Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity

Great post. I must say, watching this to start my day off at work will definitely make a tremendous difference in my performance. I know it. I believe thesame concepts, but sometimes I find myself slipping back into "reality" and I need a wakeup call.

And what's funny is that his concepts are really simple. It's not rocket science or anything close. It's really something that we, as humans, aresupposed to have natrually, but each time you let something think for you, (ex. a mechanic fixing your car instead of youtrying to do it yourself) you take onestep back from independence and being capeable of doing anything. And that isnt to say that everybody should be 100% independent, but I think people shouldrely on themselves a little more than we currently do. An indipendent train of thought is what lies beneath Will Smiths success and this whole entire conceptwhen you break it down to it's simplest form. You cant conform to society if you want to stand out and do anything extraordinary.

I'm always comming with crazy thoughts and ideas that make a lot of people think I'm "crazy" or not normal, and I'm completely fine withit. I'm sure a lot of NT probably think I'm half crazy because some of the stuff that I seriously believe, and if I laid it all out, yall would betruely convenced that I'm insane.

Independent thought IS freedom. Freedom is the ability to do whatever you want.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

good video for the most part

his ideas are great, but i do understand where ska is coming from in putting the ideas into's very difficult.

Lots od things are difficult. I'm convinced everyone has great ideas, but you need to go out and make them a reality. It's up to you. Most people logon to Niketalk, go watch some tv, go to work, play video games, go to school, etc. then one day they die. When they die their thoughts are gone, no one everheard of them, they were just another person. The only people that remember them are friends, family, and some other people. Imagine how many people have diedthat dreamed of being musicians, of being an actor, of being a mountain climber instead of being a janitor. They would do their 9 to 5, singing along to theirfavorite singer or dreaming about those mountains. Yet they never went out and did what they wanted too, even though it was so easy.

I could talk about this all day, but it's simple really. If you know you know, if you don't then what I wrote is nothing more than words to you. Youmay even think you understand what I'm saying, but I'm convinced most people won't. Like I said, when you know, well you'll know. That's mymotivation, knowing I can change reality.
what is wrong with mediocrity?

why do we have this urge to be millionaires and billionaires, and famous and all this crap?

"when people are sleeping, i am up working"

for what? for a few extra bucks? for a bigger house? for a expensive cars? to attract better looking women or more than 1?

if everyone in this world were content with being mediocre we wouldn't have mass starvation and poverty....this is the same attitude that encourages masscompetition which has created this atmosphere of 'dog eat dog world' within every sphere of society leading to diseases, illnesses, depression.. etc.

to me this isn't inspiring, kind of sad to be honest...sure do what you like at the best of your ability, but working beyond your capabilities (beingunrealistic) is just stupid.

be happy with what you have, and who you are, and you won't need to be unrealistic to enjoy life.
Originally Posted by copped

what is wrong with mediocrity?

why do we have this urge to be millionaires and billionaires, and famous and all this crap?

"when people are sleeping, i am up working"

for what? for a few extra bucks? for a bigger house? for a expensive cars? to attract better looking women or more than 1?

if everyone in this world were content with being mediocre we wouldn't have mass starvation and poverty....this is the same attitude that encourages mass competition which has created this atmosphere of 'dog eat dog world' within every sphere of society leading to diseases, illnesses, depression.. etc.

to me this isn't inspiring, kind of sad to be honest...sure do what you like at the best of your ability, but working beyond your capabilities (being unrealistic) is just stupid.

be happy with what you have, and who you are, and you won't need to be unrealistic to enjoy life.

I started to make a response to this kind of post in my original post, but I didnt for whatever reason because I knew someone would hav this misconception.

The point in the message goes a lot deeper than obtaining physical posessions/earthly assets. Material posessions are a REALLY thin layer to life as a wholewhen you have a larger perspective on life and the universe physically, spiritually and mentally. This is the reason you see a lot of celebrities doing thingsout of the ordinary when it comes to religion, way of life, and even things like drugs, etc. If you work to obtain fame/fortune, once you get that fame and/ormoney, you ask yourself "what next?" Some people dont know how to find the answers to that question and look for a spiritual/mental upliftment andfind it in drugs, some find a more positive/true mental and spiritual upliftment. Once the destraction of physical possessions has been removed or fulilled youfind a lot more empty space in your mind for other things to fill that void. Some people see past the money/fame and dont even have to get that to knowthere's more to life.

