Black Culture Discussion Thread

This is a "Black Culture thread." The person that started this, myself, and likely the majority of people that clicked on this thread probably associates "Black culture" w/ Black Americans. This is technically a Black American thread.
MF'ers only want to be Black when it is convenient. If there is something to sell, or if there is something that they want you to vote for? They then become Black. They want to be your brother. However, ask them to stand with you while you fight against oppression, then watch what they say. Go to school! Be nice and kind to the white man! Slavery was a long time ago.
P Present omg you are right. Damn

So I should leave this thread then?

Why should you, or anyone for that matter who is black living in America not participate in this thread? Why would black american discussions not apply to you? Theres nothing wrong with compartmentalizing. Create a thread for topics on the larger black diaspora and be active in both.

ultimately, the worlds got a ton of black people and we aren't all a monolith. shouldnt keep us from discussing our similarities and differences in a constructive way.
Why should you, or anyone for that matter who is black living in America not participate in this thread? Why would black american discussions not apply to you? Theres nothing wrong with compartmentalizing. Create a thread for topics on the larger black diaspora and be active in both.

ultimately, the worlds got a ton of black people and we aren't all a monolith. shouldnt keep us from discussing our similarities and differences in a constructive way.
If you do not identify with being Black, why would someone click onto this thread unless there is an agenda?
I find it funny as to how some people can tell Black people about how and when they should be offended.
MF'ers only want to be Black when it is convenient. If there is something to sell, or if there is something that they want you to vote for? They then become Black. They want to be your brother. However, ask them to stand with you while you fight against oppression, then watch what they say. Go to school! Be nice and kind to the white man! Slavery was a long time ago.
I haven't experienced what u type to that extreme, I have a had A Nigerian teacher & another from some French speaking country in Africa, and they were so disconnected and befuddled by us Black kids culturally. :rofl: We are not same people. Being Black from America and being Fulani just isn't the same thing.
If you do not identify with being Black, why would someone click onto this thread unless there is an agenda?
I find it funny as to how some people can tell Black people about how and when they should be offended.

But im not speaking on people who dont identify as black. Im saying that if you ARE black and live in America, your opinion holds weight here. people may not agree with you, and there are some that might but having a different opinion shouldnt disqualify layziegunts layziegunts because he is black living in america. black diaspora issues/culture/etc that he wants to talk about might be outside of the scope of this thread or the perview of most posters here, so I said make a thread for that specifically, so he can participate in both and still talk about what he wants to talk about.
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I haven't experienced what u type to that extreme, I have a had A Nigerian teacher & another from some French speaking country in Africa, and they were so disconnected and befuddled by us Black kids culturally. :rofl: We are not same people. Being Black from America and being Fulani just isn't the same thing.

In my travels, the rest of the world looks at me as an American or Black American. When I went to Africa, a lot of people did not see me as descendants of Africa.

still treated better than a gringo :lol:
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You get a lot of slick commentary coming from quite a few punks on here, those who try and impress their white and asian friends. This is to prove their value, simply to prove that they are not racist.

Idiots do not even know that if you are Black? You cannot even BE a racist. But they bend over backward in the effort to prove their worth to their online friends. Not real life friends mind you, but people in which they can receive likes from. They will even try and put down other Black people, in order to be that SAFE Black person.

My man sugafree sugafree hipped me to this some time ago on here, these dudes are weak.
In my travels, the rest of the world looks at me as an American or Black American. When I went to Africa, a lot of people did not see me descendants of Africa.

still treated better than a gringo :lol:
Where in Africa did u go and how were u treated?
Homeboy combo gd combo gd first thing he said when creating this thread was LACK OF UNITY, and here we are with brothers coming in here and wanted to bring up how they more connected to different things other than BLACKNESS

This thread is an oxymoron.


Yeah man - we are having discussions.

I actually enjoy the fact that there are black people like you who don’t think like me and vice versa.

Personally I don’t believe we all have to take the same path so long as we are going to the same place.

