best way to unleash your anger?

I rarely get angry enough to need to diffuse it. I think the part of my brain that governs anger is atrophied. But I do get stressed and frustrated at times and these things help

gym-been a while

OP, go to a dock and just scream your lungs out. Swear, scream, yell... Do it until your voice runs out



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dont punch things youll regret that later lol i learned that the hard way. best way is talk to someone really close about the situation, or just sleep it off. thats what works for me.
its best not to hit or break anything because when you get into that kind of habit, and you snap where there is no punching bag boxing gloves, who knows what will take their place.

try meditating like someone said, listening to some slow music or reading a book.

life is to precious to waste on being angry.
I got a heavy bag for Christmas and man, that thing has seriously changed my life. When I come home from a long day of work or if I'm agitated, I put Pandora on and do work for half an hour. Feels good man.
Go to the gym and workout. Lift some weights, or even do some cardio and run your %@@ off on the treadmill.
masturbate and then seconds before you know your going to climax just get up and run frantically in circles around your room while still ejaculating or your house if no1 is home
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

masturbate and then seconds before you know your going to climax just get up and run frantically in circles around your room while still ejaculating or your house if no1 is home

w t f
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