athiest wake up

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by yankeesfan0130

anyway since you athiests are ignorant and dont want to accept anything lock this up

and people like you are the reason why i dislike all forms of religion. you want to believe in it? fine, does me no harm. but when you start having an agenda pushing ppl to be "believers" for w/e stupid reason you have (a non believer isn't going to ruin your chances of getting into your so called "heaven") then, i start having a problem. i had a run in with some mormons this past sunday trying to convert me. i told them before they pull out their bible that i didn't believe in god/jesus/religion. dude got heated and i asked him how me not believing is hurting him.. didn't answer, just turned away and left.
Well I can answer for my behalf. When I talk to you all about my beliefs and your beliefs I'm trying to inform you of what I believe because I want you to go to Heaven. I feel its my duty to try to inform people. If it has felt like I have been forcing my beliefs on you all I apologize. But back to the subject at hand, I believe we have souls. I believe thats what makes us who we are. Without souls we would have emotions. We'd be like Sunny from "I Robot" IMO.

that's the thing, usually those door-to-door preachers aren't trying to 'inform' more like 'convert'. which is completely different. asi said, you have your believes, and that's fine. but i have mine, and religion isn't one of them. and you also have to respect that. and you haveunderstand the whole "bless your soul" and yadda yadda can be disrespectful to certain people. we know you dont mean any harm by it but still.
Originally Posted by asu334

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

If I told you Jesus said it you still wouldnt believe it so dont worry about it
Oh really? Jesus was a carpenter. So...

What I was alluding to is you were commenting on someones posts and the gist of your post was,

"Some scientist who won a Noble Prize said you have to believe in God"

Forgive me if that is a little to vague for my taste. And to offer a counter-point, I am sure there has also been an Atheist who has won a Nobel Prize in science who refuted peoples beliefs in God.
I understand it being vague but I was responding to someones post that tried to support the dumb notion that all scientist or philosophers are atheist. I dont really care to try to convert anyone to a non believer or believer but I look at atheism as a religion also because atheist "BELIEVE" there is no God. Maybe not a religion by definition but the philosophies are the same because many people believe in Jesus and dont considered themselves part of a religion.

Like my favorite athiest bill maher says "Im not saying theres no God Im just saying I dont know, nothing logically gives me a reason to believe in one tho"

Bill Maher would be more Agnostic or possibly an Agnostic Theist.

Atheism in definition is the rejection of Theism, or a god-like deity...

But that is neither here nor there.

Some people choose to let their religious beliefs define them. So be it. I am content with living my life using my own moral code and making the best decisionsI personally can, while relying on others when necessary.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by asu334

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

If I told you Jesus said it you still wouldnt believe it so dont worry about it
Oh really? Jesus was a carpenter. So...

What I was alluding to is you were commenting on someones posts and the gist of your post was,

"Some scientist who won a Noble Prize said you have to believe in God"

Forgive me if that is a little to vague for my taste. And to offer a counter-point, I am sure there has also been an Atheist who has won a Nobel Prize in science who refuted peoples beliefs in God.
I understand it being vague but I was responding to someones post that tried to support the dumb notion that all scientist or philosophers are atheist. I dont really care to try to convert anyone to a non believer or believer but I look at atheism as a religion also because atheist "BELIEVE" there is no God. Maybe not a religion by definition but the philosophies are the same because many people believe in Jesus and dont considered themselves part of a religion.

Like my favorite athiest bill maher says "Im not saying theres no God Im just saying I dont know, nothing logically gives me a reason to believe in one tho"

Bill Maher would be more Agnostic or possibly an Agnostic Theist.

Atheism in definition is the rejection of Theism, or a god-like deity...

But that is neither here nor there.

Some people choose to let their religious beliefs define them. So be it. I am content with living my life using my own moral code and making the best decisions I personally can, while relying on others when necessary.

I can respect that
I implore any of the faithful to give me reason to believe. Proof isn't there, I know this. But please give me reason to believe. Also, tell me why youbelieve. What has happened in your life to cause you to give thanks to a deity that proves his worthlessness every day? Don't tell me about your promisesof eternal happiness or whatever. Why do you live your life judging people in the name of some intangible wizard? Why do you choose to be ignorant just togenuflect to the unproven? You can't do it without stating some ridiculous scripture. You can't do it with proof or solid theory.

