If those that put this system and run this system think race exists, then race exists.

You can live in this make believe world where it doesn't exist.
Ask him where he learned what he thinks that he knows, he doesn't want to deal with me.

I'll ruin his high.
Before he even made it known he was in here, what were you reading while in here?

An hour ago.....
C'mon, man.

And this isn't about a mod sticking up for another mod. If nawghtyhare nawghtyhare was grilling you like 'Hey, how come you weren't commenting in here? I saw that you were on. Why you ain't speak up?', I would say the same thing.

'Come on, man. Don't do that.'

It's like when people get all weird about not texting quick enough. 'I know you're off work. What took so long?'

SteveSteve72 SteveSteve72 dont take it personal toward surself
there was just points folks in the thread was making
and u happened to just be the last active mod in this thread
so dont take it personally
let folks get their jokes off
but in between the jokes
folks are making points that are valid
If those that put this system and run this system think race exists, then race exists.

You can live in this make believe world where it doesn't exist.
Yo a real weirdo...In a thread where some white folks shot a black dude because of his skin color and the fear they have of it, talking bout “working together” and “we are all one” wtf :lol: :smh: ...At best, what he talking about would still be horrible timing
2 pieces 9f **** do not equal all white people... but keep believing that.

If you want a more official definition, here's what the Encyclopedia Brittanica has to say:

The idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences. Genetic studies in the late 20th century refuted the existence of biogenetically distinct races, and scholars now argue that “races” are cultural interventions reflecting specific attitudes and beliefs that were imposed on different populations in the wake of western European conquests beginning in the 15th century.
But as the above definition points out, the word race has a long history of being used to divide members of society, often based on superficial physical attributes. As Brody explains it, for hundreds of years, race has been "defined by ourselves, by the law, by scientists, and the government, often with competing interests" as cultural norms change. For example, she says, the offensive term "mulatto" (referring to people of mixed white and Black ancestry) used to be freely used in the U.S. Census in the 19th century. Now? Not so much.

SteveSteve72 SteveSteve72 darthska darthska do u guys also feel like youve outgrown this site
i know i feel it more and more
but i be bored at work
as a mod
u guys dont get tired of it
I had to leave for like a yearish.

Whatchu think? 😂

People are rude, ungrateful, prejudiced, demanding, stubborn, narrow-minded, self-serving, and refuse accountability; NTers are no different.

The answer to your question is yes, resoundingly.
Still no arrests??? :emoji_eyes::emoji_eyes::emoji_eyes:

Bonus: "Defenders of the men are pointing to a shoplifting conviction in Arbery's past."

Note: This alleged event occured when Arbery was in high school. Not that it matters...because...institutinalized racism.

Equal justice under law?

Not so much.

It baffles me when people bring up past history in this situation.

First of all, even IF it was relevant, the acceptable response is execution? If that's what you think, you're a barbaric animal

Second of all, the vast majority of Americans have done illegal @#$@ in their teenage years that they just didn't get caught for or just got a slap on the wrist for. It's so ridiculous that black people have to answer for some minor thing they did in high school/middle school, while white kids are proudly out and about doing all sorts of degenerate @#$@ without any current or future consequences.

It reminds me of when Trayvon got murdered, people were bringing up weed (which is on the low end of drugs white kids take, based on my personal experience in 75% white high school and university) and his "hood" pics (which damn near everyone has taken back in the day to look hard for social media)

If you want to hold people to that standard, that's your right, but don't pick and choose who you apply your rules to.
2 pieces 9f **** do not equal all white people... but keep believing that.

If you want a more official definition, here's what the Encyclopedia Brittanica has to say:

The idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences. Genetic studies in the late 20th century refuted the existence of biogenetically distinct races, and scholars now argue that “races” are cultural interventions reflecting specific attitudes and beliefs that were imposed on different populations in the wake of western European conquests beginning in the 15th century.
But as the above definition points out, the word race has a long history of being used to divide members of society, often based on superficial physical attributes. As Brody explains it, for hundreds of years, race has been "defined by ourselves, by the law, by scientists, and the government, often with competing interests" as cultural norms change. For example, she says, the offensive term "mulatto" (referring to people of mixed white and Black ancestry) used to be freely used in the U.S. Census in the 19th century. Now? Not so much.

Again, this sound IDEALISTIC.

But move around this world thinking race doesn't exist and see where you end up.

You aren't speaking on physical, 3D reality right now.

*apologies if already posted

Still refuse to watch.

Too damaging.

Imagine a woman being raped, having caught on camera, and the footage provided to the masses for public consumption.

Even if redacted / pixelated, imagine the effect that footage and these reports would have on other rape victims all over the country.

No arrests, no accountability, no responsibility, whataboutisms, and oh so ever present gaslighting...

"what was she wearing?"

"why was she jogging?"

"was she ever arrested for prostitution?"

"was she on drugs?"

"did she graduate high school?"

At this point I'm not sure if the media is investigating on behalf of the victim or sending people that look like me a message.

If past is prologue, then its the later and not the former.
I'm just saying that "race" is a made up term created to separate people and you are giving it the power to do exactly that.
2 pieces 9f **** do not equal all white people... but keep believing that.

If you want a more official definition, here's what the Encyclopedia Brittanica has to say:

The idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences. Genetic studies in the late 20th century refuted the existence of biogenetically distinct races, and scholars now argue that “races” are cultural interventions reflecting specific attitudes and beliefs that were imposed on different populations in the wake of western European conquests beginning in the 15th century.
But as the above definition points out, the word race has a long history of being used to divide members of society, often based on superficial physical attributes. As Brody explains it, for hundreds of years, race has been "defined by ourselves, by the law, by scientists, and the government, often with competing interests" as cultural norms change. For example, she says, the offensive term "mulatto" (referring to people of mixed white and Black ancestry) used to be freely used in the U.S. Census in the 19th century. Now? Not so much.

Who do you think wrote that, and why? Are you serious?
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican
Come get your man.
I'm just saying that "race" is a made up term created to separate people and you are giving it the power to do exactly that.
WHO created the term, and then why? Do you even know how this all came to be?

White people didn't exist prior to 1681.

Prior to this date there was English, French, Italian, Spanish, people etc..

"The Virginians legislated a new class of people into existence: the whites. They gave the whites certain rights, and took other rights from blacks. White, as a language of race, appears in Virginia around the 1680s, and seems to first appear in Virginia law in 1691. And thus whiteness, and to a degree as well blackness, was born in the mind of America."

I'm just saying that "race" is a made up term created to separate people and you are giving it the power to do exactly that.
EYE am not giving it power.

It has well over 400 years worth of power accumulated. But YOU can pretend it is this imaginary Boogey Man that we can act like isn't there.

Again, good luck in life moving around with this approach.
Do you guys really not understand volunteering to moderate a website during free time? Like, my kid and work and whatever else comes before this.

I was on when I saw his comment. I wasn't on when NikeAir was going wild. Apparently no one else was, either.

It's really just that.

This is no one's JOB; it's a volunteer effort, and a HIGHLY unappreciated one at that.

Literally the ONLY time people comment on moderating is to complain... but they'll clown Karen for constantly wanting to speak to the manager.

Sometimes things get nabbed immediately; sometimes they go hours, even days.
Got it
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