Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

im ready for PC battlefield 

damn that thing can open a portal

my specs:

only thing that changes regularly is the keyboard. using a filco tkl w/ black switches today
Originally Posted by sole vintage

the first two gears have the worst online experience. host advantage, bugs, one gun that overpowers a third of other weapons.

 they say they  will fix it but you have to buy the sequel to have unbalanced MP fixed

I don't want to turn this into a Gears thread but Gow1 was my best online experience besides Cod4. Gears was the funnest game i've ever played. I have to admit host advantage was overpowered but i didn't care.

Gears 2 was complete #*%%. Game was so buggy and just poop. I played the beta for gow3 and it was
. Felt like gow1 and loved it. That's all for gow now.
Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by sole vintage

the first two gears have the worst online experience. host advantage, bugs, one gun that overpowers a third of other weapons.

 they say they  will fix it but you have to buy the sequel to have unbalanced MP fixed

I don't want to turn this into a Gears thread but Gow1 was my best online experience besides Cod4. Gears was the funnest game i've ever played. I have to admit host advantage was overpowered but i didn't care.

Gears 2 was complete #*%%. Game was so buggy and just poop. I played the beta for gow3 and it was
. Felt like gow1 and loved it. That's all for gow now.
cool as long some one who played it can admit it has some serious flaws
^^^^ The NEW MAcBook Pros with the Quad Core Quad Core 2.2Ghz i7 and the AMD Radeon HD 6750M  1GB GDDR5 graphics card will run this game via Bootcamp without a problem. Yes I said MAcbook Pro. I have been PC gaming with MBP's since 2006 running Battlefield 2 on it without a hitch. Thing I like is I still have a nice, light sleek laptop that can run most if not all the current games, and still have my Mac OS for everyday life...and it not be one of those ugly, huge, clunky, nerdy %#! Vodoo or ALienware laptops.

I am going to sell my current unibody 15" MBP for at least $1400 (Macs have the best resale value) and then buy the newest one out. I have a wireless keyboard and wireless laser mouse that I game with. MAcs cost, but you are literally getting 2 high end computers in one... a Mac, and a PC.

Just in case others are wondering, Battlefield 3 runs really well on a  2011 MBP (750/900) with HD 6750M. Got an invite to the alpha trial and played it on my MBP in bootcamp as well as a gaming rig. The MBP ran it at 45-55fps.
MBP for PC gaming 

This video shows the older i7 MBP running Crysis 2. So the new MBP's will be more than capable of running BF3.
Is it just me or is the gameplay style/pace/movement/even map layout similar to crysis 2 except without all the futuristic weapons

I'll prolly give bf3 a try. I just hope it doesn't have connectivity issues like crysis 2. I had to stop playing that game cuz hit detection was worse than black ops.
I was really wanting to know what affect Silencers & Flash Suppressors on weapons.. Since im a big fan of the silencers & im a engineer in BC2 & Silencers are on by default on the SMGs but they changed it in BF3 where you have to give up your barrel attachment for a silencer or flash suppressor 

@Demize99Alan Kertz

@skillfultree Silencer's main disadvantage is the slower subsonic rounds. Only minimal damage loss at long range.
Alan Kertz

@RansomList @rosaliebills830 It's always subsonic for balance reasons. There's always the Flash Suppressor if you just want less muzzle sgnl

oh & bullet drop is back...


antal120 antal120 

@Demize99 Battlefield 3 has bullet drop for all weapons or only for sniper rifles? its on all plataforms?

7 hours ago
in reply to ↑

@Demize99Alan Kertz

@antal120 For all weapons, on all platforms.
I'm by far not what you would call a "gun expert", but I have had to google so much chit about guns and attachments since the announcement of BF3. So much technical chit and gun jargon

-The Juice
Truth be told....I don't care if they show 360 footage or not. By now we all know how consoles operate, and DICE would be absolutely foolish to not put effort in the 360 build of the game. And we all know that there is never really any big difference between PS3 and 360. The key factor will be in the community and the fluidity....which I believe 360 has proven themselves time and time again to be superior. 360 is viewed as the stronger online console community, DICE has already said they are using PS3 for marketing purposes.

