Biggest Paper You Wrote In Collage? Vol. Class + Topic Too

UC Berkeley, undergrad two years ago. Had a 35 page paper for a peace and conflicts studies class, topic of my choice but I wrote a comparative analysis of The Algerian War and Spanish-American War. Too much detail to get in to concerning my argument, but I procrastinated and then goofed on the due date.... had to write that thing over the course of the weekend starting Friday night and finishing Monday around 5am. Slept a total of about 4 hours during that span, got an A on the paper
Ahhh, undergrad memories.
15 pgs for a SOC ethnography paper. This semester however, I have a 20pg ANT research paper due.
10 pager last year, wrote about 8 in one day between that 10 pager and two-three other papers I had to do..don't remember what it was about, I must of did good cause I went from failing to a C+
My group for an engineering design class wrote a report around 70 pages. My thesis will end up being at least 100 pages.
40 pages on the collapse of communism in Russia for a single class.

4 papers around 9 pages each all due (and all written) in the same week. One on the Latin Kings for an Organized Crime class, another on Auschwitz for a Holocaust class, one on gender performance in The Sandlot for literary theory, and then an analysis of Hoop Dreams and understanding the challenges of "the American Dream" for a film class.
but in all of my major and minor classes I had at least a 3000 word paper due in each one.
24 pages on the life of my grandfather in my gerontology class. took about 2 months to do. from the interview all the way to the final draft.

second longest was 16 on the History of BMW for my english technical writing class
took one night. thanks to some adderall XR
I have a 8 page reasearch paper due next week about how the peloponnesion war led to the downfall of ancient Greece and the same teacher just gave me a essay due Tuesday . I will live on the computer this weekend
Honors thesis - student motivations to participate in organ donation campaigns. 35ish pages

Once wrote 14 pages on Ben Franklin in one night; dude was beyond boring. I popped some Vivarin to help me stay up, #!$@ had me shakin like a fiend.
Degree in Poli Sci, last semester 4 out of 6 courses, ended w/ a 20pg paper and two of those courses also had exams. I turn anything into a 20 pg paper. My gf's sister was complaining about a 4pg paper 2 weeks ago. Youth, smh.
This semester...
Finance 340 - Capital & Money markets

40-60 page paper due by the end of the semester, on comparing The Great Recession, to The Great Depression
BMGT481 Strategic Management - 50 Page Paper about the Corporate Personhood and Financial Viability of Nike vs. Adidas


AHIS497 History Independent Study - 30-40 Pages about the Fall of Labor Unions in the 1970s
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