Black guy hair cuts

Guys don't know if any of you are taking hair, skin, and nail vitamins. However back in November a woman I know mentioned Nature's Bounty. Definitely noticing a difference in my beard, certainly looking fuller on the sides. Unfortunately Scotch Porter sent me a free supply of the Beard, hair, skin, and Immune Support vitamins. Going to go another month this time not using the Scotch Porter supplement. I haven't been happy with Scotch Porter for quite some time, so I doubt that is the reasoning for my beard being fuller. Certainly will report back.

I wish all my hair growth actions would go to my beard and not my head so I didn't have to shave as often.

Dude on last page waves looking on point man, shape up is good if you did it yourself. Gone are those days. LOL.
He did sell out of them since the amount made were somewhat limited so the support is there. I would like to see what happens if he decides to release a ish ton of them though.

Just look at how much another famous waver charge for his items. Man is making a killing even though the prices are outrageous.
Probably not a popular opinion, but I'm all for anybody charging whatever they feel is appropriate for their products and services. They obviously realize there are other (cheaper) options, but it's really no different than asking your boss for a raise or finding a job that pays what you think your time is worth. The difference is that barbers, youtubers, etc are their own bosses and are free to set their prices as they see fit, and we as consumers are free to pay or not.
I agree with that. I'm looking at it from a consumer perspective though. If my name was big, I would toss those prices out there as well to see if people bite.
My boy 360 Jeezy just came out with his own brush that cost damn near $60. I love using him for motivation and tips, but I can't rock with that pricing. It does look nice though.

And then people wonder why these barbers charging $60 for a cut. If I can sell you a $10 brush for $60, I can easily gauge the price of cuts.
Smooth. Did he go to barber college? Tell him to go if he wants to really learn everything properly. Otherwise, just a lot of trial and error or dudes to learn the techniques.
freeze freeze He's actually in barber college now. I don't remember when he said he started, but said it's a one year course.
Oh he's on his way to be just fine then. BC is just the best option I think. Like culinary school. Of course you can cook without it, but there's just certain things you'll learn and a foundation you'll gain that you wont gain from youtube vids. With that said, he should use YT like game tape once he has that foundation. That's good though.

He did a good side taper. Did you want a rounded back or did you want a taper back there?
Oh he's on his way to be just fine then. BC is just the best option I think. Like culinary school. Of course you can cook without it, but there's just certain things you'll learn and a foundation you'll gain that you wont gain from youtube vids. With that said, he should use YT like game tape once he has that foundation. That's good though.

He did a good side taper. Did you want a rounded back or did you want a taper back there?
I'll show this post as far as the advice.

As far as the back, I've never made a specific request for it, they've kind of always did their own thing. Never knew you could taper the back.
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