Bill Maher calls himself a House N during an interview.....

Dudes really holding immigrants to some standard that they have to reinvest in the community. I'm not even sure what that means, that's what you use activism for to increase tax revenues to your hood and create real change. Not depending on a ****** bodega owner for. If you're looking for private investment nowadays that means gentrification and getting residents to move out. When you risk your safety to operate a business in an area nobody else would, and function to exchange goods for money, you don't owe anybody anything after they walk out with said goods. Especially when you have minimal understanding and ties to the place since you grew up elsewhere.

It's easy for people to direct their frustrations at the people they see in front of them. Meanwhile the ones behind the scenes in institutions such as banking and government that create real problems chill in the cut since they're faceless, in the burbs and out of sight.

The same empathy you seek, and often get from many other liberal progressives, which is how many brown Muslims are affiliating themselves and voting, is the same thing you lack when you have this view on other groups. Blacks aren't the only people struggling and it's not a contest of who has it worst. There are many fights for an equal and fair world, for women, LBGTQ, other minority groups, and black folks. If you're scope of social justice is limited to just getting it for black folks, and you don't care about others (and as human beings we have the capacity for empathy and caring for all groups that need it, so it isn't a matter of not having the mental/emotional resources to care, it's just that you only care about yourself) then that's your take and we have different world views and won't get on the same page.
See now you telling on yourself...I see alot of generalizations and assumptions:lol:  
Typical of you to lump being aware and seeking empathy and help as the same.
This is the very flawed logic whites have in this country.
You got it twisted......

This is what I want people to see....your way of thinking.
This is what we see over and over from people like you.
The more you post the more you give away...:rofl:

Thank you so much! 

So now empathy is some bad thing? I find it essential for multicultural coexistence, and ascension of minority groups who don't get enough of it, especially when so many groups exploit a lack of it to their benefit.

A lack of empathy and understanding is what contributes to perpetuating myths of the Right that blacks are where they are because of laziness and lack of family values. It perpetuates myths of Muslims becoming terrorists because the Quran teaches them to kill non-Muslims. When you have awareness combined with empathy and understanding, it allows barriers to be broken and real solutions to be found.

You seem to be mistaking empathy for some sort of condescending pity.
AND I DONOT USE THE WORD In every day life! I've said this countless times, even though I grew up using it because of my upbringing, after a certain age I realized it wasn't appropriate to casually drop N bombs, my only exception and NEVER have I been or seen anyone not black get checked for dropping while singing along to some hip hop...once again this has been in NY....other states I'm sure is different, but here in NYC ain't nobody checking dudes for singing along to lyrics....and yes Bill was wrong for many reasons, for one the context in which he used it for sure had a racial undertones to it.
I agree with this and if IRL a black person at a club or party wants to single me out for using it while singing along, I'll be taken by it and will be awkward, but I will respectfully seize to use it.

However that has yet to be the case. [emoji]127995[/emoji]‍♂️
So you're waiting for a person to face to face tell you they are offended by the word, even it's use within a song, before you respect it? Seems superfluous.

To me it's very similar to as a child not being able to curse/cuss so when a song came on that I knew had inappropriate language I'd sing the clean and leave he dirty blank. Sure since the words weren't mine I knew my intentions were pure but I also knew that saying the words whether in or out of my mother/father/aunt/relative's sight could land me in trouble. I get the difference in saying the word in a song and in conversation but you are putting up quite a fight to say a word that you fully understand is offensive. It's odd.
Are y'all really out here "rattling jaws" when y'all see someone sing along at a concert? I always see people say this but I have yet to see this in person and it happens all the time
I've seen it. I've had to stop dudes from rocking my friends jaw cause he didn't know my other homies gave him a "pass". There is no blanket environment that will save a non-black person from having their safety threatened when they use offensive language. It's some old head black dudes that will check other black dudes/people for using it. Hell, it's some grandmothers that'll slap the taste out ya mouth for saying less universally offensive words ie words like "lie" or "damn".

The point is, although you have made it "X" years without getting rocked don't mean you have a lifetime protection pass that everybody has checked off on.
I really do not get the fascination with using n____, whether it's in a conversation with your boys or by reciting the lyrics.

