bars or body wash????vol "get with the future"

Aug 30, 2008
about a month ago I went to the store to buy some soap.
so im in line with my 2 pack of soap and my boy tells me "who uses bars of soap anymore"

"you mine as well buy a cd palyer while your in here. get with the future"
i proceed to buy my bars of soap and not let my friends influence change my mind
my 2 pack didnt last long. about 2 weeks later i buy some body wash. the worst purchase i have made thus far.
takes to long to lather up and it feels like your using shampoo.
so im back to my bars again. $#%@ body wash.

*NO THIS IS NOT THE BODY WASH I USED, but what's the name of the purple thing in the back ground. it looks like the same material used to hold fruits andvegetables. i always thought it was for females, but i hear you have to use one of them when you use body wash and i refuse.
bar all day. My ex used the lather, never liked it. Felt like I had to use up half the bottle for my 6'1 body frame.
i use bars. And my mom bought me that sponge lookin thing for xmas. I thanked her but I haven't used it once.
Originally Posted by solesavage

bar all day. My ex used the lather, never liked it. Felt like I had to use up half the bottle for my 6'1 body frame.
i think the suds are supposed to wash your body as they go down your frame. lol, that sounds gay
The purple thing is a "poof". Well at least thats what i call em. They make it much easier for the body wash to foam and lather up. If the body washis used correctly with a poof: Body wash > bar of soap.

[Goldnboi] me my own personal self [Goldnboi], i use Old Spice body wash, +$+* is
Originally Posted by MissinPieces

about a month ago I went to the store to buy some soap.
so im in line with my 2 pack of soap and my boy tells me "who uses bars of soap anymore"

"you mine as well buy a cd palyer while your in here. get with the future"
i proceed to buy my bars of soap and not let my friends influence change my mind
my 2 pack didnt last long. about 2 weeks later i buy some body wash. the worst purchase i have made thus far.
takes to long to lather up and it feels like your using shampoo.
so im back to my bars again. $#%@ body wash.

*NO THIS IS NOT THE BODY WASH I USED, but what's the name of the purple thing in the back ground. it looks like the same material used to hold fruits and vegetables. i always thought it was for females, but i hear you have to use one of them when you use body wash and i refuse.

The purple thing is a loofah. If you let the loofah absorb alot water, you dont have to use a lot of the liquid soap when showering.
I use body wash..but it feels like I'm not getting as clean as I was when I was using a bar of soap. Maybe I'll make the switch back
ya i just started using a loofah it works great with body wash i would never go back to a bar of soap
Originally Posted by alejanz28

The purple thing is a loofah. If you let the loofah absorb alot water, you dont have to use a lot of the liquid soap when showering.
i've never seen a axe comercial where a dude uses a "loofah", but i've seen plenty where females use tthem
i still think they are for the ladies
WAIT....i've never seen a commercial where a guy uses a rag either
do white ppl really just use the bar of soap and no rag?
I use bars, body wash only works with one of those loofa things and I aint using one of those
Classic Irish Spring bar soap for me unless I want certain areas to smell extra nice, in which case I use Irish Spring body wash.

- Tical.
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