Blacks and Latinos in CA blamed for Prop 8 passing

My point being aren't we as people held to a higher code then animals. So why do we act like them? Just because there is homosexuality in the animalkingdom(I pretty sure they will hump just about anything so I'll chalk that up to confusion) does that mean we shall act as them?

Its not what the Bible says per say, but how the Bible is interpreted and manipulated to fit a specific agenda as it has been throughout history.

How does it "know us?" I'm not following. There are a great deal of texts that have similarities to today's world but are fictional. Its called good writing, not a message from god. The bible is just one of the greatest works of fiction known to man

Hey call it what you want and call me what you want. No problem. Your smart.


You say tomato, I say tomAto. It is one in the same.

You may not want to accept it, but you did come from an ape.

Oh really. I wonder why we haven't evolved since then?

Ethics maybe? How does writing a solid way to live your life= knowing us well. We've been "living in the last days" for 100's of years according to christians. Everytime something bad happens my mom goes "the world is gonna end" just cause Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, Iraq, Gay people everywhere. Well I'm still alive

Well actually those events are more so events that are involved in the snow ball. Yeah I'm alive too. There are still events that have to happen before theend. I'm still studying those events so I can't really shine in too much. But those micro chips don't rub me the right way and all this talk aboutthe Amero and what not really doesn't rub me the right way.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Oh man what a circus of a thread. Sheesh.

You know something I keep seeing? Religious people being labeled as dumb because they look toward a book or a being they have never seen before.

Yea, I don't like that. Or if someone is against same sex marriage they're uneducated.

Yeah. Now I can just as easily throw that uneducated word around just as easy.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

So the media has bias now? i thought the media leaned liberal, and we all know liberals want gays to have the right to marry, right? There is no bias. Stop blaming the media for the way you are presented.
You would think, but that is not always the case. I'm sure that the Civil Rights movement was not very well received by most media outlets early on either.

Who is this "you" you speak of btw? I'm not gay. I am, however, for the equal rights of all human beings.

perhaps, but the face of the movement was MLK and Malcolm. No matter how much you disagreed with their stances one had to respect their dignity. The gay movement doesnt have that yet.

Which is the exact reason why the media is bias toward them.

I'm sure a few select caucasian folk might disagee with you on this statement. No one who respected me with dignity threw rocks at more, or bombs through my house or burned crosses on my lawn.
Very, very true.

1. I think you mean biased against. How is the media biased agaisnt gays when by for the most part the MSM wants gays to have the right to mary. It'stheir fault that gays havent presented a resepctable SERIOUS front that doesnt allow the extreme flaming segment of the movement be typecasted as the norm? Ifail to see the logic.

2. Gays like many int he civil rights movements will have to learn they can't make everybody like them, but they do have to make sure that people respecttheir movement, and people either support equality for all and/or government getting out of marriage. The latter is far more important, because the former,opens up a can of worms when it comes to polygamy. Hell gays getting the right to marry is going to be a can of worms that will play out in the courts for thenext 20 years.

I dont believe religious people are dumb or anti same sex marriage people are uneducated

But if you're pro-prop 8 I do think you're intolerant. Nothing against your intelligence just to me you have a skewed view of civil liberties. Justlike some believe homosexuals have a skewed view on morals and sexual orientation confusion.

-Ok but you didnt answer how does the writing of the 10 commandments= knowing us well? PS even if God handed the commandements down to man the bible is stillwritten by man and that's a fact so it could have been tampered with just like playing telephone in elementary school.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick


I dont believe religious people are dumb or anti same sex marriage people are uneducated

But if you're pro-prop 8 I do think you're intolerant. Nothing against your intelligence just to me you have a skewed view of civil liberties. Just like some believe homosexuals have a skewed view on morals and sexual orientation confusion.

-Ok but you didnt answer how does the writing of the 10 commandments= knowing us well? PS even if God handed the commandements down to man the bible is still written by man and that's a fact so it could have been tampered with just like playing telephone in elementary school.

Lets not go down this route...

Some people will be arguing in theology some will argue history. Nobody wins.
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

We are not animals
eh? we are a living organism.. just like any other animal is..

humans are animals.
For scientific classifications purposes perhaps, but from pragmatic and other viewpoints, hardly.

not gonna lie i googled that word
Dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences; practical.

So, uhh if we are in scientific terms (most factual thing out there) how are we not in "pragmatic"?
eh? we are a living organism.. just like any other animal is..

humans are animals.

I'll take the mammals argument but like Mangudai said I believe its more so for classification.
-Ok but you didnt answer how does the writing of the 10 commandments= knowing us well? PS even if God handed the commandements down to man the bible is still written by man and that's a fact so it could have been tampered with just like playing telephone in elementary school.
Just like science. Alot of science can be proven but all of it can't be proven. And the same can go for religion but I'd take the word ofGod over man. And peep this? If we actually followed them, do you think the world would be as bad as it is?

I'm going to get flamed for saying this. Uneducated is two men having sex and thinking they are accomplishing something other than satisfying sexualdesires.

And those stupid scientist thought they were doing something big but put us on the same level as animals. Humans were given domain over the earth. Animal not =to humans. Why the hell would anybody want to be classified as an animal is beyond me. Maybe its science. Maybe its a way to rationalize things.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

why is that?....
curious...what makes you distinguish those animals from humans?
Personality? even though this can be argued with certain mammalia?( see above)
Ability to create and innovate?
Ability to reason?

