As of today......Android marketshare >>> Apple Marketshare

Aug 1, 2004

Android Rockets Past iPhone To Snag 28% Market Share Posted by Peter Ha May 10, 2010 at 11:42 am The NPD Group has just released its Q1 2010 numbers and Android has slipped into the number 2 slot behind RIM and ahead of the iPhone. Based on strong sales of the Droid, Eris and Incredible from partners like Verizon Wireless, Google's mobile OS claimed 28 percent of the market while RIM retained the crown with a 36 percent share Apple's iPhone claimed 21 percent of the market for the number 3 slot. Wait. Android has a 28 percent market share? Didn't comScore report a 9 percent market share Didn't comScore report a 9 percent market share for Android in Q1 of 2010? If it wasn't the NPD reporting these numbers, I probably wouldn't pay reporting these numbers, I probably wouldn't pay attention. It's also worth noting that there's been an influx of Android devices across all carriers in the last few months. And the argument that consumers are holding out for the next generation iPhone is a bit of a stretch. There's a small group of technophiles and fanboys that keep tabs on rumors surrounding Apple. The general public doesn't care and they're more concerned with snatching up an iPhone for $99 rather than $199.
What do people expect? Android is on dozens of phones and on multiple carriers in the U.S. As opposed to Apple's OS, which is on only one phone and only one carrier in the U.S.
this dude is a straight google fanboy 
I have a Droid and I am very satisfied and impressed with its features. I'm not surprised that it is surpassing the iphone. The iphone and it's animations may be sleeker, but as far as practicality goes, the Droid is top notch.
Yeah, you can't compare a company with multiple phone options vs another company that sells just one phone. That should be obvious, no?
Whichs leads me to my next point.... adobe is optimizin' flash

For blackberry & android devices..which is da majority of da

Cell phone does apple plan to strong arm da

industry when their already lookin like da clear minority in da

that, and as well as the cheaper phone/plan for the droid.. i as well have a droid, but still think the numbers of the marketplace to the eye are apparent why they are higher
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yeah, you can't compare a company with multiple phone options vs another company that sells just one phone. That should be obvious, no?

umm we do it all da time..... ( PC. VS MAC)
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yeah, you can't compare a company with multiple phone options vs another company that sells just one phone. That should be obvious, no?

umm we do it all da time..... ( PC. VS MAC)
well done
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yeah, you can't compare a company with multiple phone options vs another company that sells just one phone. That should be obvious, no?

umm we do it all da time..... ( PC. VS MAC)
We never discuss their MARKETSHARE genius, its usually about the product themselves.

My bad.

I meant

We neva discuss da MARKETSHARE fool, its usually about da products demselves.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yeah, you can't compare a company with multiple phone options vs another company that sells just one phone. That should be obvious, no?
Word, I have a Android phone as well, but you can't compare a multitude of phones to a singular phone. That's like comparing tree to a sprout.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yeah, you can't compare a company with multiple phone options vs another company that sells just one phone. That should be obvious, no?
umm we do it all da time..... ( PC. VS MAC)
The 2 iPhones that are sold are just about a year and 2 years old. 2 phones. How many android phones are out on how many different networks?

Don't flatter yourself from old technology.

See you in about 2 months when the new iPhone releases.
android still doesnt have a world presence, unlike the iphone. And i'm not saying the iphone is any better but the US market is only 8% of the world. With 28%of 8% that is nothing compared to 40+ % of Symbian.
Originally Posted by proper english

so ninjahood, do you honestly believe that Apple will crumble within 5 or so years? 

im old enuff to remember when they almost did ( windows 95 onslaught)

We never discuss their MARKETSHARE genius, its usually about the product themselves.


marketshare = relevance just like in da computer world where most applications are windows compatible and apple

software is way less abundant...i see a repeat course in da mobile world if apple doesn't start releasing its death grip and let people

install what they want on phones they pay money on...that closed system sucks.
Originally Posted by rashi

Apple's profits > Android's profits
Another ignorant post by an ignorant NTer. Saying the first thing that pops into your head without any mention of facts, figures, or any indicator not dealing with his own personal preferences.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yeah, you can't compare a company with multiple phone options vs another company that sells just one phone. That should be obvious, no?

umm we do it all da time..... ( PC. VS MAC)
We never discuss their MARKETSHARE genius, its usually about the product themselves.

My bad.

I meant

We neva discuss da MARKETSHARE fool, its usually about da products demselves.

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yeah, you can't compare a company with multiple phone options vs another company that sells just one phone. That should be obvious, no?

umm we do it all da time..... ( PC. VS MAC)
It's not the same thing for both computers and/or phones.

Two computer operating systems - Mac OS and Windows (XP, Vista, 7)

  • Apple manufactures one operating system for their line of computers that only they and very limited re-sellers sell
  • Multiple companies manufacture computers with Windows that can be found practically anywhere

Two phone operating systems - OS and Android
  • Apple manufacturers one phone with their own operating system. Only one carrier is authorized
  • Multiple companies manufacture phones with Android and sell it across multiple carriers
Originally Posted by Hizzle

What do people expect? Android is on dozens of phones and on multiple carriers in the U.S. As opposed to Apple's OS, which is on only one phone and only one carrier in the U.S.
i totally knew ninjahood was gonna post this

Its expected for the iPhone to lose marketshare at this time of year, why? the majority of people should know, because every summer a new iphone comes up

on top of that, android has HTC alone producing like 10 android devices for all 4 carriers, and thats just HTC alone

but anyways its no use to argue with ninjahood, dude did months of research before copping his nexus 1, to him, any phone in his pocket is the greatest phone ever
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