Black American Men in Brazil (DOCUMENTARY)

True. Can't blame homie for being in denial though, it's the product of years and years of anti-black campaigns in DR. From features to music to culture, Africa is embedded in DR, even mtDNA tests prove their African heritage and Dominican's still deny their African roots :lol: Oh well another subject for another thread.
:rofl: :rofl:
It's funny because white hispanics, like those from Argentina, do not deny their white heritage. Where is this video?

perfect execution!

So why not live in Dominican Republic and stay fully immersed in it? I never understood why people rep other countries so hard yet don't live there. It's usually people who aren't successful here so why not attempt to obtain success there?

Not taking shots, just trying to understand.
I would move somewhere else if I became a multim-millionaire overnight. Statistically speaking if a minority is going to be a multi-millionaire anywhere, it would be the U.S.
:rofl: :rofl:
It's funny because white hispanics, like those from Argentina, do not deny their white heritage. Where is this video?
perfect execution!
I would move somewhere else if I became a multim-millionaire overnight. Statistically speaking if a minority is going to be a multi-millionaire anywhere, it would be the U.S.
So unless you are a multi-millionaire, you'd rather live somewhere else instead of the country you identify with? Statistically the percentage of multimillionaires is insignificant, being less than a tenth of a percent. The percentage of those above 250k is less than 1% I believe.
So unless you are a multi-millionaire, you'd rather live somewhere else instead of the country you identify with? Statistically the percentage of multimillionaires is insignificant, being less than a tenth of a percent. The percentage of those above 250k is less than 1% I believe.

That means nothing to me. I'll definitely be making 250,000+ a year far before the end of my career.

I don't have a country to call my own. I moved so many times and been to so many schools all over the world I have lost track.

I don't feel at home anywhere. IF i had to choose a place I see myself calling Home, I would say NYC. But even so i only spend 4 days there on my feet 14 hours a day.

Second place would be London. I lived there for a while, i have since visited a few times. As an older person I like driving on roads that arent boring to drive in but thats it. I find it hard to get a girl to talk to me in England. So no yambs would ever be had.

Even here in Chicago I feel unwelcomed. I am trying hard to leave here but if I had to choose I would say here is third place.

A lot of my feelings contradict each other though. I like Chicago the most of the three cities i just listed but there is nothing for me here. All i see in this place are my failures, the girls i tried to hit but couldnt, the fact that I tried to go to an out of state uni but my family stopped me because they hate to see me happy.

One place I always wanted to visit is the Bay. I have had a hunch since i was a little kid that is where I belong.

People dont understand how lucky they are to be able to rep their city. Cuz I dont think I could ever.
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Yeah, Ninja, I don't understand you stance on saying assimilation is wack. However, we see videos on you and you have assimilated to American culture. Are you trying to say you don't want to completely turn your back on your culture? That would be a more accurate statement. The fact that you are even on this board and love kicks as much as you do is some form of American assimilation. I just don't understand some of your statements in this thread, but like someone said, another day another time for that discussion...
Yeah, Ninja, I don't understand you stance on saying assimilation is wack. However, we see videos on you and you have assimilated to American culture. Are you trying to say you don't want to completely turn your back on your culture? That would be a more accurate statement. The fact that you are even on this board and love kicks as much as you do is some form of American assimilation. I just don't understand some of your statements in this thread, but like someone said, another day another time for that discussion...

Good point but all that aside it isn't an assimilation issue as Ninja would have you believe, it's a genealogy issue. Like I said before the attitude stems from propaganda campaigns in DR, and now the mentality is "I'm pure latino and proud" when in fact the majority of the island is of African descent. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your culture but Taino is only a piece of puzzle, a very small one at that. What's funny is that Ninja himself literally wallows in our culture yet turns around & scoffs at the idea of him having African ancestry,which is fact.
Yeah, Ninja, I don't understand you stance on saying assimilation is wack. However, we see videos on you and you have assimilated to American culture. Are you trying to say you don't want to completely turn your back on your culture? That would be a more accurate statement. The fact that you are even on this board and love kicks as much as you do is some form of American assimilation. I just don't understand some of your statements in this thread, but like someone said, another day another time for that discussion...

Good point but all that aside it isn't an assimilation issue as Ninja would have you believe, it's a genealogy issue. Like I said before the attitude stems from propaganda campaigns in DR, and now the mentality is "I'm pure latino and proud" when in fact the majority of the island is of African descent. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your culture but Taino is only a piece of puzzle, a very small one at that. What's funny is that Ninja himself literally wallows in our culture yet turns around & scoffs at the idea of him having African ancestry,which is fact.

