best way to unleash your anger?

as said earlier, my fave things:

Lift Weights
hit a punching bag
loud music

used to burn
, but it would help sometimes
Originally Posted by MJ All Day45

Call of wonder
not if a 12 year old PWNS you and trash talks about having sexual intercourse with your mother last night.
lift wieght man.

i played ball once. one hard foul later and i exploded. now im banned for a year smh
go for a drive on the interstate and drive as aggresively as possible. works for me
the answer is pray, my man. it helped me to learned to channel my anger (in most cases) and use whatever it is i'm angry about as fuel for success. trust, this works like u wouldn't believe, but u gotta be really focused for it to work properly.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I rarely get angry enough to need to diffuse it. I think the part of my brain that governs anger is atrophied. But I do get stressed and frustrated at times and these things help

gym-been a while

Same here. Sometimes I wish I could conjure up some alpha rage
Go shooting
Fap or sex
Heavy Bag
Bike ride
Video games
Smoke indica strains so it will make you sleepy
Punching bag is a really good* investment, if you find yourself internalizing things and stewing over stuff. Going for a run works for me too. I blaze, but i find that if I'm in a bad frame of mind, herb just makes me think deeper into it.
*storm backstage screaming loud enough to cause the people in make-up to call security
*swing at the glass window in your dressing room with a chair
*connect with glass window with chair
*threatening stare down in the eyes of network producer
*tear your shirt off and exit the building
*tweet about it
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