Dwalk is Black????

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deuce king deuce king
Hoollllllllllllllllllll up. DWalk isn't black!@#!@#!@!#???
Why did he always speak like he had some type of authority to speak about racial issues as it pertains to black people?

Yo if you're white and don't think what comes out of a certain leaders mouth is downright racist, just shut the flying **** up and let black people educate you.
the Voting RIghts Act that eliminated discriminatory practices during voting
In theory, yes. In reality, no. The right still fights to do it now. Kemp shouldn't be Governor of GA right now. He rigged his own election.

Kemp retained his office as Georgia Secretary of State throughout the campaign, leading to allegations of a conflict of interest for overseeing an election in which Kemp himself was a candidate. During the campaign, he was called upon by former President Jimmy Carter[227] and the Georgia chapters of the NAACP and Common Cause, to resign. Kemp refused to do so[228] until after he'd claimed victory, two days after the election. Kemp also accused the state Democratic Party of hacking into the state's voter database a few days before the election; however, an email released shortly after the accusation was made showed the party warning election security experts, highlighting "massive" vulnerabilities within the state’s My Voter Page and its online voter registration system, not an attempt to hack the database, as Kemp had claimed.[229]

Irregularities in voter registration occurred prior to the day of the election: over 300,000 people were wrongly flagged by the state as being ineligible to vote,[230] and 53,000 voter registrations were delayed by Kemp's office without adequately notifying the applicants.[231] These irregularities, which disproportionately affected black voters, resulted in allegations that Kemp was using voter suppression to increase his chances of winning the contest.[231] Georgia election officials responded to these allegations by stating that any voter flagged for irregularities could still vote, receiving a regular ballot (not a provisional ballot), by providing ID at a valid polling place, as is required of all voters by state law.[232] Concerning the question of why the pending registration status mattered if those voters could vote normally at the polls, critics claimed that learning of this status might discourage those voters from turning out to the polls at all.[233]

If any of y’all wanna help, all proceeds go to Arbery’s family
Just donate to the family ..the “justice for so & so” clothing always came off as corny & a business marketing tool for whoever designed them..(not to mention them sh**s never really bring justice)

Where were all the "people of color" then?

Never saw a Latino or Asian identify themselves as "colored".

Might want to ask a white people don't get to make the rules when it comes to racism.

Deeper Dive:

The short answer is that Asians were considered “colored”, and are still considered to be “colored” by certain parts of American society.

That is an oversimplification. In truth, Asian Americans have had a complicated history with classification

Until 1952, Asian American immigrants couldn’t naturalize. They couldn’t become citizens. So, they couldn’t vote. Children of Asian Americans who were born in America were citizens, though, and could vote. Apart from that, whether Asians were white or colored depended on who you talked to, and whom you were talking about. Chinese Americans were white in some places, colored in others. Arab Americans were mostly white. Indian Americans were white if they looked white, but colored if they had a hint of brown. There was actually a guy named Bhagat Singh (not related to the martyr) who argued in front of the Supreme Court that since he is “Aryan” by descent, he should be considered eligible for naturalization. The Supreme Court scratched their collective heads and said “Not all Aryans are white”

At the same time, Jim Crow era laws restricted many African Americans from voting. This eventually lead to the Civil Rights Movement in the 50s, which resulted in the Voting RIghts Act that eliminated discriminatory practices during voting. Naturalized Asian Americans got the right to vote as part of this act.

Whole idea is ridiculous under the slightest scrutiny - yet institutionalized racism still prevails.

Classifying people by the color of their skin is their thing not ours.

All we are saying is be humble with that lumping us all together thing.

We took the hits during the civil rights movement so that they could have the right to vote too...but they wasn't with us shooting in the gym.
Be proud of your heritage, just make it clear you don't rock with their policies.

