Arrow TV

I'm hoping legends of tomorrow can be a good replacement show. Their villain and storyline should've been way better than it was.
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I hate this show but I keep watching. I hoped they got Laurel outta there and they did. My hope is that Dig keeps killing and somehow Felicity is hit by a truck.
Is Captain Lance still alive? I thought the stress of his daughters always dying would eventually put him in the grave or go on one final drinking bender.
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Is Captain Lance still alive? I thought the stress of his daughters always dying would eventually put him in the grave or go on one final drinking bender.

Yes he is. Though he probably should have had some type of heart attack after Laurel died.

I'm hoping that going forward the writers get it together, figure out that Oliver and Felicity don't work and that nobody wants to see that **** anymore, and just keep the two separated, but still cordial for work if nothing else. Also hoping that this new team of heroes ends up being good. Though I would also have been perfectly fine had they trimmed the shows fat and just had Oliver going it alone again for a while.
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Thanks for the preview but I think this show is toast. Nothing in that trailer gave me any hope.
Trailer did the exact opposite of convincing me to watch this season. It's convinced me to not watch it.
She had fans? Damn. A lot has changed since I stopped watching this show.

Laurel is a pretty sympathetic character if you go back and rewatch the first 3 seasons. The writers really did a good job in how they pushed Oliver & Felicity which made the viewer unconsciously hate Laurel more since she was competition to Felicity for Oliver's affection.

It was so weird seeing how they just piled on her week after week. First watch she just comes off as a nag who was bitter and always complaining. But during that rewatch she was pretty justified in most of her actions, misguided sometimes but well intentioned.
I never developed hate for, I just always liked Sarah so much better. The show made her an alcoholic then the storyline with brother blood and her accusing him and everyone thinking she was crazy was a lot. Then she became the subject of jokes when she started to be a crime fighter. Black Canary is such a connected character to arrow and it's weird they killed her off.
Only reason she became an alcoholic was because that harlot Sarah came back and jumped right back into bed with Oliver and Oliver was just like Deal woth It :rofl:

Sarah's such a horrible sister :rofl:
the struggle canary cry is just laughable, sad and pathetic all at the same time
Stopped caring for Laurel in Season 2 when she became a pill popping junkie. She never won my affection back after that. Her attempts to become a hero in Season 3 to cope with her sister's death were admirable, but annoying, and seeing her get that *** whooped the first time she tried to just go be a hero made more sense than most things that have happened in this series. Season 4 she was just there. Olicity was on full blast by then, so Laurel got drowned out and didn't really do much.

Really never cared for Sarah. I mean, she ****** her sister's boyfriend out of jealousy, lust or whatever other emotion she was feeling and I thought her being dead was a satisfactory element to the story's background. I then didn't find her that compelling when she returned. Best thing to come out of that was Nyssa and the League in my opinion. Didn't feel a thing when she died, except maybe satisfaction, and I was disappointed when she returned to life. Glad they put her over on Legends however and the same goes for Ray. He was another waste of space.

Never cared for Felicity. Thought she was overrated from the jump just because the writers went out of their way to make her extra awkward and quirky. People ate that **** up like foxes raiding a hen house. Over the years she has sucked screentime from other characters until she was only receiving less time than Oliver. :smh: It's painful to watch, because it's so damn clear how much the writing team likes her, but they just don't have what it takes to actually make her likeable. ***** is constantly judging and talking down to other people these days. Has my man Oliver chasing after her, crying over her, and treating her as if she's some gift from God, when every single love interest he's had before her has not only looked better, but been a more interesting character. That background as a hacker, her mommy issues, her romance with Ray Palmer, all trash. Most interesting thing about her to date has been the reveal of her father as a master criminal. Oliver and Diggle have really had a rough time picking up her slack over the years.
All of these new characters just reaks of desperation, throwing as much against the wall to see what sticks
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