Asian Culture Discussion Thread

You better do your elderly duty and slap them collectively for listening to garbage like drake
the 20 year olds now are listening to acts like Smokepurpp and Marshmello. it makes me almost long for the days of Drake

Thoughts? :nerd:

SUPPOSEDLY shes the sister of the asian cop, Tou Thao seen with Derek chauvin during the murder.
She got to disown her brother too.

A random post on Facebook claims that the wife of arrested cop is sister to cop’s partner.
Based on the fact both share same Hmong ancestry and what? Ok that’s effing brilliant.
Didn’t realize now we all look alike and are all related.
What does this even have to do with horrible death of victim George Floyd?
So people like Tanner can feed their idiotic hate on Asian people.
Let not play that game.

This what Im working with
The other day I was working out at the elementary school playground. A Karen came up to me and asked me what grade I’m in because campus is closed and I should be SIP. Then she got a closer look at me and said “oh you’re not a kid, I thought you go here”. I’m about 5’11” and near 180lbs...what elementary kid is this size? I guess my Asian face makes me look like a kid.

what Karen saw vs what she thought...




5'11" lucky *** hole you!! but what you're telling me is that the fountain of youth is really just shooting out little MSG crystals?
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