The only time I've ever used it is when describing something racist that happened. For example, "______ called a black person a n_____ on Twitter" or something similar. I've listened to hip hop my entire life and have never "sung along" to that word for fun. And yes, if it matters, I also don't refer to women as h___s and b____s either. Hip hop music is entertainment; it doesn't mean I have to emulate it in real life. It's extremely simple to avoid, and I just don't get why people demand to be able to use the word.

I have Mexican friends that use Latino slurs to refer to each other even while I'm around them; I've never once felt the urge to start using those slurs as well. The same concept should apply to n_____; just because a rapper is letting you in on his language and culture, doesn't mean you have the right to say and do whatever you want
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Funny you bring that up.....

I feel a socially conscious fully aware black person could never have too much paranoia and should never get too

comfortable no matter how much wealth or success they have in this country or anywhere else in the world.

You know what's funny I'm sure Lebron would have said the same thing not too long ago before he got his wake up call and his house racially vandalized.

I'm sure Floyd Mayweather would have said the same thing before the Manny fight and before he seen what true colors and pure hate people had of him winning that fight

and becoming even more successful.

I'm sure Mario Balotelli felt the same way(hey maybe I am being too paranoid and need to open my heart more) before he got his wake up call about the color of his skin and success living and being among Italians.

See but of course you wouldn't understand or feel these conscious aware instincts in your mind body and soul because you aren't from this cloth of people and it


Ounce again thanks for telling on yourself and showing us you really can't relate!

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So you're waiting for a person to face to face tell you they are offended by the word, even it's use within a song, before you respect it? Seems superfluous.

To me it's very similar to as a child not being able to curse/cuss so when a song came on that I knew had inappropriate language I'd sing the clean and leave he dirty blank. Sure since the words weren't mine I knew my intentions were pure but I also knew that saying the words whether in or out of my mother/father/aunt/relative's sight could land me in trouble. I get the difference in saying the word in a song and in conversation but you are putting up quite a fight to say a word that you fully understand is offensive. It's odd.

I've seen it. I've had to stop dudes from rocking my friends jaw cause he didn't know my other homies gave him a "pass". There is no blanket environment that will save a non-black person from having their safety threatened when they use offensive language. It's some old head black dudes that will check other black dudes/people for using it. Hell, it's some grandmothers that'll slap the taste out ya mouth for saying less universally offensive words ie words like "lie" or "damn".

The point is, although you have made it "X" years without getting rocked don't mean you have a lifetime protection pass that everybody has checked off on.

I'm not waiting for it....I never felt it was wrong within the context of a song to use it, this is what real life experience has shown me, because in NY, you at a party and some DMX jam comes on, we all having a grand time reciting lyric by lyric, Latinos and blacks when the day comes a black man is offended by the use of it, I'm not gonna be like *****, Ima be like cool, my bad and keep it moving.
I'm black and a white guy checked me at a party once 

Never been so surprised in my life. Fam said it made him uncomfortable 
I'm not waiting for it....I never felt it was wrong within the context of a song to use it, this is what real life experience has shown me, because in NY, you at a party and some DMX jam comes on, we all having a grand time reciting lyric by lyric, Latinos and blacks when the day comes a black man is offended by the use of it, I'm not gonna be like *****, Ima be like cool, my bad and keep it moving.
But the black men who have stated their desire for you to abstain from using the word here don't count? NT isn't real enough?
I really do not get the fascination with using n____, whether it's in a conversation with your boys or by reciting the lyrics.

The only time I've ever used it is when describing something racist that happened. For example, "______ called a black person a n_____ on Twitter" or something similar. I've listened to hip hop my entire life and have never "sung along" to that word for fun. And yes, if it matters, I also don't refer to women as h___s and b____s either. Hip hop music is entertainment; it doesn't mean I have to emulate it in real life. It's extremely simple to avoid, and I just don't get why people demand to be able to use the word.

I have Mexican friends that use Latino slurs to refer to each other even while I'm around them; I've never once felt the urge to start using those slurs as well. The same concept should apply to n_____; just because a rapper is letting you in on his language and culture, doesn't mean you have the right to say and do whatever you want

Emulating it in real life would be actually speaking socially like rappers rap, treating women with the same respect rap lyrics tell you to, advocating for drugs like some songs do.

