Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by kc24688

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by kc24688

Can somebody explain what I'm missing on this crack cocaine thing? If somebody puts it in your hands and you go sell it or if you are a buyer how does this put the white man at fault? It's not his fault that you all are so obsessed with having your own culture even though it leads you to prison and death. It's the parent's responsibility to lead the kid now matter how much he is being set up and obviously also the kid's responsibility to think about what he is doing, the repercussions, and how long life is and the fact that you only have one.
but who brought the cocaine in?
I understand this but everybody makes their own decisions.  I have been lured into some bad situations but I wouldn't dare blame anybody for my final decisions.
Exactly. No one was forced to start using crack cocaine
The crack cocaine/ "too many liquor stores" theories are bogus.There's about 3-4 well known areas where drugs can be bought and 15 liquor stores within 5-10 minutes of my house, but my neighborhood and every other neighborhood nearby aren't full of unemployed alcoholics and drug addicts, it's full of successful engineers, lawyers, doctors, accountants, etc or honest, hard working blue collar workers. Bringing up arguments such as these is racist itself, cause what you're saying is that black people as a whole are too weak minded to avoid self destructive behavior

Preach. And let's not forget "they're building more prisons than schools," and "standardized tests are racially biased."

Needless to say, I disagree with OP. But I am not an "everyday black," whatever that means.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by kc24688

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

but who brought the cocaine in?
I understand this but everybody makes their own decisions.  I have been lured into some bad situations but I wouldn't dare blame anybody for my final decisions.
Exactly. No one was forced to start using crack cocaine
The crack cocaine/ "too many liquor stores" theories are bogus.There's about 3-4 well known areas where drugs can be bought and 15 liquor stores within 5-10 minutes of my house, but my neighborhood and every other neighborhood nearby aren't full of unemployed alcoholics and drug addicts, it's full of successful engineers, lawyers, doctors, accountants, etc or honest, hard working blue collar workers. Bringing up arguments such as these is racist itself, cause what you're saying is that black people as a whole are too weak minded to avoid self destructive behavior
Do you know how local schools are funded?  Property taxes.

Although in the United States informal discrimination and segregation have always existed, the practice called "redlining" began with the National Housing Act of 1934, which established the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).[sup][10][/sup] The federal government contributed to the early decay of inner city neighborhoods by withholding mortgage capital and making it difficult for these neighborhoods to attract and retain families able to purchase homes.[sup][11][/sup] In 1935, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) asked Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) to look at 239 cities and create "residential security maps" to indicate the level of security for real-estate investments in each surveyed city. Such maps defined many minority neighborhoods in cities as ineligible to receive financing. The maps were based on assumptions about the community, not accurate assessments of an individual's or household's ability to satisfy standard lending criteria. Since African-Americans were unwelcome in white neighborhoods, which frequently instituted racial restrictive covenants to keep them out, the policy effectively meant that blacks could not secure mortgage loans at all. At various times the practice also affected other ethnic groups, including Latinos, Asians, and Jews. The assumptions in redlining resulted in a large increase in residential racial segregation and urban decay in the United States. Urban planning historians theorize that the maps were used by private and public entities for years afterwards to deny loans to people in black communities.[sup][10][/sup] However, recent research has indicated that the HOLC did not redline in its own lending activities, and that the racist language reflected the bias of the private sector and experts hired to conduct the appraisals.[sup][12][/sup]

On the maps, the newest areas — those considered desirable for lending purposes — were outlined in blue and known as "Type A". These were typically affluent suburbs on the outskirts of cities. "Type B" neighborhoods were considered "Still Desirable", whereas older "Type C" were labeled "Declining" and outlined in yellow. "Type D" neighborhoods were outlined in red and were considered the most risky for mortgage support. These neighborhoods tended to be the older districts in the center of cities; often they were also black neighborhoods.[sup][10][/sup]

Some redlined maps were also created by private organizations, such as J.M. Brewer's 1934 map of Philadelphia. Private organizations created maps designed to meet the requirements of the Federal Housing Administration's underwriting manual. The lenders had to consider FHA standards if they wanted to receive FHA insurance for their loans. FHA appraisal manuals instructed banks to steer clear of areas with "inharmonious racial groups" and recommended that municipalities enact racially restrictive zoning ordinances, as well as covenants prohibiting black owners.[sup][13][/sup][sup][14][/sup]
[h2][edit] Impact[/h2]
Redlining paralyzed the housing market, lowered property values and further encouraged landlord abandonment. As abandonment increased, the population density became lower. Abandoned buildings would serve as havens for drug dealing and other illegal activity.[sup][11][/sup]

The film Revolution '67 examines the practice of redlining that occurred in Newark, NJ in the 1960s.
Blacks need to get damn jobs and work harder. I'm tired of this victim attitude.

