Bill Maher calls himself a House N during an interview.....

So now empathy is some bad thing? I find it essential for multicultural coexistence, and ascension of minority groups who don't get enough of it, especially when so many groups exploit a lack of it to their benefit.

A lack of empathy and understanding is what contributes to perpetuating myths of the Right that blacks are where they are because of laziness and lack of family values. It perpetuates myths of Muslims becoming terrorists because the Quran teaches them to kill non-Muslims. When you have awareness combined with empathy and understanding, it allows barriers to be broken and real solutions to be found.

You seem to be mistaking empathy for some sort of condescending pity.
No once again you mistake being conscious and aware of ones racial standing in this country as seeking empathy or automatically demanding help or a handout.
Go back and read your damn context of your post.

Stop expecting everyone to want to hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah....this is the problem I have with people of your mindset.
You feel any feelings toward an issue a black expresses automatically has to be hateful and unfair.
You expect black folks to somehow maintain a peaceful positive well lets all get along attitude as if its our job to be the worlds passive peaceful blind naive kind.
So any kind of blunt truthful conscious aggression you find offensive....meanwhile its ok for non blacks to do it as passive aggressively and as arrogantly as they can.

You whole logic is that of a naive extremely biased liberal white american and you hate that I see it,
because lowkey you feel threatened by consciously aware blacks like me because you aren't used to any sign of aggression and blunt honest truth.

You can check my post history on real issues of civil rights. Because I don't think a bodega man should do what tax dollars and legislation are supposed to be for, it doesn't change ****.

It's really ironic that I initially started engaging with you by supporting your criticism of others who call people SJW's, yet now you dismiss my ideas of fighting for social justice being fought by all and for all as some naive idea. And that there should be an isolationist type approach because helping others outside of your own group should be frowned down upon as some handout. That mentality makes progress for all, including black people, that much more difficult, and I'm glad most people who want real change don't share it with you and they welcome others.

You play this sophisticated woke angle, yet simplistically boil all non-blacks down to wanting to silence, or keep tame, the voice of black folks. When I feel the complete opposite. I remember being just a kid and seeing the Pac interview when he explains why black folks are fed up and angry with the food metaphor. It's been 20 years more and I expect there to be that much more passion for change. Just because I disagree that bodega owners who go through their own struggles don't have some obligation beyond what they do, doesn't mean that I'm all those things you extremely ironically generalize (something you love to do to others) me as.
Emulating it in real life would be actually speaking socially like rappers rap, treating women with the same respect rap lyrics tell you to, advocating for drugs like some songs do.

Singing along is just that, singing along, you are not emulating just have a certain liking to a type of music...if it matters I don't even change the words to a Rihanna or Katy Perry song about boys...if the song is fire I recite lyric by lyric :kanyeshrug:
Ok, but black people are asking you not to use the word that has a lot of history with their people. It is their word, so you should listen to what they have to say about its usage. Regardless of what you feel is correct or incorrect, can't you just avoid using the word out of respect?
This. I just dont get why people cant just let us (black people) be the ones to decide who and when people should use a racial slur about us. I dont care if its singing along to a song in the comfort of your own home if you really respect us and the meaning around the word dont use it period. People shouldnt have exceptions for when its appropriate for them to use a racial slur thats not about their race.
I never have once on NT brought up or disclosed what I do for others, and I honestly feel embarrassed to publicly share things I do out of altruism, but if you still find me to be a questionable racist then you can feel free to PM me. I've been on NT for 13 years and a part of me grew up here, so it's important for me that I'm not perceived to be something that I believe is important to fight against. Especially just because I don't believe in Bodega funded programs or calling entire ethnicities who often live in neighborhoods too and have no real power for change as being cancers.
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Serious question, how can a bodega owner give back? What do you guys expect from him in order to fulfill whatever social obligation you guys feel he has to the community?
Yeah, even though I agreed with him on many things, the arrogant and condescending way he came across to other people made me completely dislike him.