Singing along is just that, singing along, you are not emulating just have a certain liking to a type of music...if it matters I don't even change the words to a Rihanna or Katy Perry song about boys...if the song is fire I recite lyric by lyric :kanyeshrug:
I remember my first time doing karaoke and I did "Shoulder Lean" and because the lack of brown faces I didn't feel comfortable using the N-word during my "performance". The DJ or whatever even told me "You can curse we're all adults" jokingly but I thought to myself that I didn't want them thinking because I said it to them they can hop up there and recite the hottest bars.
But the black men who have stated their desire for you to abstain from using the word here don't count? NT isn't real enough?

NT is NOT real life, I'm not in here boasting censored N bombs to ignite them and disrespect them, nor have they actually ever heard me drop them or they ever will....because I'm well aware of most NTers hypersensitivity towards it, so obviously I'm not gonna push the envelope, Ima keep living my life the way I have tho, the black men I've known in real life, that are friends and even family, never felt the need to check me, because when a song is on, we all on the same spectrum and culture and grew up side by easy for ya to judge me and feel offended because all you know is the lighter tone of my skin....past that ya don't really know **** about me :lol:
So now empathy is some bad thing? I find it essential for multicultural coexistence, and ascension of minority groups who don't get enough of it, especially when so many groups exploit a lack of it to their benefit.

A lack of empathy and understanding is what contributes to perpetuating myths of the Right that blacks are where they are because of laziness and lack of family values. It perpetuates myths of Muslims becoming terrorists because the Quran teaches them to kill non-Muslims. When you have awareness combined with empathy and understanding, it allows barriers to be broken and real solutions to be found.

You seem to be mistaking empathy for some sort of condescending pity.
No once again you mistake being conscious and aware of ones racial standing in this country as seeking empathy or automatically demanding help or a handout.

Go back and read your damn context of your post.

Stop expecting everyone to want to hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah....this is the problem I have with people of your mindset.

You feel any feelings toward an issue a black expresses automatically has to be hateful and unfair.

You expect black folks to somehow maintain a peaceful positive well lets all get along attitude as if its our job to be the worlds passive peaceful blind naive kind.

So any kind of blunt truthful conscious aggression you find offensive....meanwhile its ok for non blacks to do it as passive aggressively and as arrogantly as they can. Meanwhile you are pretty much telling us to be aware and sympathize with every other groups problems.

As if LGBT, women and other minority groups are something a hard working black man in America needs to fight for and acknowledge also.

Your whole logic is that of a naive extremely biased liberal white american and you hate that I see it,

because lowkey you feel threatened by consciously aware blacks like me because you aren't used to any sign of aggression and blunt honest truth.

So quit playing with me with all that liberal pacification as if I need to hold a higher standard of love, acceptance and peace than any other race.

Nice try!

Miss me with it!
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I remember my first time doing karaoke and I did "Shoulder Lean" and because the lack of brown faces I didn't feel comfortable using the N-word during my "performance". The DJ or whatever even told me "You can curse we're all adults" jokingly but I thought to myself that I didn't want them thinking because I said it to them they can hop up there and recite the hottest bars.

Im filipino and my best friend in college was black and went to an hbc.
I went with him to a party near there and i was the ONLY non black person.
Was chillin havin a good time singin along then allofa sudden


sweater god everybody was lookin at me like

View media item 2455921
NT is NOT real life, I'm not in here boasting censored N bombs to ignite them and disrespect them, nor have they actually ever heard me drop them or they ever will....because I'm well aware of most NTers hypersensitivity towards it, so obviously I'm not gonna push the envelope, Ima keep living my life the way I have tho, the black men I've known in real life, that are friends and even family, never felt the need to check me, because when a song is on, we all on the same spectrum and culture and grew up side by easy for ya to judge me and feel offended because all you know is the lighter tone of my skin....past that ya don't really know **** about me
But at the root of it all, the use of the n-word has nothing to do with who you are as a person past the fact of whether or not you are black. What hood you grew up in, who you grew up with, average income level, none of that matters because for most people the only people who can use the word are black people.

As dramatic as NT can be there's plenty of sincerity on here. But at the end of the day, like you said you gon live your life.
Im filipino and my best friend in college was black and went to an hbc.
I went with him to a party near there and i was the ONLY non black person.
Was chillin havin a good time singin along then allofa sudden


sweater god everybody was lookin at me like
In some instances it's gon be some folks who will notice you are the only or one of the few non-blacks and watch what you say and what you do WAITING for you to slip up.

