Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity

thanks for sharing. the part that struck me the most was when he talks about talent vs skill. It really hit home because I've been blessed with manytalents, and so far I've relied on that to get me where I am, but I know that unless I work hard at perfecting what I do I won't go as far as I wantto.
I watched the whole thing

I never knew Will Smith was so wise
Won't have time to watch the vid, but just going off the title, if that's what the vid is about, my response is simply: I hear you, but how the hell doyou force yourself to be unrealistic from time to time?

It makes perfect sense that being realistic is the quickest road to mediocrity, but how does someone force themselves to break out of the comfort zone theyhave found by being realistic nearly all the time?
This was one of the things that really pushed me over the edge when I was contemplating switching career paths.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Won't have time to watch the vid, but just going off the title, if that's what the vid is about, my response is simply: I hear you, but how the hell do you force yourself to be unrealistic from time to time?

It makes perfect sense that being realistic is the quickest road to mediocrity, but how does someone force themselves to break out of the comfort zone they have found by being realistic nearly all the time?
Its more in terms of... something youre passionate about. As in lets say youre passionate about becoming an incredible doctor and helping peopleand establishing a large network through which to aid to people all over the world. If its something youre extremely passionate about, or a dream of yours,then you have to disregard that aspect of reality. Instead of settling for becoming a normal doctor - the realistic lifestyle, its about going through allthose extra steps that aren't even visible at first. Creating a realistic outcome out of "unrealistic" ideas and dreams.

To me at least.
I am on here a lot but usually don't post anything, but people should definitely watch this.
good video for the most part

his ideas are great, but i do understand where ska is coming from in putting the ideas into's very difficult.
i like the quote, and im not sure of the exact phrasing, but it goes something like:

"what would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail?"

kind of one of those "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take" lines but it definitely hits me a lot harder.

we write ourselves off too easily.
the part about the wall gave me chills

you dont set out to build a wall... like im gonna build the biggest baddest wall... you dont start there. you say, i'm going to lay this brick as perfectlyas a brick can be laid. and you do that every single day, and soon you have a wall.

i mean if you look at it like a metaphor
Originally Posted by gko2408

Devils Advocate: It wasn't the dreamer who made the parachute.
Going off that point... you need non-dreamers to support dreamers. Not everyone can be the visionary king.. you need your pawns, too.
Thanks for this. I constantly question if I'm crazy when I decide to start another business, workout at 5am, and do other stuff that no one else I knowdoes.

It seems like society REALLY wants you to be/stay average. If you do something out of the ordinary, everyone will try and bring you back down to"normal".

Yeah, I see where doing what "everyone else" does got them...
Seen this before a few times actually. It's not an accident that he's this successful. The analogy about the brick wall is something that stuckwith me.
Will Smith is easily my favorite actor and man, that video was what's up.

thanks op.

- peace Gods and Goddesses.
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