Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

Man i wish i had time to follow this thread.. I thought my earlier post would've been /endthread but theres way to much back and forth now.

Gotta stop being closed minded guys... both atheist and religious people are too closed minded to see that they are both right and wrong.
People are pretty much energy systems... doing "good" things raises that energy. doing "bad" things lowers the energy.. God is the source. knowledge of God gives one the power to control their energy. by aligning the energy closely to its original state we can transcend our mind and body in death and become apart of the source we came from. If we destroy our mind and body during our lifespan, our energy will be useless and separated from the source and destroyed. This is religion in a nutshell.

I got another screen name and ainteeemknowit
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Who's being closed minded? Nobody is dismissing anything being presented. In what why can they both be right and wrong? In what why can basing your life off of proven fact and observation be wrong?? By definition you can't be wrong since it's ever growing knowledge that you do not accept until proven.

In what why is religion wrong according to you?
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Who's being closed minded? Nobody is dismissing anything being presented. In what why can they both be right and wrong? In what why can basing your life off of proven fact and observation be wrong?? By definition you can't be wrong since it's ever growing knowledge that you do not accept until proven.
The atheist side steadily attacks conflicting or unsubstantiated scriptures and the idea of an all powerful imaginary man.
  • they're right because: their is a lot of bogus or irrelevant info on what is taught in churches and mainstream organized religion. 
  • the're wrong because: their concept of what God is is flawed. If I say God is Love or God is Truth. The atheist is arguing that love and truth don't exist. Or more accurately that those things exist but they are not what God is. 
 The religious side constantly defends with surface level religious concepts but fails to see the underlying philosophy that makes religion untouchable by skeptics.
  • they're right because religion is the guideline that has led mankind to be civil, social, and moral beings. (mostly)
  • they're wrong because: they are stuck in a limited way of explaining religion and its put in a box full of rules rather than open ended and fully spiritual
Think of things like this... Do you exist? You think therefore you are. So you exist.

Your reality is created by your senses and your perception of time and space. It is limited by your sensory organs, your body and your brain functioning

the cells in your body perform what your brain is programmed to signal to them..

BUT some things we can control like wiggling your toe or flexing a muscle. some things we cant, like the path of an individual blood cell.

why? because the cell is alive..

One blood cell can't convince another that you exist, they are simply part of a system. But you do exist and you can influence their path unconsciously. When you get injured the brain will call upon those cells to perform a task.
Are near death experiences....Real or hallucinations?
Both. your consciousness is not bound to your body, but they are not happening in this plane of existence (or dimension) they happen in another spiritual plane. In physics it would be the equivalent of you going from a matter form to a wave form like light does
[quote name="Mister Friendly"]Are near death experiences....Real or hallucinations?[/quote]Both.

Some people almost died, but didn't.

Some people were nowhere close to death, but really thought they were, and would tell you that they really were.
The atheist side steadily attacks conflicting or unsubstantiated scriptures and the idea of an all powerful imaginary man.
  • they're right because: their is a lot of bogus or irrelevant info on what is taught in churches and mainstream organized religion. 
  • the're wrong because: their concept of what God is is flawed. If I say God is Love or God is Truth. The atheist is arguing that love and truth don't exist. Or more accurately that those things exist but they are not what God is. 

 The religious side constantly defends with surface level religious concepts but fails to see the underlying philosophy that makes religion untouchable by skeptics.
  • they're right because religion is the guideline that has led mankind to be civil, social, and moral beings. (mostly)
  • they're wrong because: they are stuck in a limited way of explaining religion and its put in a box full of rules rather than open ended and fully spiritual

Think of things like this... Do you exist? You think therefore you are. So you exist.
Your reality is created by your senses and your perception of time and space. It is limited by your sensory organs, your body and your brain functioning
the cells in your body perform what your brain is programmed to signal to them..
BUT some things we can control like wiggling your toe or flexing a muscle. some things we cant, like the path of an individual blood cell.
why? because the cell is alive..
One blood cell can't convince another that you exist, they are simply part of a system. But you do exist and you can influence their path unconsciously. When you get injured the brain will call upon those cells to perform a task.
Both. your consciousness is not bound to your body, but they are not happening in this plane of existence (or dimension) they happen in another spiritual plane. In physics it would be the equivalent of you going from a matter form to a wave form like light does

Just because it can't be controlled doesn't mean it can't be explained, observed, and proven. You see the difference between your example and religion correct? Also "think there for I am" doesn't mean that an idea becomes reality. I can be hungry and think I'm eating a sandwich but that doesn't create it into existence. Yes your mind crates YOUR reality but NOT Reality itself
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[quote name="sckid20"]do y'all believe that beings have "souls" tho[/quote]Me personally, and I represent me and me alone: I don't 'believe' anything.

