Blacks and Latinos in CA blamed for Prop 8 passing

Damn how many threads are there going to be on this?

It is sad though.. On both sides. The statistics are sad and it's sad that a lot of gays are getting pissed off at the Blacks and Latinos. Get pissed offat the churches and the extremely narrow minded people, because that's what comes down to it all.

What really gets me though, are the statistics. It frustrates me because of how many people I've encountered, and situations I've heard from others. A lot of the same people preaching against gays and hating the gay lifestyles are the ones cheating on their wives with men and the wives cheating on theirhusbands with women. It's so sad. What's better? People being raised to be themselves and go off and marry a dude if that's who they reallyare... Or a dude marrying a woman and having kids, but screwing guys behind her back? The amount of closet gay athletes, musicians, etc is ridiculous. Andwhy? Because of society.

I don't blame any race in particular, that's just dumb. I blame America as a whole, and especially how many people let leaders of their religiousinstitutions dictate what they do.

PS. I love how straight people act like they know everything about gay life.

PPS. I really wish people would stop saying gays can't get married because its against the Bible and religion is anti-gay. Please pick up your Bibles andread what else they say to do... And come back to the thread. The Bible has many stories, rules, etc that are outdated.. But more importantly, people pick andchose what they believe in. If you think being gay is wrong, but eat shellfish, trim your facial hair, and don't believe in stoning children when theydisobey their parents... Then why can't gay people believe in God and some things in the Bible but not that being gay is wrong?

Please answer me that.
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

I think you read what you wanted to read. It happens often on Internet Message Boards.
If I said "Black people need to take themselves seriously before anyone else will", how would you read that?

If I followed that with "When the face of your party is thugs, drug dealers, rappers, and murderers"...

You wouldn't perceive any sort of bias on my part?
Depending on the context, no.

If black people were having black pride concerts with Soulja Boy and DFB, performing then I would totally agree.

Also who is the female in your avatar? shes giving me a woody. :tongue:ause.

I get kind of what you're saying... Sorry to burst your bubble but there are WAY MORE closet gays and people who don't go parading around like rainbowwarriors than the people who you refer to as "not taking themselves seriously". If you didn't mean your statement in that way, then I take itback. But I'm pretty sure you did.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

I think you read what you wanted to read. It happens often on Internet Message Boards.
If I said "Black people need to take themselves seriously before anyone else will", how would you read that?

If I followed that with "When the face of your party is thugs, drug dealers, rappers, and murderers"...

You wouldn't perceive any sort of bias on my part?
Depending on the context, no.

If black people were having black pride concerts with Soulja Boy and DFB, performing then I would totally agree.

Also who is the female in your avatar? shes giving me a woody. :tongue:ause.

I get kind of what you're saying... Sorry to burst your bubble but there are WAY MORE closet gays and people who don't go parading around like rainbow warriors than the people who you refer to as "not taking themselves seriously". If you didn't mean your statement in that way, then I take it back. But I'm pretty sure you did.

You missed the point like a free throw shot. Try again.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

But your beliefs can affect our lives too. What happens when a gay couple wants the church I go to or will go to to marry them and they are denied? Gay rights activists will be in front of my place of worship with that mess and I'm sure one day we will hear about a pastor/leader of a church being over ruled by the government. Just wait and watch.
Then you call a law enforcement and say they're trespassing. The church has its rules and they can be followed in your home and the church but it should not affect the outside world. If I create a club and I have my rules in place, I wouldn't dare force anyone to follow these rules in their daily lives, much less write a proposition force-feeding someone a way of life.
OK so let me ask you. If I were getting ready to vote on prop 8, do you think I should go against my beliefs and God?
It would be a contradiction either way so I'd say leave it alone like my brother (Christian) did.
It says we are not to judge or discriminate.
Apparently "Christ is all, and in all." (Colossians 3:9-11)
I think he'd be in homosexuals as well
Actually as weird as it may seem I wouldn't have voted (not registered and didn't want to). Right now I just more so debating becausepeople want religious people to toss away their beliefs on this issue which isn't fair. Plus the uneducated word has been stamped on our heads which alsoneeds to stop.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Not just race, but just more conservative-thinking people in general. My parents voted yes (couldn't convince them otherwise
) not because of religion (they're Buddhist, but they're really not hardcore religious) but because of their beliefs, they just think marriage should be between a man and a woman, and they're the older generation so they're of course a bit more conservative.

