Asics Love?!? Where is it?

never in a million years would I pre order a release and pay resale. ill take my chances. 
I hear you, but I've just never had luck with online drops, and Saturdays don't work for me to chill in a line.  I'd rather over pay a bit to lock it up.  All the power to peeps who enjoy waiting in line and scooping at retail, I'd just rather play softball in the park haha.
wasn't that 350?
Yup - $350
Don't a lot of pre-order deals end up getting canceled so they can then just jack up the price higher?
Idk if you could cancel the preorder but there are 2 guys on ebay asking 330 and they both messaged back and said theyd do it for 300...just fyi
Gonna give Sole Value a shot and see what up.  I've heard they're legit so just gonna see this one through.  Good looks though.
packer didnt sell out instore of dirty bucks, they just decided to stop at a random *** number... I have a feeling cncpts gonna actually be pretty fair about this release
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it is...... Wednesday.... 

wouldn't that be very abnormal for an Asics release, i know that dude waited a week for the salmon toes, but holy hell. 

i just dont get how some people can "work" (for all intents and purposes) for 3 days straight to make what... 200 bucks max? 

C R A Z Y 
My heart goes out to all these kids and lurkers hoping to "get lucky" on saturday and are fully unaware of SM...... MUUUUWAHAHAHAHAHA
if you're a sz 7.5 you be alright, SM tosses out like 20 of those links per release

Any chance of getting these on discount or should i go ahead and pull the trigger becuz they sitting right here in front of me
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