For biological puposes yes but for fields outside of that, you'd be hard pressed to make that argument stick. for purposes of this thread I humans=animalsprobably works for other things probably not.
Not just race, but just more conservative-thinking people in general. My parents voted yes (couldn't convince them otherwise
) not because of religion (they're Buddhist, but they're really nothardcore religious) but because of their beliefs, they just think marriage should be between a man and a woman, and they're the older generation sothey're of course a bit more conservative.

The good thing is though, this won't hold up for sure, IMO. It's only a matter of time this gets reversed.
I think most gays are born that way, it's just a mental difference. People are born with all sorts of mental problems and I can't see why peopledon't understand being gay can be one of them. I think most people making the claim that being gay is a choice are closet homosexuals, like they avoidedbeing gay themselves. As a straight man, I could never see myself having the option of being gay so I know there has to be something different about those whoare gay.

When I say it's a "mental problem" I don't mean it's something that needs to be worked on to be corrected. It has no major negativeeffects on anyone and I believe the existence of gay people actually helps the straight population out.
RKO you are approaching the issue from the wrong direction

and FYI, marriage is a legal thing, it might mean something very different in a divorce/family courtroom than it does in a church but its still marriage.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

We are not animals
eh? we are a living organism.. just like any other animal is..

humans are animals.
For scientific classifications purposes perhaps, but from pragmatic and other viewpoints, hardly.
not gonna lie i googled that word
Dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences; practical.

So, uhh if we are in scientific terms (most factual thing out there) how are we not in "pragmatic"?

Pragmatic also can mean practical
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

My point is not what I believe to be the face of homosexuality in America but how they are presented in the media. Until they do a better job of changing that perception ( a gay MLK have you) they will continue to be defeated like they were on Tuesday.
Reading isn't my strong suit, huh?

You made a vague statement about gays needing to take themselves seriously, then said "When the face of your party is dudes in assless chaps, people inbdsm leather, and ******s, its hard to get anytype of respect from the mainstream..." Obviously, both of those statements are opinions, as the vastmajority of gay people certainly do take themselves seriously, and the face of the gay movement isn't any of the people that you described above. However,it's unfortunate that gay people, as a whole, are automatically stereotyped as one of the aforementioned outliers due to selective media coverage that onlyhelps to feed peoples' prejudices. They aren't the face, but, rather, the perceived norm, and I think that's what you were trying to express.

Had you just said what I quoted above, then I would've agreed with you.

So, next time, I promise that I'll do a better job of interpreting your posts if you promise to do a better job of clearly explaining yourself.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

eh? we are a living organism.. just like any other animal is..

humans are animals.

I'll take the mammals argument but like Mangudai said I believe its more so for classification.
-Ok but you didnt answer how does the writing of the 10 commandments= knowing us well? PS even if God handed the commandements down to man the bible is still written by man and that's a fact so it could have been tampered with just like playing telephone in elementary school.
Just like science. Alot of science can be proven but all of it can't be proven. And the same can go for religion but I'd take the word of God over man. And peep this? If we actually followed them, do you think the world would be as bad as it is?

I'm going to get flamed for saying this. Uneducated is two men having sex and thinking they are accomplishing something other than satisfying sexual desires.

1)No I don't but I can say that for many doctorines. I can write a book right now. 100 things to do 100 things not to do. War would stop, Povertyeverything would stop. Doesn't mean I'm this omni potent god just means I know what works and what doesnt. But no one is gonna follow that just like noone truly follows the bible.

2)And your 2nd statement is so ridiculous it's laughable. I understand the whole its a sin against god blah blah blah. But homosexuality=Uneducated? Withthat statement everyone who has premarital sex, protected sex, or sex with a person EDIT (with those who are in love with each other) who isincapable of procreated is uneducated.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Just like science. Alot of science can be proven but all of it can't be proven. And the same can go for religion but I'd take the word of God over man. And peep this? If we actually followed them, do you think the world would be as bad as it is?
like what? You dont even know if you're actually reading the word of "God". It's all about faith. Science is all about facts.what isn't proven in science will eventually come to light. The Bible on the other hand...
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

We are not animals
eh? we are a living organism.. just like any other animal is..

humans are animals.
For scientific classifications purposes perhaps, but from pragmatic and other viewpoints, hardly.
not gonna lie i googled that word
Dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences; practical.

So, uhh if we are in scientific terms (most factual thing out there) how are we not in "pragmatic"?

..because if you piss me off in the animal world I'll kill you and go about my merry way. Wouldn't care one way or another. Wouldn'thave to worry about being prosecuted for my "crime".

so on and so on.

Trees are living organisms too...
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

My point is not what I believe to be the face of homosexuality in America but how they are presented in the media. Until they do a better job of changing that perception ( a gay MLK have you) they will continue to be defeated like they were on Tuesday.
Reading isn't my strong suit, huh?

You made a vague statement about gays needing to take themselves seriously, then said "When the face of your party is dudes in assless chaps, people in bdsm leather, and ******s, its hard to get anytype of respect from the mainstream..." Obviously, both of those statements are opinions, as the vast majority of gay people certainly do take themselves seriously, and the face of the gay movement isn't any of the people that you described above. However, it's unfortunate that gay people, as a whole, are automatically stereotyped as one of the above outliers due to selective media coverage that only helps to feed peoples' prejudices.

Had you just said what you quoted above, then I would've agreed with you.

So, next time, I promise that I'll do a better job of interpreting your posts if you promise to do a better job of clearly explaining yourself.


I think you read what you wanted to read. It happens often on Internet Message Boards.
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