The good thing is though, this won't hold up for sure, IMO. It's only a matter of time this gets reversed.

i agree that gays should be allowed to marry, but if this gets reversed..then smh...b/c the majority of the ppl voted yes on 8...this judge is gonna overrulethe will of the people again? what's the point of voting on it...smh
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

I think you read what you wanted to read. It happens often on Internet Message Boards.
If I said "Black people need to take themselves seriously before anyone else will", how would you read that?

If I followed that with "When the face of your party is thugs, drug dealers, rappers, and murderers"...

You wouldn't perceive any sort of bias on my part?
Depending on the context, no.

If black people were having black pride concerts with Soulja Boy and DFB, performing then I would totally agree.

Also who is the female in your avatar? shes giving me a woody. :tongue:ause.

I get kind of what you're saying... Sorry to burst your bubble but there are WAY MORE closet gays and people who don't go parading around like rainbow warriors than the people who you refer to as "not taking themselves seriously". If you didn't mean your statement in that way, then I take it back. But I'm pretty sure you did.

You missed the point like a free throw shot. Try again.
Then why don't you explain what you meant by taking themselves seriously?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by rickybadman

I'm sorry but we live in a democracy where everyone has a vote. People voted and they did not want this in there country. It might be unfortunate but that is how it is. The thing people are missing is that women and blacks only got equal rights in this country when most of the country felt that the should have them. Right now most of the country doesn't want homosexuals to marry. A time will come when that changes, but it will not be anytime soon.
.....which is why i say, this should have never been up to a vote.

See this issue should be left to the churches truth be told. So it shouldn't even be in court right now. Let the churches choose.

And once again no hard feelings. I know how some people feel like the net is serious my life is on the line business. Word to FirstBorn
Originally Posted by iM COOL C

it's religions fault.

But you black & spanish peoples know DAMN well old school heads like my moms is most def. against all that "bati - maricon" +#+ right there.
I can see how black & latinos voted against this like crazy. White people live life more like as it goes. Minorities want it their way. LOL Sad, but true. That's how we are.
i actually agree. Antiquated system of logic FTL
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

No one but the OP is trying to make this a race issue. The articles are based on fact, that a higher minority turnout had a large impact on the passing of Prop 8. If that turnout had not been as high as it was than it could have come out different.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy belligerence of homosexuals African Americans, the bright colors gang violence, the stereotypical voice the high levels of crime etc etc????? And you say that gays don't have a choice African Americans should have equal rights, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" differently colored people. Gay Black people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard. If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay oppressed and no one would make fun of/listen to them. Gay Black people don't need to "express" their sexuality inequality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay African American people complain all the time. If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals African Americans would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage desegregation.
Thats how close your argument is to that of a white supremacist during the time of the Civil Rights movement. Absolutely disgusting. Are you alright with all of that?

Also, some of you sound confused about exactly what Civil Rights are. Its the rights of ALL people.

How do you explain homosexuality in animals if people are not born that way? Point blank, it is not a choice, and they need the same rights as the rest of us. The fact that people would take rights away from a minority group is very discouraging, and it shows that America as a whole has strayed away from its roots of equality, whether it be racial, religious, or sexual.

1. Yeah there is no conclusive evidence of the bolded. Try again.

2. Good things those stereotypes werent the face of the black civil right movement. When the face of your party is dudes in assless chaps, people in bdsm leather, and ******s, its hard to get anytype of respect from the mainstream, right or wrong. How can a group of people sell you on this as acceptable in the mainstream and then act indignant when people are turned off. This is the equivalent of having Al Sharpton as the face of black America. Until it changed, blacks had a hard time breaking through. The mainstream gays need to take over, until Bob from accounting, who just happens to like penis becomes the face of the movement. They can expect more defeats like the ones they suffered a week ago.

