Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer


God gave me the opportunity to know its wonder, to feel the love and have hope. To have free will and make choices.

Its feeling... It's like trying to explain to somebody who's never had an orgasm what is like

I don't know that's as simple as I can make it
thanks, this gives me a better idea of your thought process than a non answer

i feel more respected by you that you are able to give me a straight answer rather than avoiding the question because you dont want to offend me 

I respect you because you have attempted to answer the questions even the tough uncomfortable questions and the majority of your responses have been respectful and serious.
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[quote name="DCAllAmerican"]I don't even know why yall keep messing with Officer Friendly man. Just talk to HtG. He is level headed.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking to Friendly purposes of productive debate anymore. Strictly entertainment.

Whenever a religious discussion comes up, there are absolutely people I actually look forward to engaging because I respect their position and respect that they don't think less of 'us'.

That dude... is NOT in that company. :lol:

And I post this with full knowledge that the response will be some sort of, "Oh, I don't respect your position either, champ. :wink: ", or some other defensive retaliation. :lol:[/quote]

No you know I don't respond like that

You are entitled to your opnion and I'm glad I can amuse your existence.

Also for like 10th time I've never said I think less of "yall"
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I wonder if mister friendly mister friendly read the article.

It's rare that ESPN really posts a read-worthy article. I hope everyone takes some time to read it. Very insightful.

Really sheds some light on what Foster has faced throughout his career, and his life.

Great article.

It's really cool that his father was open-minded enough to allow Foster to ask these questions

The concept of an omnipotent being nagged at him. Why is this relationship so one-sided? Why would a loving God create evil? Why would he allow eternal damnation? Foster felt like "a contestant in his game show."

To himself.

Great to know that there are open-minded parents out there.

It's a shame that his draft stock was hurt by Tennessee because he simply wanted to be excused from team-activities that involved Sunday services at a church. Granted his pro-day showing was underwhelming due to a hamstring injury and he had a arrest for underage consumption. Still saddening to know that an atheist, or even someone of a different faith can be alienated in such a manner in this day in age, especially at a big university.

Also like the part on Forsett. That Forsett, a son of a preacher, never told Foster he was going to hell for being an atheist. That's great to see, that mutual acceptance. The two being able to be receptive and open-minded with one another. Cool dynamic.

Would've been nice to see Forsett emerge as a Texan, they would've made for quite the duo. Not often that a guy finds his game at almost 30 years of age but man Forsett is an impressive talent in his own right. I'm excited to see if he can repeat or improve on his '14 campaign under Trestman.

So many quotables, really hope everyone took the time to read through it.
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I don't even know why yall keep messing with Officer Friendly man. Just talk to HtG. He is level headed.

I posed some questions to HTG as well, he didn't answer.

I asked htg designs htg designs ...

Do you believe all non-believers are hell bound?

What about those of nontheistic religions? Or polytheistic religions? Or even other monotheistic religions?

Do you believe that good people, people who serve their community and their fellow man. People who nurture and preserve mother earth. Pacifists.

Do those people face eternal damnation for not sharing your faith?

Those born into a different culture, a different religion with little to no exposure to your faith?

What about those who were here before the advent of religion, specifically your faith. Are they damned by default?

Eagerly awaiting your ideas on this matter.

:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

I find it quite comical that when I posed those questions to htg designs htg designs , mister friendly mister friendly chimed in.

He won't answer the questions I pose him, but he'll answer questions I posed someone else.
Oh my bad. I didnt see your questions. Im sure it was in the midst of me responding to someone...

So are asking about hell and all that.
No one knows, and there aren't any other resources others than religious text.

What the Bible says is that Hell is away from God (contrast Heaven is w/ God)
So when you die you go to sleep and when Yeshua/ Jesus comes back, you are judged.
All the souls that are to go away from God is consume by the lake of fire ( a body of 'fire').
I dont think its actual fire, because without flesh, fire is harmless but Im assuming some type of dissolving effect, that just me tho.
One key think I have learned contrary to 'what pastor say' is that hell fire IS NOT FOREVER.
Meaning if you go to hell, you will not be burning for all eternity. That is a misunderstanding.
I think this is a big deal because eternal punishment for finite sin doesn't balance out. God cannot be a merciful
God and allow eternal suffering. There would have to be a way out. However, it is his judgement that is
forever. You sentenced to hell, there is no appeal process, no retrial, the case is not going to a different court.
You go away from God/hell and then and burned up by the lake of fire/ dissolved and cease to exist.
(This is what the Bible actually says when you review the attribute of hell in each instance it it brought up in scripture using Hebrew and Greek root words)
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Interesting, certainly a bit different from what the Qur'an says about Hell.