Oh I agreed with your statement about the DNA part. I'm well aware about the roots and agreed with your point. Yes there is propaganda (look no further than Sammy Sosa). I was just responding to his particular statement about assimilation as he stated is all (which in effect, is ironic). It is crazy how Latinos in the Caribbean deny African roots, yet they are darker than me. I remember on MTV some years back they had Tego Calderon on the "My Block" series and he touched on how it varies from person to person about Latinos views on African roots. It just drove the point home even more and some still deny it, but whatever.
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I was talking about this with some people the other night, and apparently the ratio of women-to-men in Brazil is 2:1. There is a huge shortage of men in Brazil for some reason and women are thirsty. So because of this, a lot of men are moving to Brazil. The problem however, is that Brazil has like the #2 AIDS population in the world and they're all catching AIDS. (I have not fact-checked any of this)
I don't think that's true at all. The ratio of men to women is about even globally, so I highly doubt Brazil is any different.
Man, everybody need to let them dudes cook. If they get love in Brazil, then good for them. I ain't knocking it at all.

Black women complain about this, that, and the other, but when it's all said and done, the bad ones get wifed. Plain and simple.
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Yeah, Ninja, I don't understand you stance on saying assimilation is wack. However, we see videos on you and you have assimilated to American culture. Are you trying to say you don't want to completely turn your back on your culture? That would be a more accurate statement. The fact that you are even on this board and love kicks as much as you do is some form of American assimilation. I just don't understand some of your statements in this thread, but like someone said, another day another time for that discussion...

This, I love it when people move here and try to act like they are somehow too good for America, yet reap all the benefits of being in the U.S. I don't see my man living in some community built to look like a Dominican favela where nothing but Spanish is spoken.
This, I love it when people move here and try to act like they are somehow too good for America, yet reap all the benefits of being in the U.S. I don't see my man living in some community built to look like a Dominican favela where nothing but Spanish is spoken.
Pretty much, it seems when it comes to being americanized, those who hate our culture pick and choose what they like and insult everything else. Ninja's level of materialism is a sure sign of his MAJOR love for American culture.

Enough of him though,  them black dudes getting chicks in brazil with no problems, let them cook.
Pretty much, it seems when it comes to being americanized, those who hate our culture pick and choose what they like and insult everything else. Ninja's level of materialism is a sure sign of his MAJOR love for American culture.

Enough of him though,  them black dudes getting chicks in brazil with no problems, let them cook.

Materialism is in every culture. I am Nigerian and I know this. The government steals billions(not a typo) from the people every year. It's just we have more values than just materialism
Pretty much, it seems when it comes to being americanized, those who hate our culture pick and choose what they like and insult everything else. Ninja's level of materialism is a sure sign of his MAJOR love for American culture.

Enough of him though,  them black dudes getting chicks in brazil with no problems, let them cook.
Materialism is in every culture
this. just cuz i like kicks doesn't mean my admission into assimilation, hello you think da NBA was just shown in da US during jordan's prime? what kinda asinine

logic is that?

you can partake in american culture AS MUCH as da next person or even MORE, and STILL keep your immigrant roots...seems americans like to frown on that, and thats ALWAYS

been wack to me. you wanna piss off someone from another country and disrespect em says things like "this is america, we speak english over here"

Naw, assimilation is wack to me..losing your culture is da worst thing that can

Happen to you in my opinion.
So why not live in Dominican Republic and stay fully immersed in it? I never understood why people rep other countries so hard yet don't live there. It's usually people who aren't successful here so why not attempt to obtain success there?

Not taking shots, just trying to understand.
you sound like someone that hasn't left da country, when you leave da united states and go to other cultures and countries, your civic PRIDE increases because

you no longer are surrounded by what is feel is "normal"


da Olympics happens only happens every 4 years, but if you're a immigrant from another country in are currently living in foreign territory, da need to represent where

you from becomes somethings that radiates from your heart, if you TRUELY love your can you fault or shame people that have love for their country or

heritage and make em feel like they have to choose one or another, its completely moronic. hispanics are PROUD people, this is why there's ALWAYS a problem

when ya call me black. black in da context of america means African American, and disregards anything else, da same way when you're white in american it disregards

everything else. hispanics FIGHT THAT tooth and nail because heritage and culture is what we value and hold in very high regard. this is why

people like carmelo anthony consider themselves black AND puerto rican even though i dont think he speaks too much spanish if at all because his mother was

black and his father was a puerto rican. i consider myself a dominican period because none of my parents are african american, they were both born in da dominican


assimilation basically takes da context of your history, puts it in da washing machine, and throws bleach on it and erases it. black americans in this country has a disadvantage

because like da video in this thread said SOOOOO many of ya dont leave da united states, and 90% of ya dunno where ya came from due to slavery.

da history of hispanics for da most part are ALOT MORE defined and whenever we want we can go back to our respective countries and enjoy da benefits of participating

in other cultures that isn't attached to da US, i see that as a HUGE advantage over da typical american, because it gives people like me different perspective that many

americans that dont travel dont possess. everyone needs to stop promoting assimilation and START promoting multiculturalism. we learn better from seeing our differences

then from wiping out our cultures.

