Asian males=no respect vol. Hollywood

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Diego

Can we find Latino or Black people playing major roles in the Asian entertainment industry?

Ignorant question, but Imjussayin.
but OP's talking about America. If he was talking about how Asian people cant get movies in Venezuela or Nigeria it would be different.

Well the parallel is obvious. You are asking why Asian people don't get top billing in America, over other racial groups of American people, in America.

What? He's asking why Asians are given a bad light in American media, not why they aren't dominating Hollywood. And I dont know why you bolded Asianand American as if to seperate them like they cant coexist.
Would it be possible to have a discussion on racism between Asians and other minorities (i.e African Americans, Latinos)?


Is NT too childish for that?
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Would it be possible to have a discussion on racism between Asians and other minorities (i.e African Americans, Latinos)?


Is NT too childish for that?
naw, we can... just not in this thread, and not with OP around
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Diego

Can we find Latino or Black people playing major roles in the Asian entertainment industry?

Ignorant question, but Imjussayin.
but OP's talking about America. If he was talking about how Asian people cant get movies in Venezuela or Nigeria it would be different.

Well the parallel is obvious. You are asking why Asian people don't get top billing in America, over other racial groups of American people, in America.

What? He's asking why Asians are given a bad light in American media, not why they aren't dominating Hollywood. And I dont know why you bolded Asian and American as if to seperate them like they cant coexist.
Asia and America (North) are too different continents, are they not? It's not about coexisting. It's about the obviousness that everythingin America would be biased towards Americans, because they are from America and that this phenomenom is not exclusive to America.
To my fellow asian, don't worry asian stars will be coming to the US soon. If you didn't know the Korean pop sensation known as Rain will be starringin a Wachowski Brothers film. This is the same dude that rejected Megan Fox's request for a night out in the city.

There is that other Korean dude named Daniel Henney who is starring in an American drama on NBC right now.

Excuse me for the !#$$ pics.
Originally Posted by shaolin

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Would it be possible to have a discussion on racism between Asians and other minorities (i.e African Americans, Latinos)?


Is NT too childish for that?
naw, we can... just not in this thread, and not with OP around
I don't think we can to be honest. I think of myself as very understanding of other races and the forms of racism they have to overcome. And Imany times find stuff Asians people complain about to be trivia, or not that big a deal.
And I know many people think the same way. For exmaple this thread, complainingabout Hollywood portraying Asians poorly like "fresh off the boat" stereotype I can understand, but complaining why Hollywood has not pushed out aAsian sex symbol to me is trivial. And knowing how blacks are portrayed in the Asian media kinda makes me not really give a %!*@ even more
. Sorry, but that's how I feel.
Do you really wanna know the answer? It's $$$$$$$. Stay with me on this. America is roughly 70% white, so numerically speaking, caucasian is thedominant race of this country. Think of it like this: Why arent't there many white/black actors in films produced out of Asia? Because they are tryingto appeal to the market available to them. It's just pure numbers: roughly 70% white, 15%hispanic, 12% black, 1% Asian, etc... From a business standpoint, would you market to the 70% or the 1%...which customers are you trying to make happy?

As far as the stereotypes are concerned, yes they are there in hollywood and no i dont agree with them.

But fat, bald, white people in hollywood arent exactly sex symbols either fam. Do you want the fat, bald, white people to start casting stones as to why theydont have a sex symbol?
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Diego

Can we find Latino or Black people playing major roles in the Asian entertainment industry?

Ignorant question, but Imjussayin.
but OP's talking about America. If he was talking about how Asian people cant get movies in Venezuela or Nigeria it would be different.

Well the parallel is obvious. You are asking why Asian people don't get top billing in America, over other racial groups of American people, in America.