But may I ask, do those that don't adhere to Christianity, are they damned? Even if they are good people?

I don't believe you covered that.
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@HTG Designs
 do you think the concept of boredom exists in Heaven?

SInce people will be worshipping God all day, that won't get old?

Or loneliness?

I mean people die a lone everyday, even good people, religious people.

Divorced people, single people.

What about people who have married multiple times.

How does that work? When you reunite with everyone in Heaven. Will you just be eternally alone? WIll some dude just be assed out watching his former widow with the man she married after he died?

How does God sort that all out?

Will he be a match-maker?

Introduce all the single dead people with each other?

Would it be bitter-sweet? I mean it's not like you can procreate up there even if you fall in love, if you can even fall in love, can you?

Like, what about sex, straight missionary? I mean can a dude hit his chick in the stink? I mean what gives?
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I would imagine sex wouldn't exist because we all will get "new bodies." I would think those aren't physical bodies either. So we would all be ghosts?
No you know I don't respond like that

You are entitled to your opnion and I'm glad I can amuse your existence.

Also for like 10th time I've never said I think less of "yall"

You don't think we're equal and you rightfully don't think we're better, so what is it?
I would imagine sex wouldn't exist because we all will get "new bodies." I would think those aren't physical bodies either. So we would all be ghosts?

Hm, interesting.

Then, how is this life, the one we're living now, not more profound than the one we get in heaven?

This life where we love, we lose, we mourn, we cry, we fight, we win, we lose, we live and where we die. Where we feel jubilation and heart-wrenching pain.

Some religions have it that we do have physical bodies, that feel only pleasure, not pain.

So we're just deriving pleasure from simply being in the presence of God for all of eternity?
Or loneliness?

I mean people die a lone everyday, even good people, religious people.

Divorced people, single people.

What about people who have married multiple times.

How does that work? When you reunite with everyone in Heaven. Will you just be eternally alone? WIll some dude just be assed out watching his former widow with the man she married after he died?

How does God sort that all out?

Will he be a match-maker?

Introduce all the single dead people with each other?

Would it be bitter-sweet? I mean it's not like you can procreate up there even if you fall in love, if you can even fall in love, can you?

Like, what about sex, straight missionary? I mean can a dude hit his chick in the stink? I mean what gives?

Cmon man, these are ridiculous. The activities, ect, while in heaven is something nobody knows. Instead of discussing what happened in heaven the real topic is the concept of heaven and the idiology behind its purpose

Interesting, certainly a bit different from what the Qu'ran says about Hell.

But may I ask, do those that don't adhere to Christianity, are they damned? Even if they are good people?

I don't believe you covered that.

Was trying to. I hit enter too soon on my other post. Took it back. But you responded, so I put it back and will continue here.

Its not a matter of Christianity. It is a matter of the heart.
"I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings." Jer17:10
I dont matter if you go to church everyday, tithe everything, and memorize scripture. (There is nothing wrong with these things) You can call yourself whatever. Its not the label which is important but that action and the spirit in which you treat the Creator and others. That's what determines where your spirit goes after wards. The term 'good people' changes with each person you ask. Its God who doesnt change, and His standard by which we are measured by.
Cmon man, these are ridiculous. The activities, ect, while in heaven is something nobody knows. Instead of discussing what happened in heaven the real topic is the concept of heaven and the idiology behind its purpose

Aren't the activities, the people, etc, inherently tied into the concept of heaven?

I mean, the ideology behind heaven's purpose is pretty much cut and dry.

The only thing that differs from religion to religion is the people who get there and don't get there.
[quote name="Mister Friendly"]Also for like 10th time I've never said I think less of "yall"[/quote]I never said you said that.

I would never think you would be so transparent as to say a thing like that.

And like manup pointed out pages ago: there's a marked difference in "I don't think that, though" and "I didn't say that, though." You stay with the latter. :wink:
@HTG Designs
 do you think the concept of boredom exists in Heaven?

