Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

So I went back through my emails with dude cause i remember him "trying" to get me a job with a trading firm that I later found out had multiple SEC viloations.

How does Brian Greenwald and US Financial Inc. ,which he sometimes refered to as American Financial, play into all this?

[email protected] Detectives?
I just want to apologize if I went a bit far. I'm not out to ruin lives, which I don't see how this can, I just can't stand THIEVERY. I have his picture, but I won't post it.
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Why did the other thread get locked?

Don't throw a life vest to con artists....
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You know how the MODS are about leaking personal info, it lasted a lot longer than I expected though.

In this case, if dude is proven to be fraud, they should allow the thread to stay open. We have some members who reached out to OP so they should have to opprotunity to share their stories and help others avoid being scammed.
Wow, that lock up really irks me.  You're gonna let a scammer get by that promoted false hope and messed with peoples lives?  It's official, I'm going to do a skip-trace on him and I will report back with the result. 
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"Hey meth, I've been lying to all your members and giving them faulty advice. They found out I'm lying and are exposing me. Help?"
:lol: That lock wasnt about protecting scammers, thats more personal responsibilty than anything, it was about dudes about to wyle and cross the line.

Newark :pimp:
Jersey :pimp: :pimp:
People like that NEED to be exposed though. So far his interactions with NT have only resulted in time wasted, but what if he took it to the next level and actually started doing business with other NTers, resulting in them getting conned out of their money? I'm not saying post home addresses and SS numbers, but still
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I want to apologize again. The guy was toying with people's lives, and it is not right for someone to do that. I'm sorry, I've seen people robbed through identity theft, and scammers and lose it all. It hit me somewhat personal.
Why did the other thread get locked?

Don't throw a life vest to con artists....
I have no love for trolls, but we can't allow flagrant ToS/privacy violations on our site.  When users decided to post the names and addresses of CrowdGather employees, we locked that, too.  
I Wonder what Meth drives and what city he lives in.... Anybody know what city Meth from? Just curious..... 
No lie the e fame thing is out of control. Dude started threads for no reason. He really had other men defending him and ****. Smh I wanna know what kind of "business" him and bigles really had going on. The co-sign, tagged pics. Some type of romance? :nerd:
[emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji] for the NT DT's. that Aaron Hernandez pic still got me Rollin tho
Seriously if a brand is money laundering we have a big problem because some of us have bought product from big l
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