For example, I do not like the concept of religion at all, but I don't have to berate people who follow one if they're not causing any harm to others or making stupid remarks.
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Serious question, how can a bodega owner give back? What do you guys expect from him in order to fulfill whatever social obligation you guys feel he has to the community?
Or more importantly what's preventing you from opening your own Bodega and giving back?
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I just expect convenience stores to have good snacks and some decent beer.
Last thing I'll say on the N word topic

I'm a NYerican (Bk) and grew up where/when the word was extremely common. It wasn't until I left and joined the military that I realized how the rest of the world viewed it's use. I stopped using it because I didn't want to unintentionally offend someone. I'm the type of person that, if you tell me something I'm doing is offensive.. I'm gonna stop. I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you about how you shouldn't be offended.
Time and place I guess, not saying It can't ever happen, just that it never has...maybe because this is NY and if you are in a hood spot there is more acceptance of the black community towards us Latinos, aside from Blacks, Puerto Rican's have been big contributors to the hiphop culture....those of you who are not from NY I understand why you feel a certain type of way and why we are not seeing eye to eye, those of you from NY i find it strange you are so offended by the use of the word by non lacks in the context of a song, would love to see you at an uptown club or Harlem spot, or the Bronx and see how exactly you handle every Latino that doesn't censor out the N word in a JayZ classic.
Even if a person isn't willing to come to blows about what they are offended by does that make their position on it less important? If I'm not willing to fight you about it, I need to move on?
But I do, I don't use the word at all as part of MY vocabulary, you guys are taking what I'm saying wayyyyyy out of context and running with it....I have an exception and that's when I'm singing along to some lyrics, which 90% happen to be in the comfort of my car or home....that other 10% at a club, party, concert, at which I don't expect every black person to be on lyric patrol checking for skin complexion to give passes for reciting lyrics to a song....least not here in NYC.

And as I said earlier, best believe if I'm around a known NTer like Rusty or Meth, of course I'll respect their wishes and simply excuse myself from singing along at all.
I don't think anything is being taken out of context. Some people have stated that they don't think you should say the word, you feel that because it's a song it doesn't matter.
I said I respect those of you and won't say it around you, I'm not gonna sit here and front as though if I'm in my car and DMX pops off I'm not gonna recite word by word because I'd be lying, same at the club, bar, concert. Now an NT summit, Ima just hum along to the song, don't worry bros.
If you really respected what we are saying you wouldn't just not say only if we are around.

If you really respected the gravity of it you wouldn't say it in public when a song is playing or in private when a song is playing.
those who are still offended by the N word is still mentally enslaved... 

If you really respected what we are saying you wouldn't just not say only if we are around.

If you really respected the gravity of it you wouldn't say it in public when a song is playing or in private when a song is playing.

Can't say it in private? In my car? You serious? What if I sing it inside my head? :lol: man if the word really is THAT incendiary, perhaps is time ya take the battle to your artists, because they sure as hell are not getting on a mic at their concerts or on the radio telling their NonAA fans to not recite their songs or buy their music....I'm seriously not trying to be condescending, but going as far as telling people they can't recite the words to a song in the privacy of their car is reaching.

Is crazy to me that you guys want to so easily judge and come for some poor immigrants neck that happen to save up pennies to enslave himself to a Bodega day and night just to try secure their version of the "American Dream" yet I have not seen one dude in here judge the artists that promote the usage of the word and won't turn away nonAA fans or say anything that might cost them that fan base all for self enrichment....tell me ya see how this is wildly flawed.
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isnt this dude a huge supporter for the black community? He's still a big dummy for this tho
If you really respected what we are saying you wouldn't just not say only if we are around.

If you really respected the gravity of it you wouldn't say it in public when a song is playing or in private when a song is playing.
Can't say it in private? In my car? You serious? What if I sing it inside my head?
man if the word really is THAT incendiary, perhaps is time ya take the battle to your artists, because they sure as hell are not getting on a mic at their concerts or on the radio telling their NonAA fans to not recite their songs or buy their music....I'm seriously not trying to be condescending, but going as far as telling people they can't recite the words to a song in the privacy of their car is reaching.
Like I said if you really respected what we are saying and the gravity of the word your actions wouldn't switch up depending on if you where in private or in public or around certain people. Respect is consistent not conditional.
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Like I said if you really respected what we are saying and the gravity of the word your actions wouldn't switch up depending on if you where in private or in public or around certain people. Respect is consistent not conditional.

Are you as offended by the artists that put pen to paper and write these lyrics out for ALL of their fans to sing along to?....or is there a disclaimer in their music that prohibits fans of a lighter shade from using it when reciting their lyrics?

Wasn't it till Jay had his daughter that he decided he would no longer use the B word in his lyrics? he knew it was wrong, but he didn't care that he promoted it, till it directly affected him...since the word is so offensive, these cats sure as hell have a weird way to get their point across by selling the word WORLDWIDE to all their fans.
Like I said if you really respected what we are saying and the gravity of the word your actions wouldn't switch up depending on if you where in private or in public or around certain people. Respect is consistent not conditional.
Rappers don't reflect the views of all black people. The "they rap about it though" is the same argument used to portray all black people as drug dealers and murders
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