Birth of a Nation sounds INSANE. vol. Nat Turner Slave Rebellion Movie (Teaser Trailer - p. 5)

It's crazy how bad this was handled man.

As it turns out you can't have sex with an unconscious woman who subsequently commits suicide and then releases a movie without having to answer for it.

Crazy that his co defendant was a co-writer on the film, and the film apparently got a rape scene in it,
and you that it ws going to be all good when you realeased it.? :wow: :smh:

It's clear whats about to happen.

-no oscar; no matter how good it is.
-no wide release
-nate parker won't be directing anything other than independent film if he's lucky

It's unfortunate it had to be this movie, but Nate Parker gotta take that L.
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My only question is why is this coming out now? Why not during Redtails or the Great Debaters?
Because he was gonna flourish with this film. Oscar contender, etc.

Hollywood is gonna bury this film and his career. Just wait and you'll see.
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Because it's a race film and controversy begets controversy.

Nate Parker directing and acting in a film about Nat Turner is somewhat hypocritical.
So we not gonna acknowledge the racial component here? The victim was a white girl.

And where was it stated she was unconscious if she was fully engaged with all the activities.
My only question is why is this coming out now? Why not during Redtails or the Great Debaters?


because being the director and star of a "politically important" possible oscar contender film brings a level of attentions that being an ensemble cast member in majority black middle brow films doesn't.

also the culture is less accepting of rape in general.
It's crazy how bad this was handled man.

As it turns out you can't have sex with an unconscious woman who subsequently commits suicide and then releases a movie without having to answer for it.

Crazy that his co defendant was a co-writer on the film, and the film apparently got a rape scene in it,
and you that it ws going to be all good when you realeased it.? :wow: :smh:

It's clear whats about to happen.

-no oscar; no matter how good it is.
-no wide release
-nate parker won't be directing anything other than independent film if he's lucky

It's unfortunate it had to be this movie, but Nate Parker gotta take that L.

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So we not gonna acknowledge the racial component here? The victim was a white girl.

And where was it stated she was unconscious if she was fully engaged with all the activities.

race is a factor with everything but can't look past the fact that

- Nate had sex with with an unconscious woman. (a fact that from what I understand is not in dispute)
- may or may not have invited his friends.
- got off on what seems like a technicality.

In 2016 unless you aren't a golden era extremely powerful Woody Allen, Roman Polanski

that is stuff is going add up to a giant and well deserved L.

and Nate and unfortunately Birth of a Nation gotta take that.
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How is this a "well deserved L"? And when has it been proven that she was unconscious when all this went down?
How is this a "well deserved L"? And when has it been proven that she was unconscious when all this went down?

So taking advantage of an overly intoxicated woman is totally OK now uh?

And just because he got off in court means we should just give him a free pass huh?
So taking advantage of an overly intoxicated woman is totally OK now uh?

And just because he got off in court means we should just give him a free pass huh?

Lol a free pass? He was exonerated in the courtroom, so who are you to be "giving passes" in the first place? [emoji]128557[/emoji]

Are you a female? Just asking because you really been hell bent on slandering this mans name. So was she unconscious or just overly intoxicated, which one is it? Why do you keep saying she got taken advantage of when according to the transcripts she was fully aware of what was happening.
Lol a free pass? He was exonerated in the courtroom, so who are you to be "giving passes" in the first place? [emoji]128557[/emoji]

Are you a female? Just asking because you really been hell bent on slandering this mans name. So was she unconscious or just overly intoxicated, which one is it? Why do you keep saying she got taken advantage of when according to the transcripts she was fully aware of what was happening.
I have to be a woman to acknowledge wrongdoing took place? Is this really what you're saying right now? It was clear that she was overly intoxicated. Unconscious? Maybe. Doesn't excuse what happen and if you keep on caping for these type of injustices, then cases like the Standford one will keep happening and when it happens to someone you know it will be too $#@%ing late.
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Why do you think she was unconscious?

she said she was unconscious, he said she wasn't.

but you read that transcript of their phone conversation, it's clear that minimum she was drunk enough that Nate assumes she doesn't remember.

I'm not out here saying Nate Parker is danger to the public,

but it's clear to me he got away with something, the over whelming likelyhood is he had sex with a women who couldn't give consent. and he's paying the price for that and the price fair considering he's not in jail.

In the future don;t have sex with drunk women under disputed circumstances and this won't come back to bite you
So taking advantage of an overly intoxicated woman is totally OK now uh?

And just because he got off in court means we should just give him a free pass huh?
Lol a free pass? He was exonerated in the courtroom, so who are you to be "giving passes" in the first place? [emoji]128557[/emoji]

Are you a female? Just asking because you really been hell bent on slandering this mans name. So was she unconscious or just overly intoxicated, which one is it? Why do you keep saying she got taken advantage of when according to the transcripts she was fully aware of what was happening.
Not trying to get into this but the transcript really doesn't prove anything. Just that according to Nate Parker she was aware. That's not the same as her actually being aware.

And overintoxication can lead to blackouts. So she could easily be both. But again I'm not trying to get into this.
Y'all really gotta stop running with the "she was unconscious" line. Nowhere was that stated as fact. Nowhere.

Dudes trying to convict him already in public opinion. Women are capable of having sex while drunk. Having sex with a drunk woman does not equal rape, or being unconscious.

We've and women, had consensual under the influence sex with each other and not remembered exactly every single moment of the sexual activity.
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I have to be a woman to acknowledge wrongdoing took place? Is this really what you're saying right now? It was clear that she was overly intoxicated. Unconscious? Maybe. Doesn't excuse what happen and if you keep on caping for these type of injustices, then cases like the Standford one will keep happening and when it happens to someone you know it will be too $#@%ing late.

It's not clear she was overly intoxicated, it's clear that everybody had been drinking and they engaged in sexual activities. She was intoxicated the next morning when he smashed her again? It's her word against his as far as consent goes, and with him not getting locked up, I'm more inclined to side with Parker. Y'all are just assuming that girl's story was true when we all know it's 3 sides to a story. Sounds like she got ran and got upset about something down the line and cried rape...What rape victim has a full phone conversation after the fact with their attacker and doesn't outright say you raped me or something like that?
Y'all really gotta stop running with the "she was unconscious" line. Nowhere was that stated as fact. Nowhere.

Dudes trying to convict him already in public opinion. Women are capable of having sex while drunk. Having sex with a drunk woman does not equal rape, or being unconscious.

one guy testified that that Nate was on top of her and she wasn't moving...

We've and women, had consensual under the influence sex with each other and not remembered exactly every single moment of the sexual activity.

and when you do that you run the risk of this happening to you.

but if you have sex with people who CAN give active consent, you don't have to worry about catching charges.
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