NYC is da BEST city in da USA and its a PERFECT example of a city that THRIVES because our RICH ethnic enclaves from chinatown, to da heightz, to spanish harlem

to da west indians in brooklyn, to da middle eastern and Hindus in queens, to da koreans in flushing, little italy, etc.
Materialism is in every culture. I am Nigerian and I know this. The government steals billions(not a typo) from the people every year. It's just we have more values than just materialism
LEVEL SIR. Folks in DR are not as concerned about 300 pairs of shoes. Those going THROUGH THE STRUGGLE IN DR AIN'T THINKING ABOUT LUXURY CARS.
you sound like someone that hasn't left da country, when you leave da united states and go to other cultures and countries, your civic PRIDE increases because

you no longer are surrounded by what is feel is "normal"


da Olympics happens only happens every 4 years, but if you're a immigrant from another country in are currently living in foreign territory, da need to represent where

you from becomes somethings that radiates from your heart, if you TRUELY love your can you fault or shame people that have love for their country or

heritage and make em feel like they have to choose one or another, its completely moronic. hispanics are PROUD people, this is why there's ALWAYS a problem

when ya call me black. black in da context of america means African American, and disregards anything else, da same way when you're white in american it disregards

everything else. hispanics FIGHT THAT tooth and nail because heritage and culture is what we value and hold in very high regard. this is why

people like carmelo anthony consider themselves black AND puerto rican even though i dont think he speaks too much spanish if at all because his mother was

black and his father was a puerto rican. i consider myself a dominican period because none of my parents are african american, they were both born in da dominican


assimilation basically takes da context of your history, puts it in da washing machine, and throws bleach on it and erases it. black americans in this country has a disadvantage

because like da video in this thread said SOOOOO many of ya dont leave da united states, and 90% of ya dunno where ya came from due to slavery.

da history of hispanics for da most part are ALOT MORE defined and whenever we want we can go back to our respective countries and enjoy da benefits of participating

in other cultures that isn't attached to da US, i see that as a HUGE advantage over da typical american, because it gives people like me different perspective that many

americans that dont travel dont possess. everyone needs to stop promoting assimilation and START promoting multiculturalism. we learn better from seeing our differences

then from wiping out our cultures.

NYC is da BEST city in da USA and its a PERFECT example of a city that THRIVES because our RICH ethnic enclaves from chinatown, to da heightz, to spanish harlem

to da west indians in brooklyn, to da middle eastern and Hindus in queens, to da koreans in flushing, little italy, etc.
As if there is no other diverse areas in the US with BETTER living conditions.

I understand where you are coming from with wanting a partner that pulls their fair share of the load and making a good amount of money. However, you idea that a degree makes you a better person is beyond asinine. There are plenty of people on this earth with a degree who are crappy people. There are people with degrees whose sole purpose is to acquire money, by any means. There are people with degrees that will disassociate themselves from the people who have supported them for selfish reasons.

Is a person with a degree who only provides for himself and zero respect for others better than a person who does not have a degree, but is instrumental in providing for his community?
1. Degrees can be helpful in securing employment and higher wages, but there are other ways to do that, too.

2. Women seek men that can provide for them and their offspring.

3. Women look for college-educated men because it may be an indicator that they can provide for them. The college degree may also make a person more educated and thus able to speak on more issues than a non-educated man (but a college degree may not be the only way to become "educated").

4. Educated/smart people also enjoy speaking/interacting with other educated/smart people.

Now do you see why college-educated women prefer college-educated men?
Naw, assimilation is wack to me..losing your culture is da worst thing that can

Happen to you in my opinion.
you sound like someone that hasn't left da country, when you leave da united states and go to other cultures and countries, your civic PRIDE increases because

you no longer are surrounded by what is feel is "normal"


da Olympics happens only happens every 4 years, but if you're a immigrant from another country in are currently living in foreign territory, da need to represent where

you from becomes somethings that radiates from your heart, if you TRUELY love your can you fault or shame people that have love for their country or

heritage and make em feel like they have to choose one or another, its completely moronic. hispanics are PROUD people, this is why there's ALWAYS a problem

when ya call me black. black in da context of america means African American, and disregards anything else, da same way when you're white in american it disregards

everything else. hispanics FIGHT THAT tooth and nail because heritage and culture is what we value and hold in very high regard. this is why

people like carmelo anthony consider themselves black AND puerto rican even though i dont think he speaks too much spanish if at all because his mother was

black and his father was a puerto rican. i consider myself a dominican period because none of my parents are african american, they were both born in da dominican


assimilation basically takes da context of your history, puts it in da washing machine, and throws bleach on it and erases it. black americans in this country has a disadvantage

because like da video in this thread said SOOOOO many of ya dont leave da united states, and 90% of ya dunno where ya came from due to slavery.

da history of hispanics for da most part are ALOT MORE defined and whenever we want we can go back to our respective countries and enjoy da benefits of participating

in other cultures that isn't attached to da US, i see that as a HUGE advantage over da typical american, because it gives people like me different perspective that many

americans that dont travel dont possess. everyone needs to stop promoting assimilation and START promoting multiculturalism. we learn better from seeing our differences

then from wiping out our cultures.

NYC is da BEST city in da USA and its a PERFECT example of a city that THRIVES because our RICH ethnic enclaves from chinatown, to da heightz, to spanish harlem

to da west indians in brooklyn, to da middle eastern and Hindus in queens, to da koreans in flushing, little italy, etc.
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