Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

if it bothers you so much, do something to help out, and worry about how you can improve your life (like get an education, career, etc)

*flashes out of hypnosis*
I'll go improve my life by getting an education and career! 
Originally Posted by sam206

Why should you get money for anything? How was something that happened about 50 years ago effecting you, are you missing a leg from running a way from a slave owner? Where you attacked by the kkk? The op is just mad because he has no money and has to use someone as a scapegoat for his mistakes in life.


When did I ask for money? I clearly stated the money shouldnt go directly into the hands of people but in forms of government programs specific to the black community. It has been already stated it would be impossible to give money to every black person, there needs to be a serious initiative from the US government to fix the issues it created that still linger on today. Look what crack cocaine and the war on drugs has done alone.
Can somebody explain what I'm missing on this crack cocaine thing? If somebody puts it in your hands and you go sell it or if you are a buyer how does this put the white man at fault? It's not his fault that you all are so obsessed with having your own culture even though it leads you to prison and death. It's the parent's responsibility to lead the kid now matter how much he is being set up and obviously also the kid's responsibility to think about what he is doing, the repercussions, and how long life is and the fact that you only have one.
Originally Posted by kc24688

Can somebody explain what I'm missing on this crack cocaine thing? If somebody puts it in your hands and you go sell it or if you are a buyer how does this put the white man at fault? It's not his fault that you all are so obsessed with having your own culture even though it leads you to prison and death. It's the parent's responsibility to lead the kid now matter how much he is being set up and obviously also the kid's responsibility to think about what he is doing, the repercussions, and how long life is and the fact that you only have one.
but who brought the cocaine in?
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by kc24688

Can somebody explain what I'm missing on this crack cocaine thing? If somebody puts it in your hands and you go sell it or if you are a buyer how does this put the white man at fault? It's not his fault that you all are so obsessed with having your own culture even though it leads you to prison and death. It's the parent's responsibility to lead the kid now matter how much he is being set up and obviously also the kid's responsibility to think about what he is doing, the repercussions, and how long life is and the fact that you only have one.
but who brought the cocaine in?
I understand this but everybody makes their own decisions.  I have been lured into some bad situations but I wouldn't dare blame anybody for my final decisions.
Originally Posted by sam206

Why should you get money for anything? How was something that happened about 50 years ago effecting you, are you missing a leg from running a way from a slave owner? Where you attacked by the kkk? The op is just mad because he has no money and has to use someone as a scapegoat for his mistakes in life.

 Wow... ignorant much? 

So let me ask you... if a white slave master raped/sodomized a black female slave 50 years ago and your grandfather was the bastard child from that rape... do you think that fact by itself would have any affect on you not just physically but mentally today in 2011?  
Originally Posted by kc24688

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by kc24688

Can somebody explain what I'm missing on this crack cocaine thing? If somebody puts it in your hands and you go sell it or if you are a buyer how does this put the white man at fault? It's not his fault that you all are so obsessed with having your own culture even though it leads you to prison and death. It's the parent's responsibility to lead the kid now matter how much he is being set up and obviously also the kid's responsibility to think about what he is doing, the repercussions, and how long life is and the fact that you only have one.
but who brought the cocaine in?
I understand this but everybody makes their own decisions.  I have been lured into some bad situations but I wouldn't dare blame anybody for my final decisions.
Exactly. No one was forced to start using crack cocaine
The crack cocaine/ "too many liquor stores" theories are bogus.There's about 3-4 well known areas where drugs can be bought and 15 liquor stores within 5-10 minutes of my house, but my neighborhood and every other neighborhood nearby aren't full of unemployed alcoholics and drug addicts, it's full of successful engineers, lawyers, doctors, accountants, etc or honest, hard working blue collar workers. Bringing up arguments such as these is racist itself, cause what you're saying is that black people as a whole are too weak minded to avoid self destructive behavior
OP I agree with you.  Blacks do deserve reparations for the enslavement they were subjected to at the hands of the white man.
While we're at it though, how about the Irish?  You know they were enslaved too, right?
if it wasnt for slaves all black people would still be in africa

would rather live in america than africa just sayin
Im Just going to put this here: 

The Occupy movement has stretched far beyond the borders of Wall Street in just over two months. Protesters energetically hoist signs and carry posters that read "We are the 99 percent." But who are the 1 percent that have angered so many and sparked a national movement? And how many blacks are a part of the top 1 percent?

It turns out: not many.

Blacks comprise 13.6 percent of the U.S. population according to the 2010 Census, but account for only 1.4 percent of the top 1 percent of households by income. Whites are the overwhelming majority of the top 1 percent of households by income, comprising 96.2 percent. (Results were calculated from 2007 data from the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances and the Tax Policy Center's tax table, The income cutoff to be a part of the top 1 percent was $646,195.)