I acknowledge what has been revealed.

I don't believe in apples. I acknowledge their existence and taste; I don't deny what I've sensed.
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what hasn't been revealed is a whole ******* lot tho.

what hasn't been revealed is what makes life interesting.

The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.

i am not religious btw.
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This hasn't been proven in regards to DMT

I mean...the visions of actually seeing dead loved ones hasn't been proven as a real occurrence either.

That's why I say I don't know, though the DMT stuff personally seems more plausible.
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See, we are "taught" what we SHOULD see if we die. So whenever someone dies and says what they saw, they might have saw a light or "god." But those things have been conditioned to be IN our heads over time. So if someone says they see it. Ok. Means nothing really
i don't believe in any of that died and saw something and came back to tell it bs.

A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.

I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the kind that we experience in ourselves. Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an individual that survives his physical death; let feeble souls, from fear or absurd egoism, cherish such thoughts. I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and a glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world, together with the devoted striving to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the Reason that manifests itself in nature.
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[quote name="sckid20"]what hasn't been revealed is a whole ******* lot tho.

what hasn't been revealed is what makes life interesting.[/quote]Agreed.

But ignorantly filling in the blanks is lazy, in my opinion.

Educated guesses/assumptions about what hasn't been revealed is obviously much different than just ignorantly filling in the blanks, but even an educated hypothesis is not a revelation.

Have I logically deduced that there are most likely aliens? Absolutely.

Do I believe that there are? I don't 'believe' anything. I acknowledge what has been revealed. It hasn't been revealed that there are aliens, so I haven't acknowledged that there are.

Back to your original question: same with souls.
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Yup. The human mind is extremely and powerfully crafted by our environment. Look at the cases of the feral children. Without human interaction they reverted back to boarderline primitive man. We are 100% taught what we know in every way. We were all a couple years of early isolation away from reverting back to primitive man.

Look at the cases of child abuse/neglect during long periods of time. Tell me what they inherently knew
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But ignorantly filling in the blanks is lazy, in my opinion.

Educated guesses/assumptions about what hasn't been revealed is obviously much different than just ignorantly filling in the blanks, but even an educated hypothesis is nut a revelation.

Have I logically deduced that there are misty likely aliens? Absolutely.

Do I believe that there are? I don't 'believe' anything. I acknowledge what has been revealed. It hasn't been revealed that there are aliens, so I haven't acknowledged that there are.

Back to your original question: same with souls.

ignorant to who??

to you?

when has filling in the blanks ever been lazy?

thats the whole purpose. People that believe in nothing will be on that existential bs and say life really has no reason.

you have to make your own reason.

I'm like you....i believe in things that are in front of me, that i can see.

but i believe there are things that i cannot see, things i am incapable of understanding...because the universe, the observable universe, beyond that, is bigger than me.

people will go back and forth till they die on this, and opinions won't not here trying to change peoples beliefs...i hate that.

because honestly, and i am 100% sure about this, nobody on here knows what happens next.

i could be wrong about what i believe in, and you could be right.

but i am happy with what i believe, so if someone else is happy with what they believe why not just let them be.

science is religion to me.
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Are people taught to be atheists? To reject God?

There's no formal place like church you can go to to learn to be an atheist. The best way to create an atheist is to give him the bible and various religious texts to read without giving them your own analysis. That's how I'll raise my children, they ain't going to church but they will have all the books at their disposal.

Just because there isn't a formal " church" to learn, it does not mean you cannot learn something
Just because there isn't a formal " church" to learn, it does not mean you cannot learn something

What notion of God did the abandoned children have? I presented that for a reason. You can't "reject" religion you can only learn it. Nobody is born with the inherent idea of religion.

So, does someone learn to reject it? The answer is NO.

You can only reject it after you've been taught it
[quote name="Mister Friendly"]Are people taught to be atheists? To reject God?[/quote]No one is born believing in God.

We aren't taught to be atheists; we are born that way, and then indoctrinated not to be.
:Lol them children ain't gon read them books. They will treat it like a toy and within 5 mins want something else after goo goo gaga spit throw up and scribble in it.
Just because there isn't a formal " church" to learn, it does not mean you cannot learn something

What notion of God did the abandoned children have? I presented that for a reason. You can't "reject" religion you can only learn it. Nobody is born with the inherent idea of religion.

So, does someone learn to reject it? The answer is NO.

You can only reject it after you've been taught it

An atheist rejects the idea of God

You could say people are born not knowing of God or "agnostic" neither believing or disbelieving in God
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