Black Culture Discussion Thread

Is he allowed to say this or nah?

This is based on his experience and he's referencing athletes. It's not like he's saying "black people need to ". All the broke players now did have all those things. It can work out for the right person with the right information and team, but like the gen pop, most should probably start with the safer investments.
Isn't investing without any understanding of the product/business gambling? I'd assume that yes, investors know a thing or two about what the venture is about and how it will generate returns.

I agree.

i’m sure most folk that make investments think they have some grasp/understanding but it is kinda gambling because returns, while maybe more likely given certain trends, are not guaranteed…plenty folk find this out when the market hits a downturn that lines up with when they are hitting retirement/trying to cash out despite the trend of the market generally going up
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