Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

I guess it's subjective from religion to religion.

But again, I think most religions cover the how to, and what the purpose of heaven is in their scriptures.

Muslims see heaven or "jannah" as an eternal garden of Allah. There are different levels to jannah, the highest is where the prophets and the most devout reside.

It's a place without pain, and where every desire is fulfilled.

There will be honey, milk, fruits without thorns.

Basically the purpose is to just chill with your loved ones. More or less.

Yes, but the heaven of christian belief is much different and described only a few times vaguely.

Even then, the concept of heaven is a pretty deep and open ended one. Describe your perfect day (well not you but a believer). If your answer is not serving God all day then heaven may not be the place for you.

Even the concept of "everyone will be happy" doesn't make sense. Of all things described what if the one thing that makes someone happy isn't there? How then can everyone be happy?

Again, numerous questions on the conception and ideology of heaven
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Yes, but the heaven of christian belief is much different and described only a few times vaguely.

Even then, the concept of heaven is a pretty deep and open ended one. Describe your perfect day (well not you but a believer). If your answer is not serving God all day then heaven may not be the place for you.

That makes two of us Biggie Smalls, that makes two of us.
Cmon man, these are ridiculous. The activities, ect, while in heaven is something nobody knows. Instead of discussing what happened in heaven the real topic is the concept of heaven and the idiology behind its purpose
I am trying to throw the believers a bone. I told yall before, I had some SUnday School teacher tell me, "There are all the latest video games in Heaven."

Dead serious. 
I think God less nature would be a better term...atheists reject God

I think its been established that humans are born with a God less nature or the free will to make their own decisions
You didn't answer the question.

What are the characteristics of a God less human?
Cmon man, these are ridiculous. The activities, ect, while in heaven is something nobody knows. Instead of discussing what happened in heaven the real topic is the concept of heaven and the idiology behind its purpose
I am trying to throw the believers a bone. I told yall before, I had some SUnday School teacher tell me, "There are all the latest video games in Heaven."

Dead serious. :lol:
Had to stop what I was writing to :rofl:
Im nervous if I tell you what the real deal is, you will camp out in front of churches with a Bible in tow making enemies...

Breh c'mon, tell me.

Aware me.

Cats really going to go with the "I don't want to offend you" bit b?



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No you know I don't respond like that

You are entitled to your opnion and I'm glad I can amuse your existence.

Also for like 10th time I've never said I think less of "yall"

You don't think we're equal and you rightfully don't think we're better, so what is it?

I never said atheists aren't equal

I'll be more definitive for you which goes back to my non answer answer....Humanity is flawed whether atheists or the religious...there will never be a truly humane world

Believing in God offers a chance at salvation for the soul to go on...atheism offers the present reality
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I never said atheists aren't equal

I'll be more definitive for you which goes back to my non answer answer....Humanity is flawed whether atheists or the religious...there will never be a truly humane world

Believing in God offers a chance at salvation for the soul to go on...atheism offers the present reality

So, do you believe that this is as far as atheists go?

Even if they're good people?

Is fertilizer is their hereafter?

What about bad people? Rapists, murderers, if they accept Jesus as their Lord and savior, like sincerely accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and not on some Pascal's wager steez, in their dying moments, are they saved?

Also, while you're here could you maybe answer...

Do you think that atheists are amoral or of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about agnostics? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about polytheists? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

Also are all theists on par in terms of morality? Are Christians more moral than Jews, or Muslims for that matter?

Also nontheistic religions, such as buddhism. Are they amoral? Of less moral fiber than theists?
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[quote name="DCAllAmerican"]@HTG Designs
 do you think the concept of boredom exists in Heaven?

SInce people will be worshipping God all day, that won't get old?[/quote]According to the myth, people actually WON'T be bored because worshipping god is all they'll even WANT to do. :smokin
I think God less nature would be a better term...atheists reject God

I think its been established that humans are born with a God less nature or the free will to make their own decisions
You didn't answer the question.

What are the characteristics of a God less human?

Here is it is more succinctly....A God less nature would be doing whatever you pleased. The only thing that could impede you would be the laws of the society you are in.

Some characteristics could be "good" and some characteristics could be "bad"

It depends on the definition of right and wrong or good and bad
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I never said atheists aren't equal

I'll be more definitive for you which goes back to my non answer answer....Humanity is flawed whether atheists or the religious...there will never be a truly humane world

Believing in God offers a chance at salvation for the soul to go on...atheism offers the present reality

You never said they are equal either.

The question isn't about the world as a whole. It's about the individuals.

Why are you afraid to give a straight answer?
Was trying to. I hit enter too soon on my other post. Took it back. But you responded, so I put it back and will continue here.

