Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

What compensation has everyone else received from Western oppression? There are other groups who were oppressed by European imperialism, do they get a check as well?

I'm saying there are other groups that have been oppressed throughout history by one group or another, should they go back in history to look for reparations?
Jewish People got massive compensation Japanese ,Eskimos indigenous Americans , Europeans got rights to land if they were willing to go west and they received economic boost and help to start businesses and low interest on machines during industrialization and rights to set up factories and mills .
Only reason we been hated is because we are the only race with different type of hair

We are feared. People fear unknown.

But really blacks can only blame themselves for falling for the gimmicks

We are the only race that hate to see each other prosper and make money. Only race who hate on each other

Ony race who look down on other intelligent blacks

Only race that don't help each other

List goes on but we can only blame ourselves and that's why I try to make a change

I help any race.

You could tell me right know your a racist and hate me. If I saw you stranded. Or in nee of help. I would still stop and help you.

That's just how I am
Another thing i hate is how a certain race says blacks are violent,this and that

I say excuse me. Who raped, murdered, stoled,hung, kidnapped ,executed and forced people to work for centuries?

Wasn't blacks
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College tuition just sends money back to these colleges who profited from it .Give us money and create programs through black universities to improve them not no Columbus university or Michigan schools like Dillard TSU need that Money. Free tuition to Yale or whatever just gets them a check from the gov .

That's great and all and I agree partially. Not all of those schools teach petroleum engineering/ or architecture for example . A lot of black colleges universities have specific curriculum that I can imagine many African Americans do not want to pursue.
Some aren't even accredited from what I hear but I may be incorrectly informed.
Another thing i hate is how a certain race says blacks are violent,this and that

I say excuse me. Who raped, murdered, stoled,hung, kidnapped ,executed and forced people to work for centuries?

Wasn't blacks

Ever wonder why African American history in school always started out with slavery? Half of these kids/ both races think black history started with savages.
Because anything before that would be African history?
Because suddenly we evolved into a completely different ethnic group the second our ancestors were forced onto that boat.

Yes, makes perfect sense.
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The question is why African American history starts with slavery. Because that is how Africans got to America. Before that they were just Africans.
Yea, makes sense I don't know who is arguing this. African American history started as soon as they got off that boat. Before it was just "whatever tribe they were from" history.

Such a tragedy to see/read. Many African Americans are just lost.
I think seeking reparations for these things is a waste of time. We should study what has happened in the past and how "we" got here. We should use what we've learned from the past and apply it to attack the issues we face today. Like the inequality we face when it comes to employment and the judicial system. I believe we should also take heed to how important having a solid family structure is, as well as having love for one another. We(Generalizing here) need to stop hating ourselves and looking to the system to validate us(i.e. "We need to do better.").
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everyone would take L's..

if they were to give reparations, they'd prolly send out checks of fractions of decimals of pennies.

send out  negative IOUS.

money doesnt fix anything especially these kinds of issues.

alot of my homies that are natives and receive 5K a months drive nice whips but are not happy..

alot of em are drug addicts, couple have died and most of their native blood is so far back that they are only a fraction but still get doe.

im sure people would get upset to see some white folks getting paid from this.
Okay then, when did African American history start then?

I'm not sure, I find it troubling that there is a disassociation from Africa. Not knowing many of your ancestors created modern day science, math, algorithm, architecture, medicine, astronomy the list goes on but savages shackled up and hauled in the bellows of a ship like animals is a suitable start to teach what America thinks of you.
Everyone started out in Africa then branched out.. we got darker because we stayed in Africa while others went north to other countries and got caught up in winter and exposure from it

And blacks sold themselves into slavery at first.. many other races were slaves as well even whites especially in other countries. Being in the sun turned then darker and as they reproduced produced darken children
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Everyone started out in Africa then branched out.. we got darker because we stayed in Africa while others went north to other countries and got caught up in winter and exposure from it

And blacks sold themselves into slavery at first.. many other races were slaves as well even whites especially in other countries. Being in the sun turned then darker and as they reproduced produced darken children
Moors specifically... They absolutely wrecked ish and ran most of Europe for awhile.

African slavery was very different in comparison to US slavery.. Difficult to even draw a parallel between the two.
All new episode of the Tariq Elite Radio Show-"Should Blacks Get Reparations For Slavery?" (everyone be sure to share and repost)
Tariq went in
good episode, the **** Train is already flying off the rails in this thread
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If they gave out reparations ... it'd just be given right back. 
Jewish People got massive compensation Japanese ,Eskimos indigenous Americans , Europeans got rights to land if they were willing to go west and they received economic boost and help to start businesses and low interest on machines during industrialization and rights to set up factories and mills .

What did Japanese people get? And isn't Japan an imperialist society, why the hell would they be getting reparations. If anything they should be giving reparations for a lot of atrocities they committed during the World War.

He's talking about the Japanese Americans that were put in internment camps during WWII.

Each camp survivor received something like 20k.
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