asian kids beatup white kid vol black friends run

myCHENNY wrote:
i didnt get what happened during the "time for revenge" half of the video

Nothing....dudes were scared to help their boy out during his #*@ beating, and probably went back to salvage what pride they still had left. Upon gettingthere, they were still shook and stood across the street talking their mouths off until the police were called. This was probably the likely scenario. Patheticall around.
Originally Posted by piczon1983

Originally Posted by JiveTurkey813

Lol the Bosnian had the Jackie Chan looking fool beat from the get go... His gang had to jump in with 2 X 4's looking like the asian hacksaw jim duggans hahaha...


i loved the part where the video ends
Asian dude was just steamed the white guy got him on the ground so he got his homeys to jump in.....I hate it when people jump in when's their damn fight and they picked it so let them end themselves
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

LOL @ Utica.

And in NY, you don't mess with Bosnians or Albanians.

Basically. I wouldn't be surprised if two Suburbans rolled up to this crib in the middle of the night with machetes and duct tape.
haha thats wussup.

if you start a fight with some hood believe you gonna get jumped or something worse.
Good job dumb %#$#$, all of you just incriminated yourself on video.

When the @%*+ is Jesus returning? The youth of America need him ASAP.
Whats up with white boy doing UFC? He had asian kid in side control

More holding then blows.
i wouldnt lie you beat me like that you better finish the job cuz im coming back with guns

@ them dudes jumpin in a one on one fight

@ the pops actin like his kids had nothing to do with why they came back top his house
Originally Posted by JiveTurkey813

Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

haha thats wussup.

if you start a fight with some hood believe you gonna get jumped or something worse.

They weren't hood at all... 1 step above Malibu's Most Wanted... Kids need to stop thinking real life is GTA IV XBox Live..... Someone back in that city should teach them a lesson before they start robbing the 7-Elevens
i was generally speaking.

looks like they were just some neighbor hood kids though.
Only 1 Asian to come through and say they are "embarrassed."

If it was black people "We can do better...we are failing as a people..."

Us blacks need to be like others and ignore the negative if it does not represent us personally.
LMAO this is how it was when i used to be young, except we were jumping on somalian kids
honestly this is the most pathetic fighting video i've ever jumping is sad enough but every single one of those frail chumps had an object intheir hand.....them some true jokes
if you call 1 on 1 then its ones all day... but if no one said %%** you better believe i aint letting my boy go down like that.. ride for your hood/block... ifyou let one guy come up on your street and do damage.. you better believe that anyone think that they can come through...
the stick and bats was not a good look... fist fight is a fist fight... if one guy is gonna get you on the ground with his hands you better do the is afraid to man up these days...
Punk +@+ friends like your boy get caught like that. Punk +@+ get who cant fight who acts tough when his friends save his +@+
Also to add...

Notice how homeboy who was getting beat up in the beginning didn't really want it, but as soon as he seen backup coming out of the crib and seen that hehad help all of a sudden dude grows some balls, has all the heart in the world, and seems to have courage again...dumb %@! what are you going to do when yourfriends aren't around and you get caught out there alone.

Like someone else said earlier in the thread... if I was to get done like how they did that white kid in the pink shirt then I better not leave there... finishthe job!

Also, like kdwallace said the dude hitting him with the bat over the head and across the face is lucky he didn't get hit with attempted murder charges...

I've acted way more reckless than this though... way more, but I never did no punk $++# and jumped anyone or jumped them with weapons, but I have done myfair share of bad stuff... I always did my dirt all by my lonely or waited till the situation died down and dudes was sleeping.
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