Its not a matter of Christianity. It is a matter of the heart.
"I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings." Jer17:10
I dont matter if you go to church everyday, tithe everything, and memorize scripture. (There is nothing wrong with these things) You can call yourself whatever. Its not the label which is important but that action and the spirit in which you treat the Creator and others. That's what determines where your spirit goes after wards. The term 'good people' changes with each person you ask. Its God who doesnt change, and His standard by which we are measured by.

Interesting, I've been told by Christians of various branches that I would not be allowed into the Kingdom of God unless I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

I've been told by self-described, devout Christians that non-believers, would be damned if they did not accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Even if they were truly good people.

I've been told by the same people that a bad man, a rapist, a serial-killer, could enter Heavan if he accepted, truly accepted, Jesus as his Lord and Savior in his dying moments even if he lived a life of sin.

So they were wrong, correct?

I was writing this long drawn out explanation, pulling quotes and giving definitions and was no where near done. Ima just say, correct.
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According to the myth, people actually WON'T be bored because worshipping god is all they'll even WANT to do. :smokin

See, now, obviously that's not what brings EVERYONE happiness, can we agree on that? So what type of consciousness will people in heaven have? If its not the same as we have here on earth than you could argue that it's not "US" going to heaven.
According to the myth, people actually WON'T be bored because worshipping god is all they'll even WANT to do. :smokin

See, now, obviously that's not what brings EVERYONE happiness, can we agree on that? So what type of consciousness will people in heaven have? If its not the same as we have here on earth than you could argue that it's not "US" going to heaven.
Our senses limit us tho. They come with this body. So being of the flesh is a downgrade if you think about it.
Here is it is more succinctly....A God less nature would be doing whatever you pleased. The only thing that could impede you would be the laws of the society you are in.

Some characteristics could be "good" and some characteristics could be "bad"

It depends on the definition of right and wrong or good and bad
How is that any different than a God-full person?
According to the myth, people actually WON'T be bored because worshipping god is all they'll even WANT to do.
Do you agree with this statement. This is for you and everyone else.

People don't really WANT to go to Heaven

they just

Don't want to go to Hell.

That is what motivates Christians
Our senses limit us tho. They come with this body. So being of the flesh is a downgrade if you think about it.

How does our change of existence physically change our mental wants? Are you telling me what we want now is not what we will want in heaven? How then does it state that in heaven we will want to worship God 24/7? Technically we don't know what we will want
Do you agree with this statement. This is for you and everyone else.

People don't really WANT to go to Heaven

they just

Don't want to go to Hell.

That is what motivates Christians

Another potential fallacy in the concept of heaven. Reward or best of two possible scenarios?
I never said atheists aren't equal

I'll be more definitive for you which goes back to my non answer answer....Humanity is flawed whether atheists or the religious...there will never be a truly humane world

Believing in God offers a chance at salvation for the soul to go on...atheism offers the present reality

You never said they are equal either.

The question isn't about the world as a whole. It's about the individuals.

Why are you afraid to give a straight answer?

They are both equal as in that they both men, and man is flawed
Here is it is more succinctly....A God less nature would be doing whatever you pleased. The only thing that could impede you would be the laws of the society you are in.

Some characteristics could be "good" and some characteristics could be "bad"

It depends on the definition of right and wrong or good and bad
How is that any different than a God-full person?

A person with God in their life should use their God's Love, principles and teachings as an aid on how to live their lives, understand the world and treat others.
Our senses limit us tho. They come with this body. So being of the flesh is a downgrade if you think about it.

How does our change of existence physically change our mental wants? Are you telling me what we want now is not what we will want in heaven? How then does it state that in heaven we will want to worship God 24/7? Technically we don't know what we will want

I have no clue. lol.
When I found out about the 24/7 worship thing, I was kinda let down, like a good movie that ends bad.
"Thats the climax?" Thats how I naturally felt. But i dont ever think about that. I live for today, and that will take
care of itself. I dont believe I will have the same mind frame anyway.

I was just stating that our flesh does factor into how we think, feel, and operate.
Like when people go blind, other senses heighten and all. It changes how they are somewhat.
So losing you entire body, and having a higher level of consciousness, who knows what that is like.
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Man i wish i had time to follow this thread.. I thought my earlier post would've been /endthread but theres way to much back and forth now.

Gotta stop being closed minded guys... both atheist and religious people are too closed minded to see that they are both right and wrong.

People are pretty much energy systems... doing "good" things raises that energy. doing "bad" things lowers the energy.. God is the source. knowledge of God gives one the power to control their energy. by aligning the energy closely to its original state we can transcend our mind and body in death and become apart of the source we came from. If we destroy our mind and body during our lifespan, our energy will be useless and separated from the source and destroyed. This is religion in a nutshell.
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