Also, I not only believe that there isn't a god, I am glad there isn't. The idea of a god is as destructive as the things that have been done in hisname. If there was a god, and believe me- there isn't, why are we better for having one? What benefits has god given us? What 'blessings' have beenbestowed upon you because of your insistence to believe in something that you have no proof of?
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by yankeesfan0130

anyway since you athiests are ignorant and dont want to accept anything lock this up

and people like you are the reason why i dislike all forms of religion. you want to believe in it? fine, does me no harm. but when you start having an agenda pushing ppl to be "believers" for w/e stupid reason you have (a non believer isn't going to ruin your chances of getting into your so called "heaven") then, i start having a problem. i had a run in with some mormons this past sunday trying to convert me. i told them before they pull out their bible that i didn't believe in god/jesus/religion. dude got heated and i asked him how me not believing is hurting him.. didn't answer, just turned away and left.
Well I can answer for my behalf. When I talk to you all about my beliefs and your beliefs I'm trying to inform you of what I believe because I want you to go to Heaven. I feel its my duty to try to inform people. If it has felt like I have been forcing my beliefs on you all I apologize. But back to the subject at hand, I believe we have souls. I believe thats what makes us who we are. Without souls we would have emotions. We'd be like Sunny from "I Robot" IMO.

that's the thing, usually those door-to-door preachers aren't trying to 'inform' more like 'convert'. which is completely different. as i said, you have your believes, and that's fine. but i have mine, and religion isn't one of them. and you also have to respect that. and you have understand the whole "bless your soul" and yadda yadda can be disrespectful to certain people. we know you dont mean any harm by it but still.
When we say "Bless You" or "God Bless" its like good luck but for us its much higher and we're asking God to bless you. Sono disrespect.

I have a question for you. What if I said your "good luck" and "best wishes" were disrespectful because I only accept "GodBless"?

I implore any of the faithful to give me reason to believe. Proof isn't there, I know this. But please give me reason to believe. Also, tell me why you believe. What has happened in your life to cause you to give thanks to a deity that proves his worthlessness every day? Don't tell me about your promises of eternal happiness or whatever. Why do you live your life judging people in the name of some intangible wizard? Why do you choose to be ignorant just to genuflect to the unproven? You can't do it without stating some ridiculous scripture. You can't do it with proof or solid theory.

First off when you say judging, do you mean like "your going to hell because your a sinner" or "your fat and your going todie"? Worthless because He doesn't solve all our problems and grant wishes or worthless because bad stuff happens to good people? And aren't youbeing judgmental by calling us ignorant and calling our beliefs ridiculous? Sounds like it duke. And if we can't use scripture then you can't usescience or other theories to help prove your beliefs. You dudes be sounding REAL angry when you talk to us like we slapped your mother or something. I believein God/Jesus because its what I have faith in. I believe Jesus is my savior. You have faith in science and human theory. What else do you want me to tell you?How are you going to say "give me a reason to believe" but you've already canceling out what we can and can't say.

Also, I not only believe that there isn't a god, I am glad there isn't. The idea of a god is as destructive as the things that have been done in his name. If there was a god, and believe me- there isn't, why are we better for having one? What benefits has god given us? What 'blessings' have been bestowed upon you because of your insistence to believe in something that you have no proof of?

OK what makes you so sure there isn't a God? If we say we know God is there then we're wrong and we get the book thrown at us for claiming to knowsomething we have never seen. You have NO proof there isn't a God. And the benefit of being able to prove ourselves is a blessing in its self. Don'tblame God for our natural destructive ways. If there wasn't a God we would destroy in the name of something else. We have riots over sports
. Don't drag God through the mood for human error.
Religion=The ultimate ducktales.

If i wrote something as outrageous as the bible people would think im on drugs.

Religion is just a way to control people through fear.
agnostic theism ftw. the most reasonable stance anyway.

extremes on both ends of the argument end up pigeonholing their conclusion prematurely.

also depends on what your definition of God is.
Religion on the other hand is a filthy dirty $%@@%. millions have died or been persecuted following that broad although a few people are actually better peoplebecause of her dealings.
I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he's one of history's few enlightened prophets that have witnessed the truth. He's nodifferent than Mohammed. Or Buddha.