Found this while I was looking....

How much research have you actually done?

I'll give out cliff notes to you. In 2004, OHSU (one of the Nation's most highly respected research facilities) came to a conclusion after a longperiod of research that male sheep who preferred other male sheep had different cells than those who preferred female sheep, and that also brain anatomy andhormone production caused homosexuality.

Why do people give such strong opinions (this goes for BOTH sides or the argument) when they can't even research +** they are talking about?
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

No one but the OP is trying to make this a race issue. The articles are based on fact, that a higher minority turnout had a large impact on the passing of Prop 8. If that turnout had not been as high as it was than it could have come out different.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy belligerence of homosexuals African Americans, the bright colors gang violence, the stereotypical voice the high levels of crime etc etc????? And you say that gays don't have a choice African Americans should have equal rights, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" differently colored people. Gay Black people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard. If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay oppressed and no one would make fun of/listen to them. Gay Black people don't need to "express" their sexuality inequality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay African American people complain all the time. If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals African Americans would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage desegregation.
Thats how close your argument is to that of a white supremacist during the time of the Civil Rights movement. Absolutely disgusting. Are you alright with all of that?

Also, some of you sound confused about exactly what Civil Rights are. Its the rights of ALL people.

How do you explain homosexuality in animals if people are not born that way? Point blank, it is not a choice, and they need the same rights as the rest of us. The fact that people would take rights away from a minority group is very discouraging, and it shows that America as a whole has strayed away from its roots of equality, whether it be racial, religious, or sexual.

1. Yeah there is no conclusive evidence of the bolded. Try again.

2. Good things those stereotypes werent the face of the black civil right movement. When the face of your party is dudes in assless chaps, people in bdsm leather, and ******s, its hard to get anytype of respect from the mainstream, right or wrong. How can a group of people sell you on this as acceptable in the mainstream and then act indignant when people are turned off. This is the equivalent of having Al Sharpton as the face of black America. Until it changed, blacks had a hard time breaking through. The mainstream gays need to take over, until Bob from accounting, who just happens to like penis becomes the face of the movement. They can expect more defeats like the ones they suffered a week ago.
Found this while I was looking....

How much research have you actually done?

I'll give out cliff notes to you. In 2004, OHSU (one of the Nation's most highly respected research facilities) came to a conclusion after a long period of research that male sheep who preferred other male sheep had different cells than those who preferred female sheep, and that also brain anatomy and hormone production caused homosexuality.

Why do people give such strong opinions (this goes for BOTH sides or the argument) when they can't even research +** they are talking about?

I gues conclusive is a foreign word to your daily lexicon. Should I have said concensus instead?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

No one but the OP is trying to make this a race issue. The articles are based on fact, that a higher minority turnout had a large impact on the passing of Prop 8. If that turnout had not been as high as it was than it could have come out different.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy belligerence of homosexuals African Americans, the bright colors gang violence, the stereotypical voice the high levels of crime etc etc????? And you say that gays don't have a choice African Americans should have equal rights, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" differently colored people. Gay Black people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard. If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay oppressed and no one would make fun of/listen to them. Gay Black people don't need to "express" their sexuality inequality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay African American people complain all the time. If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals African Americans would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage desegregation.
Thats how close your argument is to that of a white supremacist during the time of the Civil Rights movement. Absolutely disgusting. Are you alright with all of that?

Also, some of you sound confused about exactly what Civil Rights are. Its the rights of ALL people.

How do you explain homosexuality in animals if people are not born that way? Point blank, it is not a choice, and they need the same rights as the rest of us. The fact that people would take rights away from a minority group is very discouraging, and it shows that America as a whole has strayed away from its roots of equality, whether it be racial, religious, or sexual.