The only difference will be how well the shadows look (srs)

-The Juice
if they developed from pc to console, nothing to worry about.

it's when pc gets a console port that all hell breaks loose.
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER
The PS3 version looks great 

imo i think its going to go PC>>>PS3>360 ... The PS3 is the more powerful console of the 2. And DICE has stated repeadetly that this is NOT a port. Each platform is being devoloped for it specifically..

& If u look at the PS3 exclusive games vs the 360 exclusives.. Ps3 usually has the best looking exclusives when its devoloped for it specifically.. KZ3/UC3 easily look better than GOW3 & Halo...

Idk thats just me though.. Honestly, id rather game on the 360 for the online service .. So im hoping the 306 looks/preforms just as good as the PS3. But like i said , come beta if i notice the PS3 to run & look better. I will mostlikelyget it for that platform

Or i might buy it for both if they look & run identical.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

& If u look at the PS3 exclusive games vs the 360 exclusives.. Ps3 usually has the best looking exclusives when its devoloped for it specifically.. KZ3/UC3 easily look better than GOW3 & Halo...�
Idk thats just me though.. Honestly, id rather game on the 360 for the online service .. So im hoping the 306 looks/preforms just as good as the PS3. But like i said , come beta if i notice the PS3 to run & look better. I will most�likely�get it for that platform

Or i might buy it for both if they look & run identical.
Graphics really that important though? In just about 99% of the games that have come out for both 360 and PS3, they look the same. Minor differences (shadows, minor textures). As far as online is going to play out, it's still going to run at 30 fps and 24 players, no matter what system.

Preorders show that 360 is winning by a mile. The competition and online experience will be on the 360. I'm going to rent it for the PS3 though and play it on my roommates system to compare, but I honestly do not see how the PS3 will be different. It's generally excepted that the PS3 is more powerful than the 360. But they been saying that for 6 years and have still yet to show that power (when pertaining to multiplatform games) and now talks of PS4 coming soon. The PS3 is like Penny Hardaway all this potential that was never shown.

also, this kids swag is unmatched

-The Juice
Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21
Graphics really that important though? In just about 99% of the games that have come out for both 360 and PS3, they look the same. Minor differences (shadows, minor textures). As far as online is going to play out, it's still going to run at 30 fps and 24 players, no matter what system.

Preorders show that 360 is winning by a mile. The competition and online experience will be on the 360. I'm going to rent it for the PS3 though and play it on my roommates system to compare, but I honestly do not see how the PS3 will be different. It's generally excepted that the PS3 is more powerful than the 360. But they been saying that for 6 years and have still yet to show that power (when pertaining to multiplatform games) and now talks of PS4 coming soon. The PS3 is like Penny Hardaway all this potential that was never shown.

-The Juice
Yes & No.
No because obviously a game could be pretty as hell & play like $+%! & basically the graphics are null & void if gameplay is crappy.

But this is battlefield.. Its going to stick to it game mechanics & all; so its familiar.. & its good. 

Yes because this IS Frostbite 2. I wanna get the best possible experience possible on consoles.  Obviously the true BF experience will be on PC. But u know what i mean. & also if the PS3 handles FB2 better than the 360 can.. Such as framerates, lighting, shadows, textures.. then ill obviously buy for the PS3 first if it runs better...

And yes they do come out similar when it comes to multiplatform games... Its usually ported from one system to the next. But at the same time Devs, devolop off the 360 much more often because its easier.. (so ive read)... But like i said, they arent porting .. So take it as if theyre developing console exclusives & like i said... they usually look better on the PS3.. 

&.. im not a believer in "the competition is better on the 360" thing... Its the same to me.. no difference. 

Like i said .. i hope the 360 looks & runs just as great... Cause XBL > PSN. 
Great video for new guys on BC2. 
I personally have a couple different preferences but these are good suggestions. Plus dudes accent is awesome 
I am out of the loop but is there a PS3/360 beta starting soon? And if so, how do I get in? thanks
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