Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

So i just got done running a couple games on the PS3. 
It was straight but i had to change my sensitivity so many times. I couldnt figure out what was right for me cause the DualShocks joysticks are so damn sensitive that it throws off your aim a lot coming from the 360

Anyways, i noticed that the flashlight/lighting looks better on the PS3. The Tac light is BRUTAL on the PS3 cuase the lighting is so crisp... also there was a random *!# light thing by the BMcom in the Subway. i never seen that before. I was like' +#% is That?"

Also. I swear hip firing doesnt work on the ps3. maybe it was just bad shots but it was annoying. 

Oh and i got a chance to fly the Jets on the PS3. and i must say, shooting with the Jet Cannons and staying on target feels MUCH better/steadier than it does on the 360. It jsut felt that way to me atleast. It could be the DualShock.

Anyways, it was dece... Might be on tmw for B2K.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

It was straight but i had to change my sensitivity so many times. I couldnt figure out what was right for me cause the DualShocks joysticks are so damn sensitive that it throws off your aim a lot coming from the 360
crazy how switching between both controllers throws you off. i wish the 360 had a converter so you can use a ps3 controller
anybody got the maps in europe yet?
edit: never mind its still not out yet over here
Originally Posted by sladewilson

Originally Posted by JayzOnMyToes

anybody got the maps in europe yet?
edit: never mind its still not out yet over here

use vpn connect to dif country an play
how do you do that?
i already got the limited edition copy.. but i can't find where to download the maps...

just checked battlefield twitter and i guess its still not out and its after 4pm over here smh
I'm downloading the pack right now.
EDIT: It's finally done. It crashed once but now it's done. 
So finally downloaded the B2K Maps.
I got to play a couple of rounds on most of the Maps . Most on Conquest. One on Rush.

Played a Round of Conquest on Strike at Karkland:

-Very Infantry based. I like that. A tank for each side.

-Its big map. But not really. I think its the perfect size. Its very action packed. A lot of flanking routes. I enjoyed it. 

-Def my favorite so far.

-There are lots of small buildings.

Played 2 rounds of Conquest on Gulf of Oman:

-Right off the bat. Its a big map. Plays a lot like Caspian Border (Console). 4 flags. Spread out. A lot of vehicles. Instead of grass and trees. Its a desert with random buildings surrounding/in the area of flags.

-Yes. I got to fly the New "Harrier" Jets. the F-35. And man, i was slightly disappointed. There is no such thing as breaking/turning hard in that Jet. Not maneuverable AT ALL! Good Speed. Strong Cannon. But its very difficult to fly that thing. It has less maneuverability than a A-10 Thunderbolt.  And the opposing team, (The RUS) get Flanker Jets. If you have even a half way decent pilot in that Flanker Jet. Youre done. Im surprised i even got 3 kills in that thing. 
... And after i took out a Jet. I tried breaking hard, the F-35 stalled. & Crashed.
and i was trying to perform a turn that ive done thousands of times in any other Jet. Got to get use to it but seeing that RUS get Flanker Jets. Idk if its even worth it.

Played a Round of Rush on Wake Island:

-Well its Rush. You kinda know what to expect. The map is narrow at points and it is literally on a island so yeah...

-It has that BC2: Vietnam map feel.

-It was cool though. I enjoyed it. Its a decent addition to the Map rotation.

-Rush on that map will depend a lot of your team's vehicles.

-Still need to play Conquest on it though.

I have yet to play Sharqi Peninsula

Oh and when they say they turned up the Destruction in BTK.. They meant it ... Every time i was on the ground i always felt some around me was crumbling down or getting blown up.

havent unlocked any of the New Weapons yet. Im working on the Famas right now.

So far im liking it, exactly what this game needed. Ive had fun in every game in those new maps 
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by i3allistic

B2K is 

What is your gamertag? Same as your username?
yes sir, i run with a regular crew soo if i dont join your game its cuz i'm already playing with my boys ...
360? Because i've definitely played against you multiple times when i've ran solo. 
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