1. Yeah there is no conclusive evidence of the bolded. Try again.

2. Good things those stereotypes werent the face of the black civil right movement. When the face of your party is dudes in assless chaps, people in bdsm leather, and ******s, its hard to get anytype of respect from the mainstream, right or wrong. How can a group of people sell you on this as acceptable in the mainstream and then act indignant when people are turned off. This is the equivalent of having Al Sharpton as the face of black America. Until it changed, blacks had a hard time breaking through. The mainstream gays need to take over, until Bob from accounting, who just happens to like penis becomes the face of the movement. They can expect more defeats like the ones they suffered a week ago.
Found this while I was looking....

How much research have you actually done?

I'll give out cliff notes to you. In 2004, OHSU (one of the Nation's most highly respected research facilities) came to a conclusion after a long period of research that male sheep who preferred other male sheep had different cells than those who preferred female sheep, and that also brain anatomy and hormone production caused homosexuality.

Why do people give such strong opinions (this goes for BOTH sides or the argument) when they can't even research +** they are talking about?

I gues conclusive is a foreign word to your daily lexicon. Should I have said concensus instead?

@what he posted

that's supposed to prove people are born gay?

sheep with different cells?

say word?

do those sheep, that like other male sheep, know what it's like to endure the Black Struggle in America too?


Yall are ridiculous. Did I ever say that proved PEOPLE are born gay? NO. I provided a link in response to him saying there is no conclusive evidence of animalsbeing homosexual, which also proved that those gay sheep have different cells than the hetero sheep.

I'm just going to end this post with
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

No one but the OP is trying to make this a race issue. The articles are based on fact, that a higher minority turnout had a large impact on the passing of Prop 8. If that turnout had not been as high as it was than it could have come out different.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy belligerence of homosexuals African Americans, the bright colors gang violence, the stereotypical voice the high levels of crime etc etc????? And you say that gays don't have a choice African Americans should have equal rights, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" differently colored people. Gay Black people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard. If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay oppressed and no one would make fun of/listen to them. Gay Black people don't need to "express" their sexuality inequality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay African American people complain all the time. If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals African Americans would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage desegregation.
Thats how close your argument is to that of a white supremacist during the time of the Civil Rights movement. Absolutely disgusting. Are you alright with all of that?

Also, some of you sound confused about exactly what Civil Rights are. Its the rights of ALL people.

How do you explain homosexuality in animals if people are not born that way? Point blank, it is not a choice, and they need the same rights as the rest of us. The fact that people would take rights away from a minority group is very discouraging, and it shows that America as a whole has strayed away from its roots of equality, whether it be racial, religious, or sexual.

1. Yeah there is no conclusive evidence of the bolded. Try again.

2. Good things those stereotypes werent the face of the black civil right movement. When the face of your party is dudes in assless chaps, people in bdsm leather, and ******s, its hard to get anytype of respect from the mainstream, right or wrong. How can a group of people sell you on this as acceptable in the mainstream and then act indignant when people are turned off. This is the equivalent of having Al Sharpton as the face of black America. Until it changed, blacks had a hard time breaking through. The mainstream gays need to take over, until Bob from accounting, who just happens to like penis becomes the face of the movement. They can expect more defeats like the ones they suffered a week ago.
Found this while I was looking....

How much research have you actually done?

I'll give out cliff notes to you. In 2004, OHSU (one of the Nation's most highly respected research facilities) came to a conclusion after a long period of research that male sheep who preferred other male sheep had different cells than those who preferred female sheep, and that also brain anatomy and hormone production caused homosexuality.

Why do people give such strong opinions (this goes for BOTH sides or the argument) when they can't even research +** they are talking about?

I gues conclusive is a foreign word to your daily lexicon. Should I have said concensus instead?

