Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

U gotta have something to compare to.....right? What's Batman w/o the Joker

But I'm not one to knock how someone views things, as long as they respect the way I view things in return. My belief is being challenged, not to the point where I don't believe a higher power exists, but to the point where I can't figure out how cats pulled from Africa to be slaves never heard of the man that the White man is teaching them about. It's like being from Chicago, coming to another city/state and being told about the great things Jordan accomplished.

Ehh, that's ..... Plausible in cruel way, but actually goes in line with the christian version of gods nature. Heaven or hell, serve me now so that you can serve me forever in heaven OR have forever burn in hell. Those are the "choices" we have.

I'm with you bro. I grew up going to church every Wednesday and Sunday. As I got older I traveled and met people, ect, I saw how religion was nothing more than a cultural difference. I then did research and found the similarities, the contradictions, ect. In the end I was left with the conclusion that their is "right" religion. That notion alone busts most of western religion philosophy among others. Now looking from the outside in for the first time you see the biblical stories for what they are, STORIES. At that time I final picked up several versions of the bible and just started reading them. THAT is when everything collapsed on itself. Everything from public shaming, killing of the innocent, the destruction of earth, mans egocentrism truly began to show. The bible is a metaphor for the power of man.

Now, as I said before I'm not dismissing the idea that a God can exist, but if one does it's not at all in the sense religion explains.

That's the conclusion I'm coming to. I also believe the whole "sacrifice and serve me now for eternal life later" is a bunch of hogwash. One thing I can take from what Dr. Umar said is that Christianity is the only religion where u have that notion. Why do people have to struggle and be broke in order to receive blessings? And the whole "pray on it" or "God has a purpose for me" is a lazy cop out because people don't want to do any work to succeed. If anything, he gave you the knowledge and competence so that you can use the abilities he gave you so that you can succeed......Man, I'm gettin off topic here.

But I agree, there is a right "religion" just not what man has created. But u have to let others seek it for themselves, you can't force them to do it, and that's one thing the over-religious people don't get.
[quote name="Peep Game"l"]If he is an atheist, he's the first one I know of that hasn't stood on the highest building on earth letting everyone know everyday, like crossfitters and vegans.[/quote] Think about what you're saying.

You don't know about the quiet ones that aren't grandstanding... because they're quiet.

But do you acknowledge knowing that they're there? Nope. With what you've said, you're only acknowledging the loud ones, then wondering why they can't all be quiet.

That's my first response.

Second, does it bother you that religion is as loud as it is? Every holiday season? 'In God We Trust' on currency? 'Under God' in the pledge?

Too loud, right?
There's gotta be a huge amount of closet atheists out there man,not everyone has it in them to risk alienating themselves from their families.
Good for him (Arian). Proud somebody finally had the balls to stand up against the establishment.

People like Ray Lewis been on national television for over a decade, after they win a 'ship, like "to God be the glory," "no weapon shall prosper, " Blah blah....for years.

Earth to America: not everyone feels that way.

So excited to finally see a big name guy come out and say something that opposes the establishment...especially in TEXAS of all places. Good for him!

Just because YOU believe in god, doesn't mean that we all have to. Every mvp/championship speech doesn't have to start with "first of all I wanna thank god"
Good for him (Arian). Proud somebody finally had the balls to stand up against the establishment.

People like Ray Lewis been on national television for over a decade, after they win a 'ship, like "to God be the glory," "no weapon shall prosper, " Blah blah....for years.

Earth to America: not everyone feels that way.

So excited to finally see a big name guy come out and say something that opposes the establishment...especially in TEXAS of all places. Good for him!

Just because YOU believe in god, doesn't mean that we all have to. Every mvp/championship speech doesn't have to start with "first of all I wanna thank god"

So you want them to tailor their speeches to your beliefs? In THEIR moment of joy they shouldn't mention things that give them inspiration?

You want actors to thank your mom when they win an oscar too huh?

You sound silly fam.
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Good for him (Arian). Proud somebody finally had the balls to stand up against the establishment.

People like Ray Lewis been on national television for over a decade, after they win a 'ship, like "to God be the glory," "no weapon shall prosper, " Blah blah....for years.

Earth to America: not everyone feels that way.

So excited to finally see a big name guy come out and say something that opposes the establishment...especially in TEXAS of all places. Good for him!

Just because YOU believe in god, doesn't mean that we all have to. Every mvp/championship speech doesn't have to start with "first of all I wanna thank god"

The irony.
"Don't do this because I don't like it. Do this because I do like it."

Just because HE doesn't believe in god, doesn't mean that we all don't have to.
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I'd like to think that he was making a broader point about the whole "christian nation" narrative which has been shoved in everyone's face and not just about athletes/entertainers but I could be wrong.
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Even if he was, the irony is still there.

He wants people to celebrate according to his beliefs and not their own. He's being very hypocritical.
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where do you think you came from? And don't say monkeys, it's already been dis-proven.

Hold up, please advise when it's ever been proven we didn't evolve from primates?

college biology bro. They teach that we came from the same things apes came from. NOT that we came from apes. Hence why there are still apes. Bio teaches that we actually originated form fish. It shows how, with time lapse and conditions, that the particular fish grew limbs.

They still speak of neanderthals and homo erectus, homo habilis, but that isn't quite the ideal that is being taught outright anymore.
freeze is exposing himself and he donteemknowit  :lol:

I'm not exposing anything, I'm just speaking on a topic that cannot be proven nor dis-proven, yet. have a seat over there.

absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. Just because you don't believe in it, and you can't see it or touch it, it doesn't mean it isn't there in some capacity and influence. what does gravity look like? can you touch it? can you do anything with your 5 senses to understand gravity? no. is it there?
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It was implied.

Just because YOU believe in god, doesn't mean that we all have to. Every mvp/championship speech doesn't have to start with "first of all I wanna thank god"
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That right there shows how small man's mind is if you believes God can only focus on one thing. So God is focused on Tom Brady, meanwhile, kids are hungry.

God is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent. All seeing, all powerful, and everywhere at once.
[quote name="youngwolf"]Just because HE doesn't believe in god, doesn't mean that we all don't have to.[/quote]A statement of where he stands isn't an attempt to convert, though.[quote name="youngwolf"]He wants people to celebrate according to his beliefs and not their own. He's being very hypocritical.[/quote]Assumption.

- "I'm a Christian. Atheists are just angry, immoral, know-it-alls."

- "I hear ya. Just do you. Hopefully they stop."

- "I'm an atheist. Just don't see how anyone can believe in the god concept. Makes no sense to me."



How 'bout this?

"I'm a Christian. The Lord is so good. I pray everyone can feel his presence."


"I'm an atheist. Just don't see how anyone can believe in the god concept. Makes no sense to me."

- "Cool."
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