Asics Love?!? Where is it?


Couple shots up on eBay.
Definitely doesnt look like the same netting used on the Vanquish's. Looks more like the netting materials used on a Veil/TuTu
Damn the Guardians just became a pass for me... Wish they were actually snow camo.

Kinda hoping it's just the reflection of the flash playing tricks on me right now...
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perhaps they're called guardians cuz that looks like some super small chainmail? :nerd: LOL!
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just realized the outside stripes on these are 3M (and the heel)...

can't wait for my pair to come!

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perhaps they're called guardians cuz that looks like some super small chainmail? :nerd: LOL!

That's actually along the lines of what I thought:

I like those army green Bait GLIII (not sure of the name) but I also liked the Vanquish and wanted to get them.

Someone had mentioned that the camo on this 2nd pair is covered with a material, I think they said mesh-like, that's in the vector logo of the Vanquish...any idea if that's true or detailed shots of each?

Actually, I found this...the material in the middle and the 2 spots along the mudguard where there is 3m on a lot of GLIII:

You're right, it's NOT 3M/reflective tape, it's metal mesh (think like your window screen, or for the blazers...pipe screen...heh!)

I'm tempted to cut it out...see how the shoe looks w/o the mesh in middle of the tiger stripes. the name is Guardian. Anyone know where this concept came from, the Vanquish/Guardian thing? If it's really a metal mesh could that make sense if it's covering the camo, there's fire for some reason in the promo shot so if it's part of the theme then maybe that mesh is acting as an armor? I don't know, that doesn't sound too practical if it's at all a stiff material...I'd have to see it in person. Otherwise the colorblocking is cool.

This pic is a little closer up. You can enlarge it and it does kinda look like a different material, oddly enough there's another material the middle of the logo and on the heel that looks like a honeycomb pattern.


Either way, I don't like them at all compared to the initial, unclear pics that were posted.
That 3m might make me have to pull the trigger on a pair of those White/Red GLVs..
Need some help guys! Recently got into asics, got kill bills and cottonmouths.

Since theyre doing these tarantino type designs, i decided to get a custom asic made and base it on Inglorious Basterds, my favorite Tarantino movie. Not like factory made, i have a very accomplished designer who will custom a pair for me at a price. Anyways, 2 questions.

1. Which model can i get at a fair price, that i should have this done on? Like i said i have 2 Sagas already, probably want to get something else done.

2. Also, any ideas for how it should be done> If you have seen the movie, i considered some mix of Colonel Hans Landa Vs. Aldo the apache. 

Anyway thanks guys! all goes well ill get to show them to you soon!!
Man these GL Vs im gonna pull the triggers on them soon before they end up obsolete like the Urban Camos
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