Click here to view a Grio slideshow of hip-hop's richest stars

Samuel Myers, the Roy Wilkins Professor of Human Relations and Social Justice at the Humphreys School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota says it's no surprise blacks share of the top 1 percent is low.

"Racial minority group members hold a small share of top earnings, top wealth and top holdings of assets in virtually every data set and every time period relative to their representation in the overall population," Myers told theGrio,

Blacks Have a Thin Slice of the Pie

Even within the top 1 percent of wage earners there is a disparity. Top earning black households have a median income of $823,000, which is 22 percent less than whites and considerably less when compared to Hispanics.

Despite the shortfall in income, top earning blacks fare better on income than on net worth when compared to other groups.

"The income gap between black and white 1 percenters is much smaller than [the gap between] blacks and whites in the 99 percenters," according to William Rodgers, Professor of Public Policy at Rutgers University and former Chief Economist at the Labor Department. "The chasm still exists in assets among the top 1 percent,"

"We're getting income, but blacks have not had the generation to accumulate the amount of assets of White counterparts," Rodgers said.

Who Are the Black 1 Percent?

Top earning black households are more likely to be in their mid-40s or older and college educated. About 67 percent reported no industry or employment, drawing their income from assets and investments.

Finance, insurance, real estate, employment services, mining, and construction industries account for 2 percent of top black earners.

However, there is a greater representation in durable goods manufacturing, non durable goods manufacturing, publishing, performing arts and spectator sports industries, which account for 37 percent of the top earners.

"Disproportionately, they are in entertainment, sports, and speculative investing activities," says Myers.

A black "1 percenter," who serves as a senior executive for a Fortune 500 company and asked not to be identified, says he is building first generation wealth. "Every African-American I know that has achieved wealth has done it by hard work," he said. "Our legacy is not passing on wealth, but passing on [the] work ethic."

He's optimistic the hard work will translate into greater assets. "As we build more wealth, this will likely be given to the next generation."

Slavery gave europeans a lot of time to build some massive wealth. Building railroads in the 1800's (while checking those native americans), slave master(former ones before emancipation) making sure african americans were working hard. Industrialist era, whites at the top, black minions at the bottom because lack of education and skill. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by sam206

Why should you get money for anything? How was something that happened about 50 years ago effecting you, are you missing a leg from running a way from a slave owner? Where you attacked by the kkk? The op is just mad because he has no money and has to use someone as a scapegoat for his mistakes in life.

 Wow... ignorant much? 

So let me ask you... if a white slave master raped/sodomized a black female slave 50 years ago and your grandfather was the bastard child from that rape... do you think that fact by itself would have any affect on you not just physically but mentally today in 2011?  
A white slave master 50 years ago? I know its petty but I had to point it out. Now to address your question.
It might affect your mentality, but who is responsible for it? The slave master is long dead. That black female is long dead. Should the non-slave owning descendants of the slave owner be held accountable? Why should you, the descendant, be handed reparations (in any form) specifically because of what happened to your great grandmother? Just some questions I got for you.

What happened to the West Africans who were forcibly brought to the Americas was one of histories worst tragedies. Those unfortunate people suffered appalling and dehumanizing conditions throughout their existence. Their descendants fought in the civil rights movement for equality and opportunity. While they didn't 100% achieve their goals, they made HUGE strides to improve the conditions of African Americans everywhere. Did they ask for reparations? Some might have but most just wanted equality and continued to strive for it. I think its sad that some African Americans believe that they deserve reparations, when their slave ancestors didn't want reparations. They wanted, worked for and achieved freedom and improvement of their condition. While the condition isnt perfect yet, it is not comparable to what happened back then 
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by WaitWut

if it wasnt for slaves all black people would still be in africa

would rather live in america than africa just sayin

You think modern day Africa is anything like pre-slavery africa?
I'd rather live in pre-slavery Africa. 
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by sam206

Why should you get money for anything? How was something that happened about 50 years ago effecting you, are you missing a leg from running a way from a slave owner? Where you attacked by the kkk? The op is just mad because he has no money and has to use someone as a scapegoat for his mistakes in life.

 Wow... ignorant much? 

So let me ask you... if a white slave master raped/sodomized a black female slave 50 years ago and your grandfather was the bastard child from that rape... do you think that fact by itself would have any affect on you not just physically but mentally today in 2011?  
A white slave master 50 years ago? I know its petty but I had to point it out. Now to address your question.
It might affect your mentality, but who is responsible for it? The slave master is long dead. That black female is long dead. Should the non-slave owning descendants of the slave owner be held accountable? Why should you, the descendant, be handed reparations (in any form) specifically because of what happened to your great grandmother? Just some questions I got for you.

