Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by WaitWut

if it wasnt for slaves all black people would still be in africa

would rather live in america than africa just sayin

You think modern day Africa is anything like pre-slavery africa?
America would not be the country it is now if the slaves stayed in Africa.
like....not even close. 
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Straw man arguments. That's great. Biggest difference is you are comparing things that happen directly to the said victim (rape, beratement, being ostractized) to things that happened to someone's grandmother's grandmother.

See that just tells me you are detached from what is really going on, or maybe your arent really black at all. So jena 6 incident didnt directly happen to those kids, the black lady in jonesboro. ga whose 4 y/o kid witness a cop harass his mom and call her every derrogative name in the book and slammed his head in a waffle house door didnt directly affect him. The kid who was in nyc, who so called fit the description of a so call robber and was suspected of having a weapon in his hand (still dont see how a cop of all people confuse a ipod nano with a glock) and was shot over 80 times didnt directly affect his friends and family. So ms johnston a almost feeble 97 y/o black women from atlanta who doors was kicked in and was shot by 5 cops who unload there entire rounds on her why her young great grand children watched. That wouldnt affect those kids. 

I mean i could go on and on and on. Enough to fill as many pages this thread has on things that have happen in the first quarter of this year alone. or is 9-10 months ago to far back in history? A friend of mines kid who was just sitting outside in a circle in a certain neighborhood, And was harassed by cops because he was so called loitering. When in actuality he was just checking his phone for directions. Long story short he was ended up being beat up by the cops. Apparently he so called fit the description of someone who been in/around that neighborhood  that has been involved in recent break-ins. And no he isnt as you so well depicted average black person. no he isnt a deadbeat dad, drink and smoke, ged/highschool diploma, or work at a chicken and rib shack. He actually is a student at famu (granted it probably isnt up to the standard to some since its a hbcu) Was it stupid for him to come home? Or was it stupid for him to visit a certain side of town? Should he/his family get over him being beating by cops and arrested for no reason? Should it be sweat off his back?

And if not what would you suggest be the grievance period? When is the cutoff pity party over? Or should he not have one at all? Should he just say oh +@+*! happen and just go on with life?

Or are you saying events like this dont happen at all, despite ive witness and also been a party of it first hand. Are you saying that injustices and discrimination is completely oblivious in particularly moreso in minorities. And to the comment of why dont blacks get jobs, hell a quarter of the entire nation is without work. So are you saying every facet of life is striving going out the way to find jobs except blacks. And if the reason of they are stupid, lazy, etc. Then what is the excuse for everyone else? Why is the commoner white male in utah been outta work for 2+ yrs? Or the 27 year old asian chick in seattle been unemployed for 8 months?
Reparations so we can partake in capatalism or Reperations for an actual country within a country a la Pan-Afracanism per El Hajj Malik Shabazz?

The Black Panthers fell victim to the influx of crack, and all fingers seem to at Raegonomics as the culprit behind many of the social ills that befell Black Americans in the 1980's. Worth mentioning, because since the demise of the Panthers the saving grace for any form of socio-political movements lied within the culture of hip hop. When you mention Reperations you're suddenly inviting all sort attention, but I guarantee none of it will be beneficial to gaining any ground on the issue itself. People hate discussing slavery, and let alone Reperations which will be classified by the majority as another entitlement.

Reparation without consciousness is pointless.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

what about the native americans? the japanese?  the homosexuals?  

Native Americans already get checks if your blooded. And live for free
It's like
Don't give the black man food, give red man liquor
Red man fool, black man %%++#
Give yellow man tool, make him railroad builder
Also give him pan, make him pull gold from river
Give black man crack, Glocks and things
Give red man craps, slot machines
Now bring it back, bring it back, bring it back, bring it back
Don't give the black man food, give they red man liquor
Red man fool, black man %%++#
Give yellow man tool, make him railroad builder
Also give him pan, make him pull gold from river
Give black man crack, Glocks and things
Give red man craps, slot machines
Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

what about the native americans? the japanese?  the homosexuals?  

Native Americans already get checks if your blooded. And live for free

They got paid...all except homosexuals.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by Weekz

No. No we should not.
If my parents can immigrate to this country and become middle class citizens within one lifetime, reparations are not in order.
Also do you see any other enslaved group of blacks crying for reparations from the UK or any other European power? Caribbean Blacks, Nope. Afro-Latinos/Afro-Hispanics, Nada. Blacks of Africa, nope. (The argument that current country aid counts as reparations is debatable in the fact that the money goes to the government of those lands and not the people directly, and is also debatable in the fact that countries who had nothing to do with their slavery and sometimes were conquered and enslaved themselves pitch in as well.)
The point I'm making is that something must be wrong if the only group of blacks not taking ownership of their problems is African Americans.
The thing is what I am asking for is exactly things that we lost direct via the government. Look at the success of the survival programs funded by the panthers and tell me that wouldnt of dramatically changed the current landscape of current day black community. This has absolutely nothing to do with slavery I am not sure why people keep on going to slavery, the us government has had a hand in the demise in almost EVERY black movement.
I can't or rather won't speak to whether or not the US government has a hand in the demise of most black empowerment movements because then we go on tangent after tangent.
I do believe what you are saying though is that you want to it to be possible for AA's to be able to move up within one generation (assumingly without the stereotype of becoming an entertainer or athlete).
I would agree with that sentiment but I would also like to say, it is possible.  I lead a middle class life thanks to the good graces of my parents.  It is possible, this country made it possible.  So if immigrants who come from nothing (they both left their respective countries when their governments were barely older than 10 years) can make it, so can the native black population.  In light of this example and the others that I know of I think we can say you have no option but to blame the people themselves.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It's like
Don't give the black man food, give red man liquor
Red man fool, black man %%++#
Give yellow man tool, make him railroad builder
Also give him pan, make him pull gold from river
Give black man crack, Glocks and things
Give red man craps, slot machines
Now bring it back, bring it back, bring it back, bring it back
Don't give the black man food, give they red man liquor
Red man fool, black man %%++#
Give yellow man tool, make him railroad builder
Also give him pan, make him pull gold from river
Give black man crack, Glocks and things
Give red man craps, slot machines