Some times it's all about timing and right/wrong place. Coulda been some dudes who peeped you came in and was looking for a reason. But hey, if it ain't happen all somebody's life it'll never happen right?
Emulating it in real life would be actually speaking socially like rappers rap, treating women with the same respect rap lyrics tell you to, advocating for drugs like some songs do.

Singing along is just that, singing along, you are not emulating just have a certain liking to a type of music...if it matters I don't even change the words to a Rihanna or Katy Perry song about boys...if the song is fire I recite lyric by lyric :kanyeshrug:

Ok, but black people are asking you not to use the word that has a lot of history with their people. It is their word, so you should listen to what they have to say about its usage. Regardless of what you feel is correct or incorrect, can't you just avoid using the word out of respect?
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I'm not even sure what this discussion is about

but regarding the original topic. It's time for Maher to go.

It's the core of what racism is. He thinks he has the power to say and do what he wants no matter who he offends.

Wayne Brady spoke on it years ago. Somehow he thinks he has a pass because he's not a conservative and he has dealt with black women with no self esteem and pride.

Killer Mike's stance disappointed me. I hate the belief of, we have other things to worry about, so let's ignore this one. We give too many passes. We can't multitask and comment on multiple issues?
In some instances it's gon be some folks who will notice you are the only or one of the few non-blacks and watch what you say and what you do WAITING for you to slip up.

Some times it's all about timing and right/wrong place. Coulda been some dudes who peeped you came in and was looking for a reason. But hey, if it ain't happen all somebody's life it'll never happen right?

Time and place I guess, not saying It can't ever happen, just that it never has...maybe because this is NY and if you are in a hood spot there is more acceptance of the black community towards us Latinos, aside from Blacks, Puerto Rican's have been big contributors to the hiphop culture....those of you who are not from NY I understand why you feel a certain type of way and why we are not seeing eye to eye, those of you from NY i find it strange you are so offended by the use of the word by non lacks in the context of a song, would love to see you at an uptown club or Harlem spot, or the Bronx and see how exactly you handle every Latino that doesn't censor out the N word in a JayZ classic.
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It's not uniquely an NYC thing. Plenty of non-black people use the word in California too, and yeah, many black people let them get away with it. It doesn't make it any less wrong and cringeworthy. Again, I don't understand why people can't let them have their own word for themselves.

Again, I grew up in a majority Mexican neighborhood, know more about Mexican culture than most Mexican Americans, and can speak Spanish really well. Never once did I feel like I had the right to call other Mexicans paisas, s___cs, etc. even though they call each other that all the time.
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black people need to wake up everybody loves us when we're making em money or supporting their causes soon as wanna look out for self it's an issue and we need to all join hands and focus on everyone's problems
You pretty much summed up the mentality of the non AAs in here.

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Ok, but black people are asking you not to use the word that has a lot of history with their people. It is their word, so you should listen to what they have to say about its usage. Regardless of what you feel is correct or incorrect, can't you just avoid using the word out of respect?

But I do, I don't use the word at all as part of MY vocabulary, you guys are taking what I'm saying wayyyyyy out of context and running with it....I have an exception and that's when I'm singing along to some lyrics, which 90% happen to be in the comfort of my car or home....that other 10% at a club, party, concert, at which I don't expect every black person to be on lyric patrol checking for skin complexion to give passes for reciting lyrics to a song....least not here in NYC.

And as I said earlier, best believe if I'm around a known NTer like Rusty or Meth, of course I'll respect their wishes and simply excuse myself from singing along at all.
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It's not uniquely an NYC thing. Plenty of non-black people use the word in California too, and yeah, many black people let them get away with it. It doesn't make it any less wrong and cringeworthy
Is it true asians use it out west?
Is it true asians use it out west?

The vast majority don't, but the ones that love to imitate black culture (while most likely looking down on those same black people) do. I don't associate with that crowd anymore, but every once in a while I'll run into a group of Asians or Latinos that have lineups and/or dress like rappers from 2010; those are the people that definitely use it.

Also, non black people from non metro cities like Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton, etc. have a MUCH higher rate of usage of the word due to widespread illiteracy and ignorance. I don't consider those places part of California anyway; they're basically cities from some hick @#$ area of the south that somehow ended up in our state

The Asians and Latinos I'm friends with are educated and well raised people that know better
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