I'm black btw.
[h1]History professor’s book uncovers origins of Chicago ghettos[/h1][h2]Beryl Satter spent nine years researching 'Family Properties'[/h2]
By Bill Haduch


Sometimes a book’s introduction slams you down in your seatregardless of other plans you may have made. Such is the case with BerylSatter’s just-published FamilyProperties: Race, Real Estate, and the Exploitation of Black Urban America. It begins: “When an elderlywoman erupts into shouts of rage at the mere mention of events now 40 yearspast, you know there is a story there.
Originally Posted by polorico


Native americans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. anyone
If anyone deserves reparations, it's them. 

Oh, and op, you act as if the Black Panther group was some activist group. I don't think chanting "The Revolution has come, it's time to pick up the gun. Off the pigs" is great way to keep your party alive. 

Don't know why it blanked it out, but it was supposed to say "The revolution has come, it's time to pick up the gun. Off the pigs". 
Originally Posted by DoS

Blacks need to get damn jobs and work harder. I'm tired of this victim attitude.

I'm black btw.

*In before tons of excuses why people can't get jobs, being held down, etc.*
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by DoS

Blacks need to get damn jobs and work harder. I'm tired of this victim attitude.

I'm black btw.

*In before tons of excuses why people can't get jobs, being held down, etc.*

I wish I had one
the thing is, racism is still alive, they've just found legal ways to do it

If a white policeman hasn't had a bad experience with a black personally, he's seen enough sagging dudes on TV or in the street to be cautious

Racism will never be dead. It's just embedded in our brains. We all have predetermined thoughts of a person once we see their appearance. It's just whether or not, and how we act/don't act on those thoughts that make it right or wrong.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

 Wow... ignorant much? 

So let me ask you... if a white slave master raped/sodomized a black female slave *edit* 200+ years ago and your grandfather was the bastard child from that rape... do you think that fact by itself would have any affect on you not just physically but mentally today in 2011?  
A white slave master 50 years ago? I know its petty but I had to point it out. Now to address your question.
It might affect your mentality, but who is responsible for it? The slave master is long dead. That black female is long dead. Should the non-slave owning descendants of the slave owner be held accountable? Why should you, the descendant, be handed reparations (in any form) specifically because of what happened to your great grandmother? Just some questions I got for you.

What happened to the West Africans who were forcibly brought to the Americas was one of histories worst tragedies. Those unfortunate people suffered appalling and dehumanizing conditions throughout their existence. Their descendants fought in the civil rights movement for equality and opportunity. While they didn't 100% achieve their goals, they made HUGE strides to improve the conditions of African Americans everywhere. Did they ask for reparations? Some might have but most just wanted equality and continued to strive for it. I think its sad that some African Americans believe that they deserve reparations, when their slave ancestors didn't want reparations. They wanted, worked for and achieved freedom and improvement of their condition. While the condition isnt perfect yet, it is not comparable to what happened back then 
Whose responsible for it?  The person that did the act of violence. 
Should the descendants pay for it?  Depends.  If the heirs didn't inherit money or fortune from their ancestral families' past then no.  But if the descendants are rich and living a spoiled life received indirectly then yes.  

Why shouldn't a colored person receive reparations for centuries of violence and rape?  You don't think centuries of rape and violence are in a colored person's genes passed on from one generation to another?  You would be ok looking at the mirror knowing that your lighter shade genetically was caused by a White man whom raped your great great great grandmother?  
Because rape isnt something that is genetically passed on. It is something that is felt and suffered by the person that it happens to. They are the people who deserve reparations, people who actually endured the suffering. I would say a majority of the world has had some injustice done to them in their ancestral bloodline. Whether it be slavery, genocide, apartheid etc. Its an unfortunate part of our history as a species. In short, reparations are earned not a birthright. My ancestors where Nubians who were enslaved and probably raped by Arabs. That is the cause of the my own light shade. Why dont I get reparations? Simply because I didnt earn it or deserve it. 
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by kc24688

I understand this but everybody makes their own decisions.  I have been lured into some bad situations but I wouldn't dare blame anybody for my final decisions.
Exactly. No one was forced to start using crack cocaine
The crack cocaine/ "too many liquor stores" theories are bogus.There's about 3-4 well known areas where drugs can be bought and 15 liquor stores within 5-10 minutes of my house, but my neighborhood and every other neighborhood nearby aren't full of unemployed alcoholics and drug addicts, it's full of successful engineers, lawyers, doctors, accountants, etc or honest, hard working blue collar workers. Bringing up arguments such as these is racist itself, cause what you're saying is that black people as a whole are too weak minded to avoid self destructive behavior

Preach. And let's not forget "they're building more prisons than schools," and "standardized tests are racially biased."

