Arrow TV

Ollie the hero let's me down like Barry the regular guy. If only we could combine Barry's hero chops with Ollie's ability to get buns.
This death is a trojan horse. Lull Darkh into a false sense of security.

I dunno the showrunners are pretty adamant that it's 100% for real D-E-A-D. On the other hand it was kind of fishy how she says to Oliver "promise me....." the camera cuts away and then 30 seconds later she's dead. That's either a fake-out or some bad writing IMO to not show what she says to him.
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Not buying it. She went from being fine, to the a secret talk, to dying.

Poor Capt Lance. I thought he was going to have a heart attack.
Laurel's final words could have consisted of many things but it appears that the reveal won't come before season 4 wraps. What Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim did confirm is that Laurel's request wasn't to fake her death, so it appears that the character is well and truly dead.

"No, no. We've done that. We've done a fake death before. And that's the thing, it's like we're always you know trying to figure out, what's the way to do this? You know that fake out when she was okay and then she wasn't, was again our attempt, you know? How do we do a death that we haven't done before?"
Technically since the Arrowverse introduced time travel as a plot element (The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow), they can realistically resurrect Laurel if they wanted to via a future crossover episode involving time travel with either The Flash, the Legends of Tomorrow crew, or everyone all at once.

Whether the producers want to do it or not is up to them.........but the producers are pricks and probably won't
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where are all this Laurerl love coming from all of a sudden?

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