If being a Pan Africanist leads you to a better tomorrow then more power to you.

If being a Black American leads me to a better tomorrow then more power to me.

I welcome diverse POV's and these discussions can’t hurt IMO.

Also -

I believe we should have a lack of unity if the only thing we are basing our unity on is skin color...cause I’m pretty sure that’s how all this racism BS started in the first place. Diminishing people down to the color of their skin is some BS, whether the original intention is bad or good IMHO.

Being Black is much more than a skin color.
Where in Africa did u go and how were u treated?

Egypt, Ghana, going to South Africa next year.

At first they thought I was Egyptian, but soon as I open my mouth. My Arabic was so off., too. :lol:

You know how you can tell when somebody being snobby. It felt like that. Things ease up for me with some when they realized I was Muslim. In Ghana it was a little more aggressiveness. It felt like it was known I was different.

But honestly, I just asked several people how do they view Blacks in American. “You’re American. That’s it.” Now this may not be the case for everyone.
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Dudes had better wake the 'f up. White male supremacy wasn't created to prove that you are simply African. White male supremacy was created to prove that the color of your skin? Makes you inferior. If you walk around thinking that a white male supremacist respects you because you went to school, or are undiluted while living in one of the countries in Africa? You are an idiot. Pretty soon you'll realize that he sees you simply as someone Black, and someone in the way in proving his superiority. Once you state that you are Black, he will know that you see him clearly.
But honestly, I just asked several people how do they view Blacks in American. “You’re American. That’s it.” Now this may not be the case for everyone.

Same here.

I was considered an American when growing up in Europe (military).

Didnt even know I was Black until I came to the US at the age of 12.

Kinda hard to explain.

I knew I was Black by the color of my skin of course...but I didnt know what came with it until I ended up moving from Germany to North Carolina.

Then I got it from both sides.

Learned quick that there are N-words, African Americans, and Black people just like theres Rednecks / Crackers, whitey, and white people.
There is no such thing as an "n" word. It was a dehumanizing term, and I defer to not using it toward any Black person, regardless of their circumstances. I never forget who created that language, and then why.
My head hurts

Ok, there are great strong black people, and their are weak black people. last question.

Can we all agree that a majority of us in here ancestry are from Africa? Can we all agree on that? Therefore thats the common bond we all have. Im not talking about our individual nationalites like "oh, but im America" or, "Im Egyptian" or "I dont like to be called African, Im Trinidadian"

All of us in here are descendants of people from Africa....right?
You know its funny you say that.

I dont know the origins of that word and never looked it up.

I came to my own conclusion that southern white people just couldnt pronounce Negro so it went from Negro to Negrah to N-word.

Basically born out of thier own ignorance, insecurity, and fragility.
You know its funny you say that.

I dont know the origins of that word and never looked it up.

I came to my own conclusion that southern white people just couldnt pronounce Negro so it went from Negro to Negrah to N-word.

Basically born out of thier own ignorance, insecurity, and fragility.
It was something and someone that they created out of cruelty.
It was something and someone that they created out of cruelty.

= Ignorance is bliss.

Here I am imagining some barefoot cross-eyed inbreed toothless hillbilly thats too dumb to pronouce Negro properly.

So drop the science - where did it come from?
= Ignorance is bliss.

Here I am imagining some barefoot cross-eyed inbreed toothless hillbilly thats too dumb to pronouce Negro properly.

So drop the science - where did it come from?******
I am a descendant of my ancestors, those from the beginning of time. Those ancestors from the beginning of time called themselves NILOS, due to their proximity to the Nile River.
I am a descendant of my ancestors, those from the beginning of time. Those ancestors from the beginning of time called themselves NILOS, due to their proximity to the Nile River.

and the Nile River is in a continent that most people would call AFRICA right?
It wasn't originally called Africa.

brp, all words and names are made up. I call it "Africa" you can call it whatever you truly believe its called


Are we in agreement KHUFU KHUFU that a majoirty of our descent is from this geographical region originally? yes or no?
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