What? He's asking why Asians are given a bad light in American media, not why they aren't dominating Hollywood. And I dont know why you bolded Asian and American as if to seperate them like they cant coexist.
Asia and America (North) are too different continents, are they not? It's not about coexisting. It's about the obviousness that everything in America would be biased towards Americans, because they are from America and that this phenomenom is not exclusive to America.
Okay, what about Asian-Americans?
Originally Posted by Gello 201

Do you really wanna know the answer? It's $$$$$$$. Stay with me on this. America is roughly 70% white, so numerically speaking, caucasian is the dominant race of this country. Think of it like this: Why arent't there many white/black actors in films produced out of Asia? Because they are trying to appeal to the market available to them. It's just pure numbers: roughly 70% white, 15%hispanic, 12% black, 1% Asian, etc... From a business stand point, would you market to the 70% or the 1%...which customers are you trying to make happy?

As far as the stereotypes are concerned, yes they are there in hollywood and no i dont agree with them.

But fat, bald, white people in hollywood arent exactly sex symbols either fam. Do you want the fat, bald, white people to start casting stones as to why they dont have a sex symbol?
did you even think before posting this nonsense?
seems pretty offensive to equate asian americans with fat, bald, white people in terms of eligibility as hollywood sex symbols.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Diego

Can we find Latino or Black people playing major roles in the Asian entertainment industry?

Ignorant question, but Imjussayin.
but OP's talking about America. If he was talking about how Asian people cant get movies in Venezuela or Nigeria it would be different.

Well the parallel is obvious. You are asking why Asian people don't get top billing in America, over other racial groups of American people, in America.

What? He's asking why Asians are given a bad light in American media, not why they aren't dominating Hollywood. And I dont know why you bolded Asian and American as if to seperate them like they cant coexist.
Asia and America (North) are too different continents, are they not? It's not about coexisting. It's about the obviousness that everything in America would be biased towards Americans, because they are from America and that this phenomenom is not exclusive to America.
Okay, what about Asian-Americans?
They make up what % of the population/market?
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Diego

Can we find Latino or Black people playing major roles in the Asian entertainment industry?

Ignorant question, but Imjussayin.
but OP's talking about America. If he was talking about how Asian people cant get movies in Venezuela or Nigeria it would be different.

Well the parallel is obvious. You are asking why Asian people don't get top billing in America, over other racial groups of American people, in America.

What? He's asking why Asians are given a bad light in American media, not why they aren't dominating Hollywood. And I dont know why you bolded Asian and American as if to seperate them like they cant coexist.
Asia and America (North) are too different continents, are they not? It's not about coexisting. It's about the obviousness that everything in America would be biased towards Americans, because they are from America and that this phenomenom is not exclusive to America.
No what im saying is do you think Asian Americans dont exist? You keep seperating them like American is a race.
Originally Posted by Shadyo5o


Your point is? What dey do negro?
like i sed swag is on a hundred trillion
Hey look! It's Jackie Chan!

btw no one cares you can say the N word and bond, you said that like 5 times already

btw, im asian
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

What? He's asking why Asians are given a bad light in American media, not why they aren't dominating Hollywood. And I dont know why you bolded Asian and American as if to seperate them like they cant coexist.
Asia and America (North) are too different continents, are they not? It's not about coexisting. It's about the obviousness that everything in America would be biased towards Americans, because they are from America and that this phenomenom is not exclusive to America.
Okay, what about Asian-Americans?
They make up what % of the population/market?
Little over 4%.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

OP might be the lamest human on this forum.

Originally Posted by rafiki zeeki

One time in middle school..i walked on the bus all late after school..

Ugly Loud Black Girl: Hey look yall, it's Goku!
Me: hahaha, thanks my friends call me Kakarot.
ULBG: nah man, imma just call u Jet Li, how bout dat???
Me: man, shut up with your Clipse lookin %**
My homie near the back started doing the "Grindin" beat..
(more laughter)
Me: =)
ULBG: =(

in conclusion, she looked like the Clipse.

cool (probably made-up story) bro. too bad clipse is a rap group, not one person.
OP is an ugly dude and act like he really got it going
. You're the reason other races stereotype Asian with slant eyes/ nerdy / short/ unattractive
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

seems pretty offensive to equate asian americans with fat, bald, white people in terms of eligibility as hollywood sex symbols.