So if you think the highest point in life is when you are wealthy and free of financial worries or when you're famous and everyone knows your name, thenthe message that you get from Will will be completely different than the message I got.

Basically, the message is you manifest your own reality weather it's good or bad, it's all completely your fault. You set your own limits.

(I may have gone off on a rant, but hopefully you see what I'm saying?)
Son is the definition of a 10%er.

First he says...

"We make the situation more complex than it has to be..."

Then he goes into...

"One of my favorite books is the Alchemist...."

"Confucius said..."

"Bend the Universe..."

"I Study the patterns of the Universe..."

"There's a flow of the Universe and I've learned how to go with it..."

Oprah Winfrey/Creflo Dollar type cat.

Can't help but chuckle sometimes.

Good advice nevertheless.
Originally Posted by copped

what is wrong with mediocrity?

why do we have this urge to be millionaires and billionaires, and famous and all this crap?

"when people are sleeping, i am up working"

for what? for a few extra bucks? for a bigger house? for a expensive cars? to attract better looking women or more than 1?

if everyone in this world were content with being mediocre we wouldn't have mass starvation and poverty....this is the same attitude that encourages mass competition which has created this atmosphere of 'dog eat dog world' within every sphere of society leading to diseases, illnesses, depression.. etc.

to me this isn't inspiring, kind of sad to be honest...sure do what you like at the best of your ability, but working beyond your capabilities (being unrealistic) is just stupid.

be happy with what you have, and who you are, and you won't need to be unrealistic to enjoy life.

Not everyone that works hard wants cars, money, or other material possessions. What about scientists, inventors, doctors, etc. that are trying to help otherpeople's lives? Doctors treating patients for free in underdeveloped areas or the scientist that helped create a vaccine to help mankind. They couldn'thave done this without that, "I got to keep working" attitude and it's far from being mediocre.

But, like you said, working so much just for a car or money or any other material possession doesn't make sense to me.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Son is the definition of a 10%er.

First he says...

"We make the situation more complex than it has to be..."

Then he goes into...

"One of my favorite books is the Alchemist...."

"Confucius said..."

"Bend the Universe..."

"I Study the patterns of the Universe..."

"There's a flow of the Universe and I've learned how to go with it..."

Oprah Winfrey/Creflo Dollar type cat.

Can't help but chuckle sometimes.

Good advice nevertheless.


Why chuckle? If those are the values of a 10%er (whatever they stand for), it seems like a good way to live life to me...
Originally Posted by cor23ey

Thanks for this. I constantly question if I'm crazy when I decide to start another business, workout at 5am, and do other stuff that no one else I know does.

It seems like society REALLY wants you to be/stay average. If you do something out of the ordinary, everyone will try and bring you back down to "normal".

Yeah, I see where doing what "everyone else" does got them...


In regards to the video some people will understand the deeper meaning of what Will is trying to say, and other people will be unimpressed.
Nah its that dude is well studied in certain alternative ideologies but makes millions off of giving people the sugarcoated easy to digest feel good speechesand flicks

Like I said its still good advice but hes not keeping it 100%.

If it was that simple what would happen when 2 or more people, all parties determined to the death, had conflicting desires?

Theres a method to power and understanding, its crystal clear that Will has studied it and embodied it in his life but he's a 10%er he'll tell you whatyou want to hear so that your powerbase and vibration never threatens his.

Like he said...its one of 2 things. You'll get off the treadmill before him or he'll die on the treadmill.

I can feel where cats like him are coming from though, its better to give people things in these weak dosages, make them feel good, while enjoying your richesand deeper knowledge, rather than to be ridiculed and ostracized for laying out the full truths.
People often forget that Will Smith is actually really smart. If I remember correctly, when he went to start his entertainment career, he turned down a fullscholarship to MIT.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

People often forget that Will Smith is actually really smart. If I remember correctly, when he went to start his entertainment career, he turned down a full scholarship to MIT.

that is correct. I believe if the rapping thing didnt work out that summer he was on his way to MIT
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