Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

I wish I knew when I was being hit.
I'm hearing one impact, a flash of red, and I'm dead
 Battlefield 3 Beta Changes Listed and Detailed

DICE has released a list of the changes it’s making to Battlefield 3 as a result of your feedback on the beta
  • Fixed occasional client crash when reviving.
  • Fixed killcam showing glitched area under map if your killer is dead.
  • Issue with spawning on dead squad mates fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where shooting at a moving enemy could cause more than the intended amount of damage.
  • Crosshairs for shotguns have been replaced with a new, thinner, art.
  • A subtle low health screen effect has been added.
  • Tweaked scores of Medals and Service Stars.
  • Tweaked the Rank progression.
  • Pushing prone on console will not play the animation twice.
  • Fixed loss of Squad Leader after EOR at some times.
  • Framerate stability fixes.
  • The 3D spotting icons has been tweaked to better match the target’s visibility. Icons will show frequently less on mostly obscured targets.
  • Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after round transition.
  • Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after trying to deploy while the countdown timer still active.
  • Squad list now shows specializations chosen, VOIP activity and dead squad mates.
  • Non working options in squad menu fixed: “Private
Just suffered my 1st heartbreaker man... 

We were attacking and got through the first 2 bases....

Then the terminal bases came up... The defenders got their +#$% together... But somehow one of my teammates goes to A and charges it.. We get it. Im working the Locker rooms & that long hallway... 

we get the charges off twice. They disarm it it.. On our last push man... We get down to the B mcom again .. We have like 2 tickets left & its seriously chaos.. I go to arm it.. 1 ticket left... Its almost fully armed. Literally a milli-second away and my teammate dies... 0 tickets. Screen fades to gray & u can see that the Mcom was fully armed. We lose. And i know we wouldve gotten that mcom also, and wouldve won the game in the next set of mcoms in the cafe... No doubt.

I had a 
 game and did well individually but man it sucked to lose when i know i had that Mcom armed 

That game almost got my SPM to a 700 
 Well 698... 

Im starting to take a liking being a Combat Medic... U see a fallen teammate . Wipe out 2 guys. Dive to his dead body. Revive him on some "Get up buddy" type +#$% 

Also i enjoy attacking a lot more than defending.. well atleast on Op Metro... It was the other way around in Bc2.. 
what about the fact that if you run and die into objects you can see and shoot through them....

they got like 3 weeks to do a lot of work.
Originally Posted by Sneaky


33hrs. 1001 SPM
That's a lot of damn time slade 

But my dude is a damn beast.. every time we play he's up top and it ain't even close 
 I wish I were good at this game 
Me and my friends are still having a blast with this beta, even with all these bugs ...its still fun as hell too play. I don't remember the last high profile game that was released bug free...I'm sure a day 1 patch will be out once its retail version comes out 
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Me and my friends are still having a blast with this beta, even with all these bugs ...its still fun as hell too play. I don't remember the last high profile game that was released bug free...I'm sure a day 1 patch will be out once its retail version comes out 
starting to like this game now..............more realistic than COD.

Only thing i dont like is how long it takes to respawn once you die.........and the fact that you can only look AT the person who killed you, not what they were looking at.
WitnessMyCalm21 wrote:

Im starting to take a liking being a Combat Medic... U see a fallen teammate . Wipe out 2 guys. Dive to his dead body. Revive him on some "Get up buddy" type +#$% 

Also i enjoy attacking a lot more than defending.. well atleast on Op Metro... It was the other way around in Bc2.. 

I HATE people reviving me. 90% of the time, I get revived into death. Let me die so I can at least choose a better spawn.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

"No contact with EA backend. Please try again later"

Anyone else getting this now?

EDIT: And I've been getting this bug for about 3 times now:

Hey me too, and I got majority of my kills when it was stuck on that blue screen. 

lol thats because you pressed START before you died....just press start again and then start once more to return back to the game...the blue screen will be gone.

love this game though, crazy addicting and realistic....people actually play as a seemed in the beginning people didn't know the point of the game, but now people do and everyone works together to either defend or attack...

never seen a FPS where people actually rally to work together...
is origin down on PC for anyone else? i can't get to the stupid battlelog thing. on top of that, bfbc2 wont update properly, so i cant even play that either
Got hit with the invisible gun glitch

Really considering upgrading video card just so I can improve framerates for this BETA...

Only thing is my current card is good enough for all the games I play (or dont play for that matter
Hard to enjoy the game when these little girls run into that glitch near the A bomb outside and just lay there under the map. Decent game other than that.
yeah its prevalent now.

- _ -

but blame the creators. i slipped into that glitch 3 times by accident. once i got stuck and couldn't get out and had to kill myself ended up on like the very bottom of the map.
yeah its prevalent now.

- _ -

but blame the creators. i slipped into that glitch 3 times by accident. once i got stuck and couldn't get out and had to kill myself ended up on like the very bottom of the map.
Besides some of the noobs who play this game that play like vaginas .(Sittin in corners, Laying in the bushes. prone, sniping, or somewhere or watever, etc etc u guys know what it is)

Some of thee most pathetic playing ive seen... Is from the higher ranked guys...
2 major examples.

1. Setting up a radio beacon in the attackers spawn and base raping them

2. Sitting like a %%%%@ in the vent passage way when entering the subway either in the last vent or 2nd vent. 

3. Glitching the map (getting under the map or inside objects) ON PURPOSE...

I wish i could reach into the TV screen .. Pull there +%+#!+! head so i can punch them in the face a couple times for playing like SUCH VAGINAS! Like gezus christ could u be a bigger douche... 

And no never have i done any of those things and never will or at least try to (Map glitches) .. 

As you can see we lost , that terminal again. same EXACT situation from my post eariler.. Im not joking... But this time the Mcom went off and we still lost. I guess i was wrong thinking that ud get to advanced even if u run out of tickets on any base.. I guess it only applies to the final base... If that makes sense.. Just really goes to show u that ONE guy cannot win the game for a team... But COTDAMN.... I never check my score during the game.. and when i saw this i was like GEEZUS CHRIST!

Sorry for the turrible pic... I was in a rush to capture it 
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