SInce people will be worshipping God all day, that won't get old?

Or loneliness?

I mean people die a lone everyday, even good people, religious people.

Divorced people, single people.

What about people who have married multiple times.

How does that work? When you reunite with everyone in Heaven. Will you just be eternally alone? WIll some dude just be assed out watching his former widow with the man she married after he died?

How does God sort that all out?

Will he be a match-maker?

Introduce all the single dead people with each other?

Would it be bitter-sweet? I mean it's not like you can procreate up there even if you fall in love, if you can even fall in love, can you?

Like, what about sex, straight missionary? I mean can a dude hit his chick in the stink? I mean what gives?

I think our 'minds' will be fully awakend and we will be floating around, operation on a different consciousness. We will look down on physical and vain things. Boredom wont exist. Just speculation my limited imagination.
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Aren't the activities, the people, etc, inherently tied into the concept of heaven?

I mean, the ideology behind heaven's purpose is pretty much cut and dry.

The only thing that differs from religion to religion is the people who get there and don't get there.

Ahh no. The concept of heaven, is it a reward? Is it happiness to its inhabitants? If the purpose of heaven is to serve God forever to whome is the happiness to? The servants or the one being served?

You see how that opens things up a bit?

That's much more complex than "we gon' hit in heaven?". Those are linear remedial questions
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Was trying to. I hit enter too soon on my other post. Took it back. But you responded, so I put it back and will continue here.

Its not a matter of Christianity. It is a matter of the heart.
"I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings." Jer17:10
I dont matter if you go to church everyday, tithe everything, and memorize scripture. (There is nothing wrong with these things) You can call yourself whatever. Its not the label which is important but that action and the spirit in which you treat the Creator and others. That's what determines where your spirit goes after wards. The term 'good people' changes with each person you ask. Its God who doesnt change, and His standard by which we are measured by.

Interesting, I've been told by Christians of various branches that I would not be allowed into the Kingdom of God unless I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

I've been told by self-described, devout Christians that non-believers, would be damned if they did not accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Even if they were truly good people.

I've been told by the same people that a bad man, a rapist, a serial-killer, could enter Heavan if he accepted, truly accepted, Jesus as his Lord and Savior in his dying moments even if he lived a life of sin.

So they were wrong, correct?
Was trying to. I hit enter too soon on my other post. Took it back. But you responded, so I put it back and will continue here.

Its not a matter of Christianity. It is a matter of the heart.
"I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings." Jer17:10
I dont matter if you go to church everyday, tithe everything, and memorize scripture. (There is nothing wrong with these things) You can call yourself whatever. Its not the label which is important but that action and the spirit in which you treat the Creator and others. That's what determines where your spirit goes after wards. The term 'good people' changes with each person you ask. Its God who doesnt change, and His standard by which we are measured by.

Interesting, I've been told by Christians of various branches that I would not be allowed into the Kingdom of God unless I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

I've been told by self-described, devout Christians that non-believers, would be damned if they did not accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Even if they were truly good people.

I've been told by the same people that a bad man, a rapist, a serial-killer, could enter Heavan if he accepted, truly accepted, Jesus as his Lord and Savior in his dying moments even if he lived a life of sin.

So they were wrong, correct?

Im nervous if I tell you what the real deal is, you will camp out in front of churches with a Bible in tow making enemies...
Ahh no. The concept of heaven, is it a reward? Is it happiness to its inhabitants? If the purpose of heaven is to serve God forever to whome is the happiness to? The servants or the one being served?

That's much more complex than "we gon' hit in heaven?"

I guess it's subjective from religion to religion.

But again, I think most religions cover the how to, and what the purpose of heaven is in their scriptures.

Muslims see heaven or "jannah" as an eternal garden of Allah. There are different levels to jannah, the highest is where the prophets and the most devout reside.

It's a place without pain, and where every desire is fulfilled.

There will be honey, milk, fruits without thorns.

Basically the purpose is to just chill with your loved ones. More or less.

So on that note, I think it's valid to ask then "welllll, if every desire is fulfilled, then how can two people share the same love?"

God gon' allow for polyandry? And folks just going to suddenly be okay with that?
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