Attention College Students: SHHO (Student Hip-Hop Organization)

May 27, 2006
I know this has been posted before, but for those that don't know.  Basically, the organization is a creative platform for college kids to cultivate and celebrate hip-hop culture on their campuses through concerts, lectures, etc. We currently have chapters at several schools in VA and in FL, and we're looking to expand out nationally. This video shows a lot of what we're about and highlights some of our past work: 

For more information check out our site Its currently undergoing some changes, but all the archives are there.

You can contact me at [email protected] if you or anyone you know is interested.

Here's a letter we've posted on our site in the past to those interested in starting SHHO chapters.



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First and foremost it’s fantastic that you guys are interested and supportive of the Student Hip Hop Organization. We are humbled and happy to see that like-minded college students from all parts of the country want to carry on the tradition and fight the good fight. It’s actually pretty amazing and inspiring to say the least.

The SHHO was created in a small filthy dorm room probably just like yours. The idea was literally just that, an idea. It started as nothing and evolved into something really special. To witness it all come to fruition has been surreal and the influential impact that it’s had on campus is a dream come true.

A lot of stupid mistakes were made and the experiences that came from that have been priceless. The stories are so absurd they almost sound fictional and the relationships that were created during all this have truly been a blessing.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Before you email us about starting up a chapter at your university please read our�about section
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)],�
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]online brand book[/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 0)], and�[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]FAQ’s[/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]. [/color]Although we are appreciative of everyone’s sudden enthusiasm, it also frightens the hell out of us. We remember when we couldn’t even get our own friends to join or even come to a meeting. So a little paranoia does come into play and we can’t help but wonder if people’s intentions are actually good.

Please understand joining SHHO is not for everyone and was never intended to appeal to everyone. Understand that concerts are not our main priority. Understand that we are extremely particular with who and what we affiliate with. Understand that a lot of hard work went into this and we’ll be damned if anyone tarnishes what we built as an organization over the years.

SHHO is what it is today simply because of the people behind it. These students are genuinely in love with the culture and are passionate about what SHHO represents and stands for. A lot of member’s blood, sweat, and tears went into this and we are not saying that figuratively. Nothing was given or handed. Nothing. So please try and respect why we are so protective over the organization. There are a lot of assumptions of what SHHO is. Let us clearly explain what we are and what we are not.

We are not “promoters
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