Did I compare? I threw out another type of person who gets zero love in hollywood. It was an extreme example to get my point across.
Edit* What are you, some kind of E-Bully? On this page alone you are tryna beef with a couple people. Really?
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

What? He's asking why Asians are given a bad light in American media, not why they aren't dominating Hollywood. And I dont know why you bolded Asian and American as if to seperate them like they cant coexist.
Asia and America (North) are too different continents, are they not? It's not about coexisting. It's about the obviousness that everything in America would be biased towards Americans, because they are from America and that this phenomenom is not exclusive to America.
Okay, what about Asian-Americans?
They make up what % of the population/market?
Little over 4%.
While white and black Americans, whom the OP assumes get more respect in American media, make up around 80% Seems pretty obvious which groupHollywood would attempt to cater to most.

Similarly, if a black person where to go to Asia, he'd be asking the same question and again it'd be a stupid one
Originally Posted by Orange Soda Man

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

10/06/09: The Asian community has placed Shadyo5o on the trading block. Looking for cash considerations.


[typical NT response] end well this will not [/typical NT response]
an Asian actor's perspective fwiw

Now, I'm a little older, I've worked within the studio system, and I realize, it's nothing personal. It's about economics.
The best advice I ever got was from a Jewish American agent, and he said, "Look Sung, I don't care what color you are. If you can make me money, you could be blue. It doesn't matter. You don't have to speak one word of English. If you can make money for us, you're going to be put into movies." And a lot of people point fingers at the actors and say how could you take this role, but Asian Americans need to step back and take a look at themselves. Besides the educated filmgoer, the general public doesn't care about Asian Americans. They're not going to go out to buy a ticket because there are Asian American actors or an Asian American director. Paramount showed us this chart: Caucasians, African Americans, Hispanics. And we asked them, where's the yellow part? And they said there is none, because Asians consume like Caucasians. You guys buy, you dress, you read and you're educated like white people. There's no demand for it.

When Better Luck Tomorrow was released, less than 5% of the ticket sales were from Asian Americans. So we also go, maybe it's because of lack of content. And there has been. Slowly though, [as with] Tokyo Drift and The Motel. I've realized that with the younger generation, there is this demand for someone to identify with. So I think there is positive change. But you can talk or argue, and you end up going in circles.
All minorities face gotta live with it.

This is exactly the type of mentality that keeps minorities down. This is not the way life is supposed to be, it would have been sad if Martin Luther King orCesar Chavez along with their thousands of followers had the same mentality as you. I can already picture it..."Oh, black people are getting discriminatedbut hey, we're minorities and that's how life is so we just have to accept it" or "Well, latinos working in the fields are being takenadvantage by owners but hey, we're minorities and we should just suck it up..." My point is that if we come to accept that it is okay for a minorityto be mistreated, then we already lost the battle
Originally Posted by Shadyo5o

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by Shadyo5o
Hey it's all about how you carry yourself...When I first saw Rush Hour and Jackie got attacked in the pool hall scene....I was confused...Also reading some topics on NT a long time ago and it was "Do Black people get offended when other races call you the N word"...i was shocked to see so many people offended...I've never even been given the stank eye for saying it....nor have i ever been questioned on what i just said....

You've never been questioned, nor have you been given the "stank eye" for using the N word simply because you associate with ignorant blackpeople/people in general--point black. And as the old saying goes--"birds of the same feather flock together" guess what that makes you.

You would never get away with saying the N word around me or my friends. Why--because "N" is an accursed word toward the entire black diaspora andout of self respect for myself and ourselves, we would never allow someone like you, or any one for that matter, to use that word in such a blithe anddisregarding manner.

Any person with a sliver of intelligence, and an ounce of historical curiosity, could tell you that the N word has ALWAYS BEEN a negative term used to addressblack people. That said, any person--inherent and/or extrinsic to the black community--who uses that term knowing quite well, the history of that particularword, and the efforts made by previous generations of blacks to dissociate from that very word, is nothing short of disrespectful and callous.

This thread looked like it could have had potential but your brash stupidity, OP, proved to be too much.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Edit:[/color]

I hope you get BANNED soon if you continue with crap like this...

Furthermore, is it me or are the newly approved October members all nutty as %#$*

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