Keep that same energy around your people.
Exactly disrepect to that dude but he come off as overexplaining hisself (&its coming off as if he tryna relate by being judged by his skincolor like blacks ) another website i used to be on it was 1 white dude who did the exact same thing about how he white he was raised around nothing with blacks & how he understanda the struggle etc etc...dudes tried to tell him end of the day your whiteskin will give u the upper hand(he wasnt tryna hear it)

Be yourself bro & like dude said keep that same energy when u in a room full of your own people
Exactly disrepect to that dude but he come off as overexplaining hisself (&its coming off as if he tryna relate by being judged by his skincolor like blacks ) another website i used to be on it was 1 white dude who did the exact same thing about how he white he was raised around nothing with blacks & how he understanda the struggle etc etc...dudes tried to tell him end of the day your whiteskin will give u the upper hand(he wasnt tryna hear it)

Be yourself bro & like dude said keep that same energy when u in a room full of your own people
I said there's no way I can ever know what it's like. :/
Agree completely with this. I'm self-aware enough to realize that the anger I feel when I'm judged by my race is probably 1/10000000000000th of what a black guy feels and deals with. My best friend is black and grew up in a pretty rough area here. We've had some late night talks over drinks and he shared some things from his youth and recently that I just can't imagine being a part of. Like I can hear the story but I can't put myself in that spot and feel what he felt. I can imagine what it was like but I'll never experience it first hand.

And trust, I do. Everyone that knows me knows where I stand.

Make your connection for me. I'm missing your point as it relates to "people of color". Is it on one of the signs?

Note: Black Panther Party operated in the United States from 1966 until 1982.

Jim Crow law, in U.S. history, any of the laws that enforced racial segregation in the South between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s.


Dope video...paying respect to Malcolm X. Would have preferred an Asian Woman but thats my hang up. Still a dope concept.

See how they maintain their own individual identity / culture AND pay respect to ours at the same time?

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Make your connection for me. I'm missing your point as it relates to "people of color". Is it on one of the signs?


You said "they" weren't with us shooting in the gym (referring to asians)

We took the hits during the civil rights movement so that they could have the right to vote too...but they wasn't with us shooting in the gym.

and you didn't really answer my question when I asked what do you call non-whites now that POC is offensive.

Looks like you just copy and pasted something from somewhere.
You said "they" weren't with us shooting in the gym (referring to asians)

and you didn't really answer my question when I asked what do you call non-whites now that POC is offensive.

Looks like you just copy and pasted something from somewhere.

I may not have given the answer you wanted but I gave the answer I gave.

Also - you might want to go back and re examine my post.

I prefer Black so call me a Black Man...only because that's how the White folks set the game up, but I can only speak for myself.

When it comes to society - the term African American didnt appear until the 80s.

Why do you want to know?

Why don't you start your own thread and ask?

Why would you come to a thread about the murder of a black man by white men to ask what black people prefer to be called, only to challenge black people when they answer?

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I may not have given the answer you wanted but I gave the answer I gave.

Also - you might want to go back and re examine my post.

I prefer Black so call me a Black Man...only because that's how the White folks set the game up, but I can only speak for myself.

When it comes to society - the term African American didnt appear until the 80s.

Why do you want to know?

Why don't you start your own thread and ask?

Why would you come to a thread about the murder of a black man by white men to ask what black people prefer to be called, only to challenge black people when they answer?

Because I don't want to offend anyone when referring to a group of non-white people.

I was taught to use POC

Now I'm being told POC is offensive.

Because I read it in this thread?

I didn't challenge only black people? You're drawing conclusions?
P Present was dead on. Someone else on here said it beautifully, we trying to run inside to occupy a burning building. We’re unwanted guests who were forced to come here to labor. We need to stop asking to be a part of this and break off on our own.
Unfortunately racists whites would never allow us to live in peace even if we did that. They’d lie and instigate a war to try and murder us and steal our land and resources like they been doing. We can’t have peace with these people on the planet we have to eliminate them. That’s the only way I see peace being a real thing unfortunately. So there will never be peace.
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