Bill Maher calls himself a House N during an interview.....

MLK has become a buzz word in our society. People mentioning his name when they don't **** about him outside of what they were told in school. Which is close to nothing.
why dont latino/ hispanic ppl just make the equivalent for a latino/hispanic slur that at its root is a chili ingredient into a word they can own and and use it endearingly?
Did you really think he'd lose his job over this?

Not enough ppl or even black ppl are mad about the context in which he used the word but mainly focusing on the fact that he used the word at all.

Also I saw in here somebody said if he was a conservative he'd already lose his job and conservatives would all be mad about it :lol:

Yall do know that being a conservative in this country in many ppl's eyes is a stone's throw away from being an outright racist?

May have got the message late but in these scenarios those ppl will not be treated equally but that's politics.
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Sir San Diego Sir San Diego thanks for posting the vids. it was a lil off target with the white rapper commentary but they did touch on the subject a lil

Banner had a good take but I can tell from where he was going he is on the cusp of weeding the word out entirely and Technique was on the education tip overall.

Lloyd brought up the concerts thing but he didnt elaborate or give a take. He just stated an observation.

Premier seemed more like he was talking in a general sense... i would have liked to see if he could have expanded to the concert setting. If Im in a car with 2 other white dudes and a latino dude and Rap is on, i expect none of them to say the n-word in the car. I feel like thats kinda what he was referencing.

I do agree that rappers probably wont be honest about it because they dont want to alienated both sides... they say that white ppl can recite it, they look funny in the light to their black fans. they say non-blacks dont say the word at my show, they lose out on $$$ and exposure.

its just always been a curiosity of mine because our music is over saturated with the word and yet white ppl and others are a such a large number of popular artists fanbase that I wonder if it ever crosses the artist mind when they are writing.
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Y'all are bugging if you thought he was going to lose his job over this.
There are a few other videos tackling the subject where Talib Kweli, Too Short and others give fans a pass. I admittedly only posted the videos where the artists oppose non-black people using the word, as a counter to the ignorance in this thread. I also hate that it had to be DJ Vlad videos, but that's a different discussion.

N bombs galore in this video. As a black man I wouldn't feel comfortable at all in this type of setting
I think yall hold other blacks to too much of a higher standard.

Everyone's not prideful conscious and aware.

I mean does this alone not speak volumes???

Move with your own...sometimes that's all we have in common is color of skin.
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A concert is the only time I can understand white people saying it. I still get goosebumps watching the this DMX performance.

But the **** is simple. If I'm at concert and a rapper says b**** in the song Ima say it but that don't mean I'm gonna go up to a female like "Wassup b****". Some white people play dumb and act like they don't know the difference. Cuz it's in a song that means they can just throw it around. Nah.
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My issue with that rationale is still a person says a word that they wouldn't normally say. A person who doesn't cuss/curse doesn't say the curse/cuss words in a song. So what makes the n-word so special that they just gotta say it in a song?
Notice I said a concert and a specific example. In that DMX song it's damn near impossible to expect the crowd NOT to say it. In that situation, I get it.

If I'm riding in the car with somebody white and they saying N with a song they getting checked.
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My issue with that rationale is still a person says a word that they wouldn't normally say. A person who doesn't cuss/curse doesn't say the curse/cuss words in a song. So what makes the n-word so special that they just gotta say it in a song?
Even at a concert. Location doesn't matter, if a person doesn't curse a song isn't going to make them feel comfortable with doing something they don't normally do.
The DMX concert is a telling example of this man... X is standing in front of 50k people. Its a euphoric feeling im sure and the last thing on his mind or could be the first thing on his mind is that... hey is nothing but a sea of white people, or can i spot one black face in the crowd and rap this song to him so im not weirded out

at the same time from a black fan perspective... how are we feeling in this moment?

we love this song we love this hook, it means something to us and if we there with our squad we are def vibing amongst each other... but to our left and right is nothing but white folks doing the same thing.... are we feeling a way? or we letting it take a way from the moment for us? I doubt that, but if we arent are we being selfish for just being "ok"?

And if im DMX i have no idea if its just crazy i performed in front of 50k or if its crazier i had 49750 white people yelling the n word.
some black people go along to get along
More FACTS's pathetic seeing other blacks say it's okay to say as long as it's at a concert ***** with that BS you Clowns

What are you 2 **** boys talking about? Ya'll really think the crowd ain't gonna say that in the DMX song? The DJ stops the beat, X puts the mic out and it's gonna be silence?

Even at a concert. Location doesn't matter, if a person doesn't curse a song isn't going to make them feel comfortable with doing something they don't normally do.

And I'll ask the same question, Ya'll really think the crowd ain't gonna say that in the DMX song? The DJ stops the beat, X puts the mic out and it's gonna be silence?
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I think yall hold other blacks to too much of a higher standard.
Everyone's not prideful conscious and aware.
I mean does this alone not speak volumes???
Move with your own...sometimes that's all we have in common is color of skin.

Sad but true. People like that mean well, but the ignorance is :x :smh:

Every brother ain't a brotha. All skin folk ain't kinfolk.

Notice I said a concert and a specific example. In that DMX song it's damn near impossible to expect the crowd NOT to say it. In that situation, I get it.

If I'm riding in the car with somebody white and they saying N with a song they getting checked.

so one white guy hyped off DMX is unacceptable, but a ocean of em is fine? :lol:
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