I believe in God. I just don't believe the way you believe. I don't believe the words and texts of men who have clearly manipulated and misconstruedthe truth.

Organized religion is petty and stupid. A bunch of people trying to take ownership of the truth that belongs to everyone. Mofos.
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Religion is all fear . The thing people fear most is not knowing .
Now I consider myself a follower of Christ but what part is fear?
RKO2004 wrote:

I implore any of the faithful to give me reason to believe. Proof isn't there, I know this. But please give me reason to believe. Also, tell me why you believe. What has happened in your life to cause you to give thanks to a deity that proves his worthlessness every day? Don't tell me about your promises of eternal happiness or whatever. Why do you live your life judging people in the name of some intangible wizard? Why do you choose to be ignorant just to genuflect to the unproven? You can't do it without stating some ridiculous scripture. You can't do it with proof or solid theory.

First off when you say judging, do you mean like "your going to hell because your a sinner" or "your fat and your going to die"? Worthless because He doesn't solve all our problems and grant wishes or worthless because bad stuff happens to good people? And aren't you being judgmental by calling us ignorant and calling our beliefs ridiculous? Sounds like it duke. And if we can't use scripture then you can't use science or other theories to help prove your beliefs. You dudes be sounding REAL angry when you talk to us like we slapped your mother or something. I believe in God/Jesus because its what I have faith in. I believe Jesus is my savior. You have faith in science and human theory. What else do you want me to tell you? How are you going to say "give me a reason to believe" but you've already canceling out what we can and can't say.

Why can't I use facts to prove something? There is a difference between using science and scripture to prove something. If the bible is yourevidence, then why isn't the quran your proof to be muslim?

Yeah I mean judgmental when telling people who is a sinner and why. That is judgmental. I too am being judgmental....but there is a difference. My judgmentshaven't be the reasons for wars, persecution, or stomping on a pulpit in the name of "everlasting life." My judgments don't portray anythingabout what I think happens to you after you die. My judgments don't see certain expressions of love as inferior or cause for damnation. My judgments willnever cast anyone to fires of hell only to kick it with a guy with a pitchfork and pointy tail. I can see someone cheat on their wife and have disgust thathas nothing to do with their place in the heaven.

And I do believe it is ignorance if you choose to ignore the proven in the name of the unproven.

OK what makes you so sure there isn't a God? If we say we know God is there then we're wrong and we get the book thrown at us for claiming to know something we have never seen. You have NO proof there isn't a God. And the benefit of being able to prove ourselves is a blessing in its self. Don't blame God for our natural destructive ways. If there wasn't a God we would destroy in the name of something else. We have riots over sports
. Don't drag God through the mood for human error.

First off- how do you prove something doesn't exist? Why is that onus on the faithless? I never understand that! Why is it up to me to prove thatsomething I don't believe in doesn't exist? If you tell me you can jump six feet off the ground, would you ask me to provethat you can't?

The fact that you proclaim your faith is also evidence. If the existence of god was proven you wouldn't mention your 'faith in god,' you would betalking about the science of god.
what a failure of a thread. the link you sent us of miracles all have 404 errors. Did you yourself click those links before linking us to them? And half (mostlikely all) the youtube video is fake. Those animal skeletons with humanistic heads on them were made by somebody. hell he even sells them on ebay to this day
if you dont do this or that you'll go to hell. are they not putting fear in you?
You kill someone you go to jail. The government puts fear into me. So I guess it is putting fear into but is it helping or hurting you in the longrun? Do you all think the words we speak were created by us? Where does the idea of God come from? We can't even learn the basics of life without beingTAUGHT. Thats why we have school. So we can learn. So imo someone had to teach of these words. I'm not saying we can't discover. Matter of fact, acomputer can be turned on, a baby can be born. But can they do anything without being instructed? No. A baby needs care and attention. It has to be taught. Acomputer can't instruct other machines to create vehicals without first being instructed to do so. My point is there is a teacher. We didn't just selfdiscover. We had to be pre-programmed.