Needless to say, I disagree with OP. But I am not an "everyday black," whatever that means.

   Exactly. No one was forced to start using crack cocaine

Not true, drugs were infact forced on ppl. Back in the 60's and 70's they used prisoners, and hell they even used black soldiers as guinea pigs for various drugs and or vaccines/dieases. So that statement is false. And if you say they shouldnt have committed crimes, many of them didnt. Alot were in jail under false premises, made up trumped up charges, or wrong place wrong time. So are you saying blacks was stupid for being outside, catching a bus, sriving down the street and a cop bust out their tail lights and haul them in? Or maybe black ppl were stupid for drinking out of a white mans water fountain. Or blacks were being stupid for being drafted to fight war, or stupid to join the armed service? I guess it was sheer stupidity for a person of color to join the armed service huh?

Some of yalls lack of history, and whats sad it isnt even ancient history, its things that occured not even 50 years ago.

There's about 3-4 well known areas where drugs can be bought and 15 liquor stores within 5-10 minutes of my house, but my neighborhood and every other neighborhood nearby aren't full of unemployed alcoholics and drug addicts, it's

That statement in itself is ignorant and a oxymoron. How could all these dope houses and 15 liqour stores substain and profit and stay in business if everyone is so called so upstanding and no one is buying dope and/or drinking? You do realize it takes consumers/purchasers in order to stay in business. Or maybe your saying that these lowlife black ppl from the hood go waaaay out their way to buy a nickel bag and a colt 45, just to say hey my weed/my 211 taste/is better then yours because i got it on the side of town where decent well to do ppl dwell.

Bringing up arguments such as these is racist itself, cause what you're saying is that black people as a whole are too weak minded to avoid self destructive behavior

Everyone isnt in fortunate circumstances. Like you are saying ppl are loser etc for not going to good schools, having a certain job etc.. Arent striving to be successful etc. That is a boisterous and grandiousity type attitude. I could in return do the same to you or others who arent at the status that I am on. i could say oh your lazy weak-mided because you work for someone. i could say oh anybody can follow suit and follow do a task someone teaches them and instruct them to do. Hell I got two dogs in the back that can follow instructions. i could say oh your ignorant, stupid uneducated because you pay rent, If you wasnt a loser you would own a house like I do. But what exactly would that prove? And in return someone could who is in a different position then me and more accomplished.

Playing the one up game does what exactly? Life believe it or not throw ppl curveball. With your train of thought we should just take rape victims and say oh it happen, your stupid or its your fault and its over move on. Its your fault your mother/father was apart of domestic violence. Or is it stupid for the gay kid who is constantly berated ostracized and ridiculed for his lifestyle choice and one day snap?

Or are you saying every facet and situation in life that deals with environmental travesties, hardships and misfortunes is understandable with the exception of those that occur with black people?
Straw man arguments. That's great. Biggest difference is you are comparing things that happen directly to the said victim (rape, beratement, being ostractized) to things that happened to someone's grandmother's grandmother.
How much do you think black people should get though? I'm struggling over here
My ancestors weren't stolen from the coast to West Africa and brought to America for me to have to work this hard
Greed is the blame for slavery. Greed by the white man and the African kings.

Blacks still have the highest unemployment rate to date. Even hight than Hispanics.

Racism still exists and if you aren't on the receiving end you wouldn't know so all u sheltered non-blacks need to dead it.

If any group should receive reparations, it's Native Americans and Blacks. Native Amreicans are still legally gettin screwed by the govt.

Maybe if Blacks would've received their 40acres and a mule like they were "promised" this thread wouldn't have been created.
Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by polorico


Native americans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. anyone
If anyone deserves reparations, it's them. 

Oh, and op, you act as if the Black Panther group was some activist group. I don't think chanting "The Revolution has come, it's time to pick up the gun. Off the pigs" is great way to keep your party alive. 

Don't know why it blanked it out, but it was supposed to say "The revolution has come, it's time to pick up the gun. Off the pigs". 

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

A white slave master 50 years ago? I know its petty but I had to point it out. Now to address your question.
It might affect your mentality, but who is responsible for it? The slave master is long dead. That black female is long dead. Should the non-slave owning descendants of the slave owner be held accountable? Why should you, the descendant, be handed reparations (in any form) specifically because of what happened to your great grandmother? Just some questions I got for you.