@what he posted

that's supposed to prove people are born gay?

sheep with different cells?

say word?

do those sheep, that like other male sheep, know what it's like to endure the Black Struggle in America too?

this topic just took a turn for the worse.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by rickybadman

I'm sorry but we live in a democracy where everyone has a vote. People voted and they did not want this in there country. It might be unfortunate but that is how it is. The thing people are missing is that women and blacks only got equal rights in this country when most of the country felt that the should have them. Right now most of the country doesn't want homosexuals to marry. A time will come when that changes, but it will not be anytime soon.
.....which is why i say, this should have never been up to a vote.

See this issue should be left to the churches truth be told. So it shouldn't even be in court right now. Let the churches choose.

And once again no hard feelings. I know how some people feel like the net is serious my life is on the line business. Word to FirstBorn
left to the churches to do what? just not marry people?

sorry to bust the bubble, but i doubt ANY gay/lesbian couple cares about getting "married" in a "church"

all they want is to be recognized, legally, like any other two human beings who co-habitate are...

but i see what you mean tho....

the whole "they can't marry" issue would be deaded if churches just said "we not gonna marry can get a civil union, you can be eligible for the laws and tax codes, but you ain't never gonna be married"

i'd be perfectly fine with that....

No Marriage, but recognized legally as such...

that's cool with me, and i would assume, with them...

and they can stop trying to relate the gay struggle with the black struggle, once and for all...
Yes! We were slaves for 400 years. Our women were beat and raped. Watch roots and all the other stuff documenting what went on back then and inthe 40, 50, 60s and then look at gay rights. Night and Day. But dude I been wondering why they just didn't try to raise civil union as their"thing". Barack said the same thing. Oh and thanks to the NT'er who posted that vid of Barack.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

No one but the OP is trying to make this a race issue. The articles are based on fact, that a higher minority turnout had a large impact on the passing of Prop 8. If that turnout had not been as high as it was than it could have come out different.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy belligerence of homosexuals African Americans, the bright colors gang violence, the stereotypical voice the high levels of crime etc etc????? And you say that gays don't have a choice African Americans should have equal rights, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" differently colored people. Gay Black people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard. If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay oppressed and no one would make fun of/listen to them. Gay Black people don't need to "express" their sexuality inequality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay African American people complain all the time. If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals African Americans would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage desegregation.
Thats how close your argument is to that of a white supremacist during the time of the Civil Rights movement. Absolutely disgusting. Are you alright with all of that?

Also, some of you sound confused about exactly what Civil Rights are. Its the rights of ALL people.

How do you explain homosexuality in animals if people are not born that way? Point blank, it is not a choice, and they need the same rights as the rest of us. The fact that people would take rights away from a minority group is very discouraging, and it shows that America as a whole has strayed away from its roots of equality, whether it be racial, religious, or sexual.

1. Yeah there is no conclusive evidence of the bolded. Try again.

2. Good things those stereotypes werent the face of the black civil right movement. When the face of your party is dudes in assless chaps, people in bdsm leather, and ******s, its hard to get anytype of respect from the mainstream, right or wrong. How can a group of people sell you on this as acceptable in the mainstream and then act indignant when people are turned off. This is the equivalent of having Al Sharpton as the face of black America. Until it changed, blacks had a hard time breaking through. The mainstream gays need to take over, until Bob from accounting, who just happens to like penis becomes the face of the movement. They can expect more defeats like the ones they suffered a week ago.
Found this while I was looking....

How much research have you actually done?

I'll give out cliff notes to you. In 2004, OHSU (one of the Nation's most highly respected research facilities) came to a conclusion after a long period of research that male sheep who preferred other male sheep had different cells than those who preferred female sheep, and that also brain anatomy and hormone production caused homosexuality.

Why do people give such strong opinions (this goes for BOTH sides or the argument) when they can't even research +** they are talking about?

I gues conclusive is a foreign word to your daily lexicon. Should I have said concensus instead?

