Arrow TV

Haven't watched the show since my last post but seems like it should be cancelled :lol: Just going off what I'm reading from yall posts.

I mean either that Flash ending reboots this show or end it.

Give me a Mr. Terrific or Martian Manhunter show as a replacement :pimp: :nerd:
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What an awful season. I think theyre gonna shake things up for next season though. As in new team arrow members, old ones gone.
Something has to change. I wont start watching it, Ill wait for comments online if its good again :rolleyes
Have to be honest, just watched the finale and that bit where Oliver gets on top of a car and gets the attention of an entire street full of panicked people by saying "Hey" was one of the worst things i've ever seen. His speech to the city that followed wasn't much better, nor was that pep talk that Curtis gave him beforehand. Then there's that ending fight in the street like they were trying to recreate Dark Knight Rises :smh: Best part of this season really might have been the flashbacks and that's only because I thought the ones from Season 3 were just that bad. Darkh and his Ghosts wore out their welcome fairly quickly for me and the fact that the heroes didn't even think to look for a way to counteract his powers till nearly the end of the season was too stupid to even call it funny. And there's nothing compelling about a villain who can't really be challenged. I don't see how Season 5 is supposed to redeem the show after this.
There was no tie in or lead off to the next season like there was with Flupergirl of tomorrow except Oli becoming mayor
Which makes me think the writers dont know which direction they wanna take the series for next season.
It boggles the mind when you think about how amazing season 1 was. Ive been having flashbacks of it today. Top notch writing, great story, good acting.
Season 2 wasnt bad, everything after was straight turds to me
"Let's see here... The finale was filled with plot holes. Like where the f--k do thousands of nukes in mid-flight go? How did Oliver channel his magic from the hope of the citizens? How did Darhk's powers powered by tens of thousands of souls just go limp **** in 2 seconds, yet he was able to kill Felicity's ex from far away? And the final fight scene? What the f--k was that? The final fight scene was ****. They're both highly trained in martial arts and they're just trading punches in the face back and forth? The f--k? Did the action scene choreographer take time off or what? Worst season finale ever." - mkd87

"Felicity directly speaking to this sub when she said "you think I was leaving? not a chance" lmaoo" - batfleck2015

"Arrow has become the awkward cousin no one speaks about." - iArrow
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This too much :rofl:

People are mad. Hope Berlanti listens.
As I've said before, the writers should just throw Oliver and Digs in Earth 2 and start over.
If they start over again it'll just turn to crap again in a season or two. It's like the writers stopped caring.
Felicity is the problem honestly. The dude in charge is hell bent on making Oliver & Felicity a super couple so everything has suffered as a result.
They probably think felicity is popular and the fans love her but she's been annoying for a long time.
If they start over again it'll just turn to crap again in a season or two. It's like the writers stopped caring.

How many seasons is Arrow supposed to last? I remember when I first started the show (Halfway through Season 2) my friend mentioned that there had been an announcement of it going for 5 seasons and that the flashbacks would then be ending where the first episode started.
I believe I read somewhere there's a plan to do 7 seasons. I hope they end before that though.
Give us a new show with a new super hero.
Don't know that I could put up with three more seasons that are the same quality as Season 4 :smh:
If they start over again it'll just turn to crap again in a season or two. It's like the writers stopped caring.
TBH I read that the main writer actually got siphoned off to focus on jump starting the first season of Legends of Tomorrow... So that just might explain the terribleness of this season, I hope
the show can only be saved if Talia al Ghul is introduced next season and only if she's smokin.

Well per Legends of Tomorrow she already exists anyways. Strange how she was nowhere to be seen during the death of her father, the civil war within the League of Assassins, the dissolution of the League, and the rise of her father's enemy Damian Darkh. Worst daughter ever.
Can cw shows even use Talia? It seems weird that they'll use well known characters like r'as and deathstroke but not Talia or even Harley Quinn who they just teased in the introduction of suicide squad. She was locked up in a cell right next to the other members but just left in there.
Can cw shows even use Talia? It seems weird that they'll use well known characters like r'as and deathstroke but not Talia or even Harley Quinn who they just teased in the introduction of suicide squad. She was locked up in a cell right next to the other members but just left in there.

like poster above you said, they already showed a young version of her in legends of tomorrow so yes they can use her
the show can only be saved if Talia al Ghul is introduced next season and only if she's smokin.

Leave em alone!! Get his own characters

Haven't watch this show since season 2 but cant believe they killed of black canary cause of tumblr girls :smh: :lol: Felicity had better chemistry wit Barry
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