Bigger Impact: Michael Jackson or J.K Rowling??

While the question sounded intriguing, there isn't much of an argument here.  In addition, people are acting like the Harry Potter books were all that great to read from a literary standpoint to begin with.  While there is something of an immerse universe, the books are written on a fifth or sixth grade reading level, and that's at best.  I better never ever see somebody say that Harry Potter is touching the works of Tolkien on this board ever again. 
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

While the question sounded intriguing, there isn't much of an argument here.  In addition, people are acting like the Harry Potter books were all that great to read from a literary standpoint to begin with.  While there is something of an immerse universe, the books are written on a fifth or sixth grade reading level, and that's at best.  I better never ever see somebody say that Harry Potter is touching the works of Tolkien on this board ever again. 

qft, lol @ people in here acting like if you haven't read the books you don't read---HP fanboys are jokes
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

While the question sounded intriguing, there isn't much of an argument here.  In addition, people are acting like the Harry Potter books were all that great to read from a literary standpoint to begin with.  While there is something of an immerse universe, the books are written on a fifth or sixth grade reading level, and that's at best.  I better never ever see somebody say that Harry Potter is touching the works of Tolkien on this board ever again. 

qft, lol @ people in here acting like if you haven't read the books you don't read---HP fanboys are jokes

Originally Posted by debs 168

whole question is *#!$+%*%.

smh at this. the THOUGHT of jk being in mj's league...son...mj, jordan, gotta put him in THAT category. he's one of the most famous ppl on the planet if not the most famous outside of jesus christ. no exaggeration.
So are Michael Jackson "fanboys".
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

While the question sounded intriguing, there isn't much of an argument here.  In addition, people are acting like the Harry Potter books were all that great to read from a literary standpoint to begin with.  While there is something of an immerse universe, the books are written on a fifth or sixth grade reading level, and that's at best.  I better never ever see somebody say that Harry Potter is touching the works of Tolkien on this board ever again. 

qft, lol @ people in here acting like if you haven't read the books you don't read---HP fanboys are jokes

Originally Posted by debs 168

whole question is *#!$+%*%.

smh at this. the THOUGHT of jk being in mj's league...son...mj, jordan, gotta put him in THAT category. he's one of the most famous ppl on the planet if not the most famous outside of jesus christ. no exaggeration.
So are Michael Jackson "fanboys".

MJ is one of the greatest musicians across many generations, cultures, etc---this thread is stupid

I didn't cry when MJ died, people did---it was surreal

If JK Rowling died, a kid in some village in Kenya wouldnt know and wouldnt care-is this thread serious?

Harry Potter is more influential in this country, in the last few years that's the only argument that could be made
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

qft, lol @ people in here acting like if you haven't read the books you don't read---HP fanboys are jokes

Originally Posted by debs 168

whole question is *#!$+%*%.

smh at this. the THOUGHT of jk being in mj's league...son...mj, jordan, gotta put him in THAT category. he's one of the most famous ppl on the planet if not the most famous outside of jesus christ. no exaggeration.
So are Michael Jackson "fanboys".

MJ is one of the greatest musicians across many generations, cultures, etc---this thread is stupid

I didn't cry when MJ died, people did---it was surreal

If JK Rowling died, a kid in some village in Kenya wouldnt know and wouldnt care-is this thread serious?

Harry Potter is more influential in this country, in the last few years that's the only argument that could be made
People keep bringing up this point, but really it's pointless. So what if some kid in Kenya has heard of Michael Jackson? Does that mean he's been impacted or influenced by him?

Hell no. He's just heard of him, that's all. And that has nothing to do with the question.
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by fearthenut

So are Michael Jackson "fanboys".

MJ is one of the greatest musicians across many generations, cultures, etc---this thread is stupid

I didn't cry when MJ died, people did---it was surreal

If JK Rowling died, a kid in some village in Kenya wouldnt know and wouldnt care-is this thread serious?

Harry Potter is more influential in this country, in the last few years that's the only argument that could be made
People keep bringing up this point, but really it's pointless. So what if some kid in Kenya has heard of Michael Jackson? Does that mean he's been impacted or influenced by him?

Hell no. He's just heard of him, that's all. And that has nothing to do with the question.
It's hard to impact somebody if they don't even know who you are in the first place, though.  That has a lot to do with the question.
Jk Rowling is really only famous for 1 series of books tho. You cant compare that to how MJ is considered the best Dancer/Performer of all time and plus he's had a bigger/longer impact on POP culture.
Always loved Mike. He was like the big brother I never had. The thing was his talent was from another planet; yet, he was a human being and we all took him for granted. May God bless Michael Jackson!
Originally Posted by KillTheHype

You know, here is the thing.

When he was alive, no one cared.

He dies, oh Michael oh Michael.
Thats just it also tho. I dont think half as many people would be, oh rowling oh rowling.
i love how people argue about topics that are opinion based. Forget about who had a bigger impact "globally," they both have done great things and have huge fan bases. i don't see why you guys are getting mad/arguing.
Didn't read past page 6, so don't know if brought up, but HP is still a relatively new book series, as MJ's music has gone through generations. He's entertained people for 40 years, and still does because people STILL listen to his music.

This debate would be better 20-30 years from now because we'll see where the HP series stands throughout time.
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by fearthenut

So are Michael Jackson "fanboys".

MJ is one of the greatest musicians across many generations, cultures, etc---this thread is stupid

I didn't cry when MJ died, people did---it was surreal

If JK Rowling died, a kid in some village in Kenya wouldnt know and wouldnt care-is this thread serious?

Harry Potter is more influential in this country, in the last few years that's the only argument that could be made
People keep bringing up this point, but really it's pointless. So what if some kid in Kenya has heard of Michael Jackson? Does that mean he's been impacted or influenced by him?

Hell no. He's just heard of him, that's all. And that has nothing to do with the question.

MJs influence spans several generations-since the Jackson 5-today you have 5 year old kids in youtube videos doing the moonwalk

The man set the bar for all pop music, and dance performance we see today-yes there are kids in third world countries who idolize MJ that is an impact

Why are you acting like MJ can't impact kids the way HP books impacts kids in this country?
Topic is stupid. Based on the logic of some of these people, Stan Lee has had the biggest impact of any person to ever walk this earth.
MJ has a Filipino prison dancing to Thriller. I dont see any Filipino prisons casting magic spells.
Originally Posted by Noskey

MJ has a Filipino prison dancing to Thriller. I dont see any Filipino prisons casting magic spells.

I'm 21 years old, so I obviously wasn't around during Jackson's "prime". However, I enjoy both Jackson's music, and the Harry Potter series. As far as bigger impact, I have to go with MJ. He was a global Icon, who had people of ALL ages going crazy. The fact that he was so relevant, even several years after his music career tells you about his impact. This really isn't a knock against J.K. Rowling, because she's impacted a lot of people too, but comparing her to Jackson is just unfair. 

Also, just because someone doesn't know of J.K Rowling/Harry Potter series, doesn't mean that they don't read. Whether you like it or not, the Harry Potter series is very niche. It's not for everyone.  

Jackson Music wasn't for everyone either, but it still appealed to a substantial amount of people across the age scale. 
Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

Originally Posted by KillTheHype

You know, here is the thing.

When he was alive, no one cared.

He dies, oh Michael oh Michael.


Jokes for days when the man was alive....when he died he was labeled "misunderstood."

That's another topic for another day. 

He was like the big brother I never had.

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