Avatar Movie..Whos going to watch it?

Originally Posted by SupremeDunks

Awesome movie! The digital effects are absolutely phenomenal. Great story w/ an epic battle. Throughout the move I kept thinking of how euro-americans invaded the land of the Native Americans and the colonialism of the world.

Just pissed that I didnt see it in imax 3D.
Me too...and it was pissing me off a little bit, lol.

But really, I saw Avatar last night and this is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time and the visuals were amazing, especially when watching itin 3-D.

Off topic, but they showed the preview for Alice in Wonderland and I am soo geeked for that movie. Definitely got to watch that one at the IMAX theater aswell.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

If this has ANYTHING to do with the Nickelodeon version of the cartoon...



This is about Marines shooting non humans and shooting missiles.
I was pretty skeptical after all the reviews only mentioned how it was visually amazing.

Corny? At times. Simplistic? Sure. But this movie blew me away.

Call me sappy but this movie forced an emotional response, some parts were so touching.

And as far as the visuals went, revolutionary only begins to explain this.
Peeped it out last night in IMAX 3D. Not a groundbreaking story but it good and entertaining. The visual effects tho was next level stuff. The avatars seemedreal and Pandora is crazy. This definitely needs to be seen in 3D.
Saw it. It was amazing. Best graphics I`ve ever seen. The story wasn`t overly complex (which was cool, however I did expect it to be a little deeper) so itkinda played like a child fantasy film but it works. I`m tempted to say it`s a 'game-changer'.Cameron once again proved he is the best big-budgetdirector ever (well, him and Spielberg). Word to the wise, you have to see it in 3d to do the movie justice (although I ended up with a headache afterwardssmh)
movie was great but how is home gonna betray is own race, though?


Then at the end he has the guts to say "we sent the aliens back to their home"

he referred humans as aliens when he was/is too.

if i was that buffy white guy that was the captain i'd be mad too
--The movie took place on a fictional moon called Pandora. So technically, the humans were the aliens.
Man I was getting this confused feeling when them blue things was making out. Like how am I supposed to react to this.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--The movie took place on a fictional moon called Pandora. So technically, the humans were the aliens.

But jack was a human to that turned into an alien. he wasnt a OG alien. but now hes calling his own race "aliens?"

get on ma level.
This movie is a glorified version of Fern Gully. The stories are pretty much the same. Worse James Cameron movie.
it was epic. to watch a full feature length in 3D and be completely immersed in the experience was something on a different level.
This movie was made for 3D. It just wouldn't be the same without it. That technology isn't too far away for home entertainment so things are lookingup!
Definitely a must watch.
i absolutely loved this movie. wow is all i can say to explain how i feel. loved the emotional aspect of the film, loved the visuals, loved the story (eventhough it is simple and i knew how it was going to end).

i didn't want it to end. that's when i realized i loved it.
Yall convinced me. the misses takin me to see this today for my bday in 3D
. Which means I need to get to sleep for the 12:15p viewing.

EDIT: Which do yall think would be more entertainin, IMAX or 3D?
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

This movie is a glorified version of Fern Gully. The stories are pretty much the same. Worse James Cameron movie.


Worse James Cameron movie??? This blows Titatic, Terminator 2 and Aliens out of the water.


Saw it in 3D, and now I'm worried the 2D version won't live up to the experience
Originally Posted by SupremeDunks

Throughout the move I kept thinking of how euro-americans invaded the land of the Native Americans and the colonialism of the world.
Not a coincidence. There were many obvious ties to numerous Native American and African cultures seamed in to the Navi's fictional culturethroughout the movie. Definitely a conscious portrayal.

The movie was outstanding though. Saw it friday gone off a brownie then again with my girl this afternoon.
Now I'm just waiting for the Bluray.

The story isn't intricate by any means but it's just quality film making, it's not like it tries to be what it's not. One of the most epicmotion pictures I've ever seen. Left both shows physically exhausted.
Originally Posted by SupremeDunks

Throughout the move I kept thinking of how euro-americans invaded the land of the Native Americans and the colonialism of the world.
Not a coincidence. There were many obvious ties to numerous Native American and African cultures seamed in to the Navi's fictional culturethroughout the movie. Definitely a conscious portrayal.

The movie was outstanding though. Saw it friday gone off a brownie then again with my girl this afternoon.
Now I'm just waiting for the Bluray.

The story isn't intricate by any means but it's just quality film making, it's not like it tries to be what it's not. One of the most epicmotion pictures I've ever seen. Left both shows physically exhausted.

Originally Posted by CL552k1

Was anybody
before watching the movie. I was wondering if it will make the experience that much better.
Like I said I was on a brownie, shoulda just smoked a blunt. Enjoyed it more sober.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by SupremeDunks

Throughout the move I kept thinking of how euro-americans invaded the land of the Native Americans and the colonialism of the world.
Not a coincidence. There were many obvious ties to numerous Native American and African cultures seamed in to the Navi's fictional culture throughout the movie. Definitely a conscious portrayal.

The movie was outstanding though. Saw it friday gone off a brownie then again with my girl this afternoon.
Now I'm just waiting for the Bluray.

The story isn't intricate by any means but it's just quality film making, it's not like it tries to be what it's not. One of the most epic motion pictures I've ever seen. Left both shows physically exhausted.
Originally Posted by y0ung j33zy

Spoiler [+]
I was
when they blew up the tree

knew it was going to happen.

movie was epic. hope it makes back money for cameron because he deserves it for all the love he put into this.

the film should win best picture honestly not because of maybe acting or story but just overall. How can you beat the love put into this and the work? On agrand scale its just something no other film can touch
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