What happened to the West Africans who were forcibly brought to the Americas was one of histories worst tragedies. Those unfortunate people suffered appalling and dehumanizing conditions throughout their existence. Their descendants fought in the civil rights movement for equality and opportunity. While they didn't 100% achieve their goals, they made HUGE strides to improve the conditions of African Americans everywhere. Did they ask for reparations? Some might have but most just wanted equality and continued to strive for it. I think its sad that some African Americans believe that they deserve reparations, when their slave ancestors didn't want reparations. They wanted, worked for and achieved freedom and improvement of their condition. While the condition isnt perfect yet, it is not comparable to what happened back then 
Whose responsible for it?  The person that did the act of violence. 
Should the descendants pay for it?  Depends.  If the heirs didn't inherit money or fortune from their ancestral families' past then no.  But if the descendants are rich and living a spoiled life received indirectly then yes.  

Why shouldn't a colored person receive reparations for centuries of violence and rape?  You don't think centuries of rape and violence are in a colored person's genes passed on from one generation to another?  You would be ok looking at the mirror knowing that your lighter shade genetically was caused by a White man whom raped your great great great grandmother?  
Because rape isnt something that is genetically passed on. It is something that is felt and suffered by the person that it happens to. They are the people who deserve reparations, people who actually endured the suffering. I would say a majority of the world has had some injustice done to them in their ancestral bloodline. Whether it be slavery, genocide, apartheid etc. Its an unfortunate part of our history as a species. In short, reparations are earned not a birthright. My ancestors where Nubians who were enslaved and probably raped by Arabs. That is the cause of the my own light shade. Why dont I get reparations? Simply because I didnt earn it or deserve it. 

Because rape isnt something that is genetically passed on. It is something that is felt and suffered by the person that it happens to. 

Yes and no. A traumatizing situation can lead to behavioral/mental dispositions and traits that can be passed on. A person who saw his parents killed in cold blood, and uses alcohol/drugs as a coping mechanism. And that addiction can be passed on. A young girl who was raped and her mental state/or deamenor changes, those personality traits can be passed on. But i do get what your saying. I actually grew up in the segregation era, the times of sundown towns etc. And lived during alot of these injustices many of you speak of and honestly dont think I deserve reparations.

I am not saying im like f it, and let bygones be bygones, nor am I saying its all good we are all on even playing fields etc. But what I will agree to and someone mentioned is reparations in the sense of what the black panthers, rainbow coalition, and many other activist groups were trying to achieve. An investment in the people and in the community. Would be more suitable. and as far as ill-will and slavery goes. Yea blacks arent shackled and restrained by chains and whips, in the physical sense, moreso they are in the mental/opportunities/euality and social sense.

I wonder if the blacks that owned homes business etc worked and werent slaves set back and thought like many of the ppl posting in here. Like oh they are just underachievers, slackers, stupid lazy. If they applied themselves gave a damn and stop being so sorry etc they wouldnt be slaves. They chose to be slaves. its the same type of ordeal
No. No we should not.
If my parents can immigrate to this country and become middle class citizens within one lifetime, reparations are not in order.
Also do you see any other enslaved group of blacks crying for reparations from the UK or any other European power? Caribbean Blacks, Nope. Afro-Latinos/Afro-Hispanics, Nada. Blacks of Africa, nope. (The argument that current country aid counts as reparations is debatable in the fact that the money goes to the government of those lands and not the people directly, and is also debatable in the fact that countries who had nothing to do with their slavery and sometimes were conquered and enslaved themselves pitch in as well.)
The point I'm making is that something must be wrong if the only group of blacks not taking ownership of their problems is African Americans.
Native Americans arent getting reparations but they are getting something close. bele dat..
Originally Posted by Weekz

No. No we should not.
If my parents can immigrate to this country and become middle class citizens within one lifetime, reparations are not in order.
Also do you see any other enslaved group of blacks crying for reparations from the UK or any other European power? Caribbean Blacks, Nope. Afro-Latinos/Afro-Hispanics, Nada. Blacks of Africa, nope. (The argument that current country aid counts as reparations is debatable in the fact that the money goes to the government of those lands and not the people directly, and is also debatable in the fact that countries who had nothing to do with their slavery and sometimes were conquered and enslaved themselves pitch in as well.)
The point I'm making is that something must be wrong if the only group of blacks not taking ownership of their problems is African Americans.
The thing is what I am asking for is exactly things that we lost direct via the government. Look at the success of the survival programs funded by the panthers and tell me that wouldnt of dramatically changed the current landscape of current day black community. This has absolutely nothing to do with slavery I am not sure why people keep on going to slavery, the us government has had a hand in the demise in almost EVERY black movement.
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