What happened to the West Africans who were forcibly brought to the Americas was one of histories worst tragedies. Those unfortunate people suffered appalling and dehumanizing conditions throughout their existence. Their descendants fought in the civil rights movement for equality and opportunity. While they didn't 100% achieve their goals, they made HUGE strides to improve the conditions of African Americans everywhere. Did they ask for reparations? Some might have but most just wanted equality and continued to strive for it. I think its sad that some African Americans believe that they deserve reparations, when their slave ancestors didn't want reparations. They wanted, worked for and achieved freedom and improvement of their condition. While the condition isnt perfect yet, it is not comparable to what happened back then 
^ I bet you are one of the same dudes that whine about the death tax because they want to have a head start on life from Daddy's money, but yet what happened 50 years ago shouldn't matter, right?
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

 Wow... ignorant much? 

So let me ask you... if a white slave master raped/sodomized a black female slave 50 years ago and your grandfather was the bastard child from that rape... do you think that fact by itself would have any affect on you not just physically but mentally today in 2011?  
^ I bet you are one of the same dudes that whine about the death tax because they want to have a head start on life from Daddy's money, but yet what happened 50 years ago shouldn't matter, right?
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by sam206

Why should you get money for anything? How was something that happened about 50 years ago effecting you, are you missing a leg from running a way from a slave owner? Where you attacked by the kkk? The op is just mad because he has no money and has to use someone as a scapegoat for his mistakes in life.

 Wow... ignorant much? 

So let me ask you... if a white slave master raped/sodomized a black female slave *edit* 200+ years ago and your grandfather was the bastard child from that rape... do you think that fact by itself would have any affect on you not just physically but mentally today in 2011?  
A white slave master 50 years ago? I know its petty but I had to point it out. Now to address your question.
It might affect your mentality, but who is responsible for it? The slave master is long dead. That black female is long dead. Should the non-slave owning descendants of the slave owner be held accountable? Why should you, the descendant, be handed reparations (in any form) specifically because of what happened to your great grandmother? Just some questions I got for you.

What happened to the West Africans who were forcibly brought to the Americas was one of histories worst tragedies. Those unfortunate people suffered appalling and dehumanizing conditions throughout their existence. Their descendants fought in the civil rights movement for equality and opportunity. While they didn't 100% achieve their goals, they made HUGE strides to improve the conditions of African Americans everywhere. Did they ask for reparations? Some might have but most just wanted equality and continued to strive for it. I think its sad that some African Americans believe that they deserve reparations, when their slave ancestors didn't want reparations. They wanted, worked for and achieved freedom and improvement of their condition. While the condition isnt perfect yet, it is not comparable to what happened back then 
Whose responsible for it?  The person that did the act of violence. 
Should the descendants pay for it?  Depends.  If the heirs didn't inherit money or fortune from their ancestral families' past then no.  But if the descendants are rich and living a spoiled life received indirectly then yes.  

Why shouldn't a colored person receive reparations for centuries of violence and rape?  You don't think centuries of rape and violence are in a colored person's genes passed on from one generation to another?  You would be ok looking at the mirror knowing that your lighter shade genetically was caused by a White man whom raped your great great great grandmother?  
In a way I agree with OP, however we need investment in every one's community. We need investment in our own country and need to rebuild our infrastructure, education and our transportation. We should have high speed rail connecting DC, NYC, and Philadelphia on the east coast.

We need investment that creates more taxpayers, better educates people, and saves people money. More tax payers = lower taxes on everyone.
Just move on and grow from the damages against us. can't worry about the past, just have to let it make you stronger
Sooooo, OP, I have some questions bro.

So you say that the government should give back african americans some sort of reparation for slavery and you think that instead of money, they should give back to black communities in programs that help uplift the current state african americans are in, right? Now I understand what you're saying, but wouldn't it mean, if this were to happen, that other minorities living amongst the black community would try to revolt because they're being left out? I understand that this isn't about them, but it might be the case for those that disagree, and I bet A LOT will disagree. Same goes for tax brakes, a lot of people wouldn't agree with this regardless of the history. We're to selfish to see the bigger picture, so seeing someone else get tax brakes, would cause some sort of havoc.

I agree with GEX the Damaja, all of these programs would come out of everyones taxes yo. People wouldn't like that idea and would probably develop hatred against blacks because they don't agree with. I feel this reparation takes a lot of effor to be executed correctly without having other minorities revolt, and honestly, I doubt the government is willing to invest time and effort developing said plan. Anyways, back to lurking I go.
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