At what age will you tell your kids they have to roll up out of your house?

[color= rgb(204, 153, 0)]After they finish college and are old enough to pay rent and they aint paying it.If they're late with rent for 3 months...


[/color][color= rgb(204, 153, 0)]But probably never...
depends...if they go to college probably 24-25, i only say this because this will give them an opportunity to save up money for went or to buy a place...themore time to save up money the better...i would expect them to help pay for utilities etc but no charge on rent or nothing...the last thing i want is for themto move out to soon and end up in a bind and having to move back when they are 26-28

if they don't go to college i expect them to be working immediately, so 19-20...that gives them ample time to save money and ****...
Originally Posted by the north west

whenever they want to leave
same sure they will be smart enough to stay in school, and when they have enough $$ they can move not going to have them livepay check by paycheck
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by the north west

whenever they want to leave
straight up, im not finna tell my kids they gotta go just like that, only unfit parents kick their kids out of their house

Forreal wth who tells their kids to get out at age 18

My parents already told me I can stay till I graduate from college and get my shiit straight
And I plan on living at home till Im like 25
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I have a daughter. She can stay till whenever. If I have a son...18

this is pretty much how i feel. I'm not gonna kick my son out like a dog but i'm gonna do my best to make sure he want's to be independant.
thats my child they can stay if they like but they will have to contribute to some type of bill paying, have them show some type of responsibility .so when they do plan on moving out it wouldnot be hard for them to dish out the cash for bills of there own

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Im 20....i should be graduating in about a year and a half...i wanna get the hell out the crib cause i don't think i can go back home and readjust to living with rules after being on my home...being that home is NYC...the cost is living is STOOPID so who knows when im getting the hell out....if im there past 22 im gonna feel like a bum....
man i feel the same way
Originally Posted by drock2010

Originally Posted by HOVKid

I have a daughter. She can stay till whenever. If I have a son...18
Whats the difference if its a son or daughter?
if the girls at home you got a better idea of how many dudes are digging her out....thus you can take some preventative measures to keep thisfigure low i.e: lock her in the basement.

There's also less chance of her appearing in a pornographic production if she lives at home.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by drock2010

Originally Posted by HOVKid

I have a daughter. She can stay till whenever. If I have a son...18
Whats the difference if its a son or daughter?
if the girls at home you got a better idea of how many dudes are digging her out....thus you can take some preventative measures to keep this figure low i.e: lock her in the basement.

There's also less chance of her appearing in a pornographic production if she lives at home.
Shut up Smed
after college, or first few years outta college. if they have a job and prefer to live at home, then i would expect some help with bills, not necessarily rent,but that would be nice.

i know lots of kids who live at home through college, or they moved out after high school then came back after college to look for a job or to save up.

i really dont understand parents who force/kick their kids out after they hit 18. not trying to go by race, but it seems asians want to keep their kids in thehouse til they married, while caucasians don't want to do that as much.
right now I'm 20 and will be done with college(everything going as planned) in 5 quarters(unless I go for masters). Once I have those 2 degrees I wanna seewhat my job outlook is, and if I'm able to move out without causing financial stress I'm gone, I'm not leaving before I'm ready and I'm notbeing kicked out(nor am I imposing on my mom at all)

This is the same stipulation(I forgot the word I wanted to use) I'll have for my kids, as long as they're in school or have an outlook for themselvesset I'll do whatever I can to help(including letting them stay with me rent free just as my mom is for me)

IF they're not in school, we'll have a talk once they graduate HS and see what their future looks like to them, and I'll give them until they turn20/2 years to have a firm foot planted and I'll go from there.

I won't just kick my kids out though unless they're just freeloading at an age where they can be productive and take care of themselves.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by the north west

whenever they want to leave
straight up, im not finna tell my kids they gotta go just like that, only unfit parents kick their kids out of their house
completely agree. But if they still live here after college, i'd do everything in my power to assist them in finding a reasonably priced placethey can live at
Whenever they're ready to leave. I'd rather my kids have a roof over their head and food on the table than to have them worry about the 2.
I'm not going t pressure them. It's be nice to have them out and in college by 18-20, but I'm not rushing them as long as they're productive.And I wouldn't charge them rent, but they can definitely pick up one of the utility bills.
they say the avg person leaves the nest at age 26 now.

i know plenty of people working with college degrees still at home. everybody situation is different.

im at home but not really.............if that makes sense..........i dont sleep here. i clean up and shovel the snow like im bout to do now for moms and i eathere, cook. its very cool situation for me really. im not a burden.

my sister will prolly be here for a long time. she graduates this year is taking a year off to work then she will go to med school, prolly Uconn. so she willdef be here for a while too. NT is funny.
My children will do things just as they should be done. After the summer of their senior year of HS, they will be leaving and going to a top 25 school.They're welcome to come home for any academic breaks/holidays, bu that's pretty much it. I'll never have some 19-25 year old leech living in myhouse.
If my kid doesn't go to college, public, private or community and try to do something for themself, gitfo.
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