@what he posted

that's supposed to prove people are born gay?

sheep with different cells?

say word?

do those sheep, that like other male sheep, know what it's like to endure the Black Struggle in America too?

wth? The original argument from the quotes was that humans are animals and that animals are born homosexual. The study of homosexual sheep was toprove that it is genetics at least in sheep/animals. Then the only thing to prove is that humans are still animals. Which i believe they are. Regardless of howunique and complex human societies are, other animals are known to have ways of maintaining order also. There society may not be as complex as ours but canthat really be what seperates us from animals? Even though we still hold most of our primordial instincts.

I dont even know how the last comment you said related at all.
Blame white people for forcing Christianity on Africans when they were slaves, if you want to go there. You can blame anything on anyone.
This was up on the ballot as well as Amendment 2 in FL, but since I'm registered in Alabama, I didn't get to vote on it. I believe that if they gavethe same benefits and perks that they have for marriage, but didn't call it that, then this wouldn't be an issue. Since they are a different group thanthe majority of the population, why can't they just call it something different?
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

This was up on the ballot as well as Amendment 2 in FL, but since I'm registered in Alabama, I didn't get to vote on it. I believe that if they gave the same benefits and perks that they have for marriage, but didn't call it that, then this wouldn't be an issue. Since they are a different group than the majority of the population, why can't they just call it something different?

some states have legal unions or domestic partnerships (I think NY has the latter). not sure on the differences but remember it varies state to state.
Although many of the state's black political leaders spoke out against Proposition 8, an exit poll of California voters showed that black voters favored the measure by a ratio of more than 2 to 1. Not only was the black vote weighted heavily in favor of Proposition 8, but black turnout -- spurred by Barack Obama's historic campaign for president -- was unusually large, with African Americans making up roughly 10% of the state electorate
-Where's the other 90% and what ethnicity makes up that remaining 90%?
Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

This was up on the ballot as well as Amendment 2 in FL, but since I'm registered in Alabama, I didn't get to vote on it. I believe that if they gave the same benefits and perks that they have for marriage, but didn't call it that, then this wouldn't be an issue. Since they are a different group than the majority of the population, why can't they just call it something different?

some states have legal unions or domestic partnerships (I think NY has the latter). not sure on the differences but remember it varies state to state.
Yeah I know that, I'm just saying why can't the state or whatever put in a provision that gives these unions or domestic partnerships thesame benefits as married couples, b/c that to me is the crux of this issue, what tax breaks, insurance benefits, etc. they would receive from being labeled as'married'.
Homophobia FTL. Some smart and ignorant statements in this thread.

For all of you guys who are in favor of institutionalized discrimination as prop 8 encourages. Do me a favor and go play on the freeway.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

This was up on the ballot as well as Amendment 2 in FL, but since I'm registered in Alabama, I didn't get to vote on it. I believe that if they gave the same benefits and perks that they have for marriage, but didn't call it that, then this wouldn't be an issue. Since they are a different group than the majority of the population, why can't they just call it something different?

some states have legal unions or domestic partnerships (I think NY has the latter). not sure on the differences but remember it varies state to state.
Yeah I know that, I'm just saying why can't the state or whatever put in a provision that gives these unions or domestic partnerships the same benefits as married couples, b/c that to me is the crux of this issue, what tax breaks, insurance benefits, etc. they would receive from being labeled as 'married'.
because those states don't want to. people only get those breaks because they're 'married.' if you're not married, theydon't want you getting those breaks or else theyre afraid everyone would manipulate the rules to get what they needed.
Originally Posted by Juve9ile18

Although many of the state's black political leaders spoke out against Proposition 8, an exit poll of California voters showed that black voters favored the measure by a ratio of more than 2 to 1. Not only was the black vote weighted heavily in favor of Proposition 8, but black turnout -- spurred by Barack Obama's historic campaign for president -- was unusually large, with African Americans making up roughly 10% of the state electorate
-Where's the other 90% and what ethnicity makes up that remaining 90%?

as usual, its always easier to blame black and brown people for societys wrongs than it is to blame the majority.
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