Yeah I mean judgmental when telling people who is a sinner and why. That is judgmental. I too am being judgmental....but there is a difference. My judgments haven't be the reasons for wars, persecution, or stomping on a pulpit in the name of "everlasting life." My judgments don't portray anything about what I think happens to you after you die. My judgments don't see certain expressions of love as inferior or cause for damnation. My judgments will never cast anyone to fires of hell only to kick it with a guy with a pitchfork and pointy tail. I can see someone cheat on their wife and have disgust that has nothing to do with their place in the heaven.
So basically we go back to your opinion of God not existing? You can put 10 rich people in a secluded area and they will find a reason to arguesooner or later. If there was never a word of religion or God there would still be wars and fighting. Your right we shouldn't judge but neither should you.If we're wrong then your wrong because your guilty of the same crime. Expressions of love as in homosexuality? Who do you think originality had beef withthat? A human? What about having sex with animals? Is that wrong in your eyes?

And I do believe it is ignorance if you choose to ignore the proven in the name of the unproven.
That's fine. I believe its ignorant and prideful to believe 0 + 0 = 24. And your so sure you or some scientist proved that God doesn'texist. How? Why? Because you have faith in your brain? Because you have faith in a dude in a white lab coat? If I'm ignorant and judgmental then your justas bad as I am. I don't go around labeling people like you do. I don't believe we achieve all we have by ourselves. Maybe we should be thankful thereare people who are enlightened enough to help us live better.

Why when something bad happens people blame God? Did God tell your father to smoke? Did God put that gun in Ray's hand? Did God tell us to be selfish? DidHe tell this millionaires to not do more more for their fellow man? Did He tell us to ignore the starving? He doesn't just sit there and say "Heyhere's some cancer for you, good luck". Use your science to find where it originates. Maybe its from incest? Who knows.

As for the laws we follow. Most of which were taken from God's laws. If we had no fear we have no control.

Tell me something people? Please tell me what happened to turn you against God?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Tell me something people? Please tell me what happened to turn you against God?
I woke up. I have been a admitted atheist for about 12 years....and probably the 5 before that I strongly questioned it. I quit ignoring logic inthe name of something that has NEVER been proven to exist.

So basically we go back to your opinion of God not existing? You can put 10 rich people in a secluded area and they will find a reason to argue sooner or later. If there was never a word of religion or God there would still be wars and fighting.

I never said there wouldn't be wars without religion. I said there have been wars because of religion. Huge difference there. I was making the point thatmy judging doesn't carry the same gravity as the judgments made in the name of religion. My denouncing god or the idea of god doesn't keep anyone fromanything. Religion does.

Expressions of love as in homosexuality? Who do you think originality had beef with that? A human? What about having sex with animals? Is that wrong in your eyes?

I don't understand the equation here. I never do. How is bestiality the same as homosexuality? One is a inter-species molestation and the other is lovebetween two consenting adults. Bestiality is one species forcing itself onto another. Actually, your equation should be considered offensive not only tohomosexuals but also to anyone who has ever been molested or raped...or altar boys.
I never said there wouldn't be wars without religion. I said there have been wars because of religion. Huge difference there. I was making the point that my judging doesn't carry the same gravity as the judgments made in the name of religion. My denouncing god or the idea of god doesn't keep anyone from anything. Religion does.

It keeps you from God. And you beliefs may rub off and take other people from God.

I don't understand the equation here. I never do. How is bestiality the same as homosexuality? One is a inter-species molestation and the other is love between two consenting adults. Bestiality is one species forcing itself onto another. Actually, your equation should be considered offensive not only to homosexuals but also to anyone who has ever been molested or raped...or altar boys.

First who said I was comparing them? I asked you how you viewed having sex with animals. Offensive? Please explain that further?

So nobody wants to address the creepy video on the first page I see...

Look some post above you.
Originally Posted by Kayway8

So nobody wants to address the creepy video on the first page I see...
the only thing i could think about throughout these 8 pages......
Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

Originally Posted by Kayway8

So nobody wants to address the creepy video on the first page I see...
the only thing i could think about throughout these 8 pages......

I didnt watch it. That screen cap looked fd up enough. Whats it about?
Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

Originally Posted by Kayway8

So nobody wants to address the creepy video on the first page I see...
the only thing i could think about throughout these 8 pages......

I keep checkin to see... ol boy highlight where somebody said somnbout it.. im burnin a L and cant see it
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