Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

I have no love for trolls, but we can't allow flagrant ToS/privacy violations on our site.  When users decided to post the names and addresses of CrowdGather employees, we locked that, too.  

.... Then why not delete the posts like the old NT days? Not lock the entire thread
Posting personal info always leads to the lock.

Dudes home address, job location, ticket information and employment history; along with his photos were posted.

I understand why it got locked, but I just wish the mods let this one rock til the end of the day :lol:


:lol: at "let this one rock til the end of the day"

I feel you, b. It made the work day go by faster.
Dudes home address, job location, ticket information and employment history; along with his photos were posted.

I understand why it got locked, but I just wish the mods let this one rock til the end of the day


Ok I posted the ticket information but that was from a public access website to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary. All I needed was his last name which he posted himself. The rest is public information.
Posting Bigles information was out of bounds imo. The scheme is obvious, but to his credit he has never openly advocated OP. All he ever states is that he has seen and been in the whips, which is likely true, if he's fronting the money and vehicles.
Posting Bigles information was out of bounds imo. The scheme is obvious, but to his credit he has never openly advocated OP. All he ever states is that he has seen and been in the whips, which is likely true, if he's fronting the money and vehicles.
Wrong. Gold St. THIEFITAL claimed that Biglescobar and him have done business together MULTIPLE times, and BigLescobar confirmed it.

ANYTIME GOLD ST. THIEFITAL got put up against a corner, he would quickly ring out BigLlescobar's name, and he would come ini and say that GST is legit.
I know the schools he went to, and the years he's attended. I will not be posting it. BigLes you owe us an apology and an explanation as to why you were trying to scam Nters, out of all people?
loll my dude Jman is like the hired muscle for Anonymous. He's like Rico from paid in full. straight goon status. These guys have made my day fly by. props fellas
I know the schools he went to, and the years he's attended. I will not be posting it. BigLes you owe us an apology and an explanation as to why you were trying to scam Nters, out of all people?
I support your movement but posting his schools and the years would have proved what?
Came back from class and the thread gets locked.


Lulz at hopping to the next thread,knew it was gonn a happen.
Meth is just looking out for NT from a legal stand.

If dude posts his addy and someone does something stupid he / NT might be held legally responsible.
Thanks for understanding.  We clearly don't let scam artists/trolls "get away with it."  Our track record on that front speaks for itself.  

However, we care about our community too much to place it at risk because a few users are bored at work and are looking for "reality entertainment."  

Had this guy roped anybody in to an investment scam, we're not going to prevent people from filing suit.  We are, however, going to enforce our terms of service and prevent harassment.  

I have no love for trolls, but we can't allow flagrant ToS/privacy violations on our site.  When users decided to post the names and addresses of CrowdGather employees, we locked that, too.  
.... Then why not delete the posts like the old NT days? Not lock the entire thread
Sorry meth. I respect you as an individual and have always admired the fact that you are still running NT through out the years. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.
I appreciate that and I do understand where you're coming from.  I'm debating whether or not to "expose" the guy who's been posting those "truth about these nter" lists myself - though we would obviously limit the scope of that to a known former screen name and accept additional information/tips only via private message/email.  (In that case, however, the individual is actively attempting to attack our community and abuse it to commit libel against the various objects of his obsession.)  We all want to hold these people accountable for their actions.  That's part of the reason NikeTalk exists.  On a purely anonymous site, there's no accountability and people get awfully bold and disrespectful.  

The problem is:  what you were doing bordered on blackmail.  "Do x or else I reveal y to the world."   Obviously that's not something we can accept.  
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