Black influence in Japan

Just had lunch in Little Tokyo in LA today at a ramen place and every server had on baggy clothes on with a broke off hat. 

The youth is definitely influenced by hip-hop culture.



"I'm here muddaa sukka, eating sushi mudda suka"

*disclaimer* *NOT ME*
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ


Are you talking about Orochon Ramen?

Your link didn't work.

@At no one in particular
I heard Nigerians have a bad rap in Tokyo.
Anyone experience this?
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ


Are you talking about Orochon Ramen?

Your link didn't work.

@At no one in particular
I heard Nigerians have a bad rap in Tokyo.
Anyone experience this?
you clicked it? it's working on firefox for me
Hm pretty interesting video.

And the whole pale complexion thing isn't just limited to Japan, but most of East Asia.
I just came back from Japan last week. You see some hip hop influence here and there, but it's not that widespread. A lot of black people in Roppongi, from what I've seen, mostly from Africa.
I think from being a part of the sneaker culture, you have seen the hip-hop culture influence Japan. Mainly the fashion world and music. Bape and Samurai Champloo for example. Japan is on my bucket list
yeah i go to japan at least twice a year and it bugs me out to go with my girl to high end japanese clothing stores with well to do japanese women and hear unedited rap music!!
Imagine walking around bloomingdales and hearing 2pac how do u want it haha
my girls Cambodian and she tells me that in asia being fat and pale means your rich and skinny and dark means your poor. because the dark skinny people work in sun all day while the fat pale ones eat good and stay inside
When I was there, I actually saw the opposite. I saw a lot of blacks in Japan surrendering to the Japanese culture.
Everybody wanna be a (brotha) but don't nobody wanna BE a (brotha)...

I have a jamaican background and you would be AMAZED at how big reggae and dancehall is out there. 

Oh yeah, OP just opened a massive can of worms too.
They know
They know
They know

Am I the only one that gets annoyed with the use of the word Hip Hop?
I mean it's there for sure, I was a little surprised the first time but now I'm used to it.
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ


Are you talking about Orochon Ramen?

Your link didn't work.

@At no one in particular
I heard Nigerians have a bad rap in Tokyo.
Anyone experience this?
africans in general have bad rap over there

most of the japanese hip hop dancer chicks are pretty hot...from what i seen
I sometimes venture into these little shindigs and what-nots. its fun. you get a lot of love. met a lot of cool people.




havent been out in a while tho now :/
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