenced in my previous posts quoting you, you, sir, are the delusional one.
Hold up...what exactly are any of you guys doing though???...besides arguing here with me??? many protests have ya led??..hell how many have ya attended???...blah blah blah...lettuce be cereal, majority of you guys ain't doing anything to change, just spitting it BS and dressing it up nicely with facts and statistics...yeah let's continue being a bunch of hypocrites talking about what you "would" do to change thingsfor the better.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Ok Hank...enlighten me...what exactly is going to change?....not a damn %$++%+* act like you bringing anything more to the table tan I am because you stay up on current events and unemployment statistics....what are YOU doing to bring forward change?...I'll wait.

Lol @ you calling me arrogant.

When did I say I have all the answers? All I can do is support the nonviolent civil disobedience and I have donated to OccupyChi. What I'm not doing is trying to divide people by criticizing a movement for sheer self-aggrandizement.
But to be honest, I bank local and am a vegan (trying to be). I try to avoid corporate media and keep myself informed. I try to make threads on here that lead people to those same resources that I've found. I could do more but I also have other responsibilities. I know it's not much but if everyone was informed and educated, these protests would have started a long time ago.

Things change man. How were things better in the past? It hasn't always been like this.
I'm not doing anything, but you sound like you are looking down on people who are actually trying to use their time to fight the system because "they're powerless anyways". Honestly if you think like that you disgust me because those people are doing something that may possibly benefit us in the future while at the same time it doesn't affect you. Is the fact that they didn't make all the right choices even relevant to you at all?  Fact is it led them to fight for your rights and that's all that really matters to me and I don't need to know any of them to appreciate it.  Now if you cannot comprehend how two people who don't know each other just came up with basically the same answer than you need to really reflect on what type of person you are.  Also if women never complained and said "it is what it is" they might not be voting right now.  I'm sure plenty of women felt that fighting it was a lost cause.  Sorry bro but I think you are more off than your brain can handle.  Don't even try me because I just took you to middle school.. you sound mad uneducated.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Funny thing is that I'm a victim of this flawed system, who isn't?...#*@@ I'm part of a very bullied middle working class, I pay a ridiculous amount of taxes every paycheck, get nothing back at the end of the year, sometimes I even owe, all this while the rich get tax breaks and my tax money supports the unemployed, the people who decide to have kids with no means of supporting them, etc etc.

I ain't even mad though.

the're whining in a post where you're calling people out for whining...


and you do sound mad.

your opinion is your opinion...but calling me delusional when, as evidenced in my previous posts quoting you, you, sir, are the delusional one.

Eh...NO...I recognize there is a problem, but I'm not mad at anyone for is what it is, I'll continue playing the cards dealt to the best of my ability...I'm not gonna cry and moan about how messed up this system is.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Hold up...what exactly are any of you guys doing though???...besides arguing here with me??? many protests have ya led??..hell how many have ya attended???...blah blah blah...lettuce be cereal, majority of you guys ain't doing anything to change, just spitting it BS and dressing it up nicely with facts and statistics...yeah let's continue being a bunch of hypocrites talking about what you "would" do to change thingsfor the better.
and here is why youre being called arrogant...

never once have i said "im doing this and youre not"

i just said i find it offensive that you're ridiculing and discouraging people who are protesting the system we all agree is flawed....period

end of story

i dont have to do anything, really, to say that those actions are downright offensive...

so, again, you sound mad and delusional...and a bit arrogant.

thanks for playing, tho.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Eh...NO...I recognize there is a problem, but I'm not mad at anyone for is what it is, I'll continue playing the cards dealt to the best of my ability...I'm not gonna cry and moan about how messed up this system is.

but your justifying the inequality...

thats all youve been doing....

trynna provide sympathy for millionaires...i dont give a *@#%...i wouldnt care if the nonviolent protest turned violent, i really wouldnt..

dog eat dog world, right?

in 3rd world countries the protests are violent...since we wanna compare america to those countries where the government will let you starve...


and by the way, you were just crying and moaning about how much taxes you pay and who those taxes were just crying and moaning about a post where you say you dont cry and moan about it and anyone who does has a false sense of entitlement and are lazy...

hence, the delusional, arrogant and mad monikers we have betowed upon you.  

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by ksteezy

All I can do is support the nonviolent civil disobedience . What I'm not doing is trying to divide people by criticizing a movement for sheer self-aggrandizement.

But to be honest, I bank local and am a vegan (trying to be). I try to avoid corporate media and keep myself informed. I try to make threads on here that lead people to those same resources that I've found. I could do more but I also have other responsibilities. I know it's not much but if everyone was informed and educated, these protests would have started a long time ago. 

I don't consider myself better than anyone, let's get that !$%! straight, I believe we are all responsible for our own actions, we shape our own future...I'm sure we would all benefit from getting some sort of bail out, school loans paid off, interests dropped, tax cuts, who wouldn't love any of that?? thing is WE dug ourselves this are in debt because you put yourself there, you have a masters in some BS career because YOU chose to go that route...don't point fingers at some CEO who's doing the same thing any of us would do given the opportunity.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I'll continue playing the cards dealt to the best of my ability...

and you're calling people delusional and sheep?

am i reading this correctly?


Ok Malcolm bring forth the change!!!...son is sitting here leading an e-argument crying and not doing a damn thing about it all meanwhile calling me out for beig a "sheep" NT sure lovessss that term, you must be a rebel ^^^bro, doing big things to bring down the high paid CEO' just another nobody behind a computer screen.
Hank you really believe all those people down on wall street even know what they are fighting for? really believe a big percent of them is not just looking for a handout to make up for the wrong choices they made??...these are the only people I have an issue with, maybe I should have made that clear.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

HankMoody wrote:

All I can do is support the nonviolent civil disobedience . What I'm not doing is trying to divide people by criticizing a movement for sheer self-aggrandizement.

But to be honest, I bank local and am a vegan (trying to be). I try to avoid corporate media and keep myself informed. I try to make threads on here that lead people to those same resources that I've found. I could do more but I also have other responsibilities. I know it's not much but if everyone was informed and educated, these protests would have started a long time ago. 


Much respect to the both of you... eNPHAN, good to see you again.
I wouldn't even know where to begin with ksteezy, the arrogance and ignorance is baffling.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I don't consider myself better than anyone, let's get that !$%! straight, I believe we are all responsible for our own actions, we shape our own future...I'm sure we would all benefit from getting some sort of bail out, school loans paid off, interests dropped, tax cuts, who wouldn't love any of that?? thing is WE dug ourselves this are in debt because you put yourself there, you have a masters in some BS career because YOU chose to go that route...don't point fingers at some CEO who's doing the same thing any of us would do given the opportunity.
steezy man
its almost like youre going back and forth, you say you recognize there is a problem but then you say this basically what you have said already is that ppl (you, I, anyone, in general) you make your choices and its all on you.

so im confused on your stance do you believe we have a problem or not? deal the cards that are dealt???

dont point fingers at CEOs who would all do the same if we were given the opportunity? man dont generalize man, just like you cant generalize all the protesters, im sure there are some stupid ppl who made bad choices out there or have no work ethnic an just want a hand out but c'mon that really you behind the PC?
Originally Posted by kc24688

We dug this hole because we trusted our government though man. That isn't really fair

Trusted the government with what though...this is what I don't understand...a guarantee that if you spend xxx amount on college loans, you'll be able to double that post grad?...I seriously don't know how bad you guys have been bad.
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