That is a good song.  I think using the verb 'give' implies favoritism from the ruling classes.  I believe it went more like, the Asian people came over to work because it was advertised over in China and they scrimped and saved to make it to where they are now.   I grant you that the Native Americans were given government handouts, BUT what they did with those handouts was extraordinary.  They became smart and many of them with the space realized US law mostly doesn't apply and so they used those handouts to make a profit.  They were smart so the credit still partially goes to them.  As for our people (no matter the ethnicity) we willingly engaged in and smothered ourselves with violence.  Think about the LA Crips, or the Chicago Black Disciples.  They both started out with good yet militaristic intentions.  They both were set up as organizations to defend the black community against racism and white intruders looking for trouble.  However they both started selling dope to be able support the cause and then the cause itself shifted to selling dope and getting money.  I also don't deny that blacks weren't given any handouts but (and don't take this the wrong way) Herman Cain is an example of just putting your head in your books and working hard.  And he grew up when racism was still at its peak in the US.
I could care less about a stereotype...because once you come to the truth about who you really are then you understand the grand deception. It goes back further than slavery. All this is centered around being a black American, but that in itself is a complexity. That's why I always wanted to know about the origin of the races, and then you start putting the puzzle together.
Originally Posted by gllahone84

I could care less about a stereotype...because once you come to the truth about who you really are then you understand the grand deception. It goes back further than slavery. All this is centered around being a black American, but that in itself is a complexity. That's why I always wanted to know about the origin of the races, and then you start putting the puzzle together.
Speak a little bit more on that. I kind of see where you are going but I don't want to jump the gun.
Well as far as just being the original man, and from the beginning of time it was the black/brown man. Even Christianity at one point venerated the black Madonna. The prophets were considered to be men of color, and if you read JA Rogers Great Men of Color and 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro he touches on it more. His Sex and Race books are also good reads. But the point I was making is our culture is too rich to even dwell on reparations because that still clings to the most dehumanizing act that has ever been committed against humans. Once you figure out that even the Bible was written with a prophecy concerning black people the world over then you see how you play into the scheme of things. As Malcolm said, "You are the lost sheep, you are the people that the Bible was talking about... "
Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by Weekz

No. No we should not.
If my parents can immigrate to this country and become middle class citizens within one lifetime, reparations are not in order.
Also do you see any other enslaved group of blacks crying for reparations from the UK or any other European power? Caribbean Blacks, Nope. Afro-Latinos/Afro-Hispanics, Nada. Blacks of Africa, nope. (The argument that current country aid counts as reparations is debatable in the fact that the money goes to the government of those lands and not the people directly, and is also debatable in the fact that countries who had nothing to do with their slavery and sometimes were conquered and enslaved themselves pitch in as well.)
The point I'm making is that something must be wrong if the only group of blacks not taking ownership of their problems is African Americans.
The thing is what I am asking for is exactly things that we lost direct via the government. Look at the success of the survival programs funded by the panthers and tell me that wouldnt of dramatically changed the current landscape of current day black community. This has absolutely nothing to do with slavery I am not sure why people keep on going to slavery, the us government has had a hand in the demise in almost EVERY black movement.
I can't or rather won't speak to whether or not the US government has a hand in the demise of most black empowerment movements because then we go on tangent after tangent.
I do believe what you are saying though is that you want to it to be possible for AA's to be able to move up within one generation (assumingly without the stereotype of becoming an entertainer or athlete).
I would agree with that sentiment but I would also like to say, it is possible.  I lead a middle class life thanks to the good graces of my parents.  It is possible, this country made it possible.  So if immigrants who come from nothing (they both left their respective countries when their governments were barely older than 10 years) can make it, so can the native black population.  In light of this example and the others that I know of I think we can say you have no option but to blame the people themselves.

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

what about the native americans? the japanese?  the homosexuals?  

Native Americans already get checks if your blooded. And live for free
What do you mean by blooded?

Also, live for free? On the reservations?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

what about the native americans? the japanese?  the homosexuals?  

Native Americans already get checks if your blooded. And live for free
What do you mean by blooded?

Also, live for free? On the reservations?
The highest concentration of Native Americans live in Oklahoma, then the Pacific Northwest and they don't live life for free, nor are they all privy to the gambling/tobacco money. There are some extreme, individual examples of someone found out they are 1/32 Chikasha or something and somehow collected some monster sum, but that is far more the exception than the rule. They have a cultural problem with alcoholism which many attribute to when Westerners always wanted to trade them alcohol for goods. According to Wiki, 1 in 10 of their deaths are alcohol related, some other sites even estimate it is as high as 1 in 8. We played a tournament in Anadarko and most of those dudes were hooping under the influence of alcohol, and still nice; binge drinking and cigarettes at half time and **$%. The N.A side of town does have "their own" hospital, they own some important land that the city pays them to use where there's this water park on, but that doesn't funnel down to the whole community by any means.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

i can't figure out if i should stoneface this or burst out laughing

   me either

wheres that transformin smiley when u need it

yo son, im half chereokee indian, how do i get paid
Just the 1930's? You mean the 1730's.
If weren't for centuries of free labor at the hands of black people, America wouldn't be what it is today.
If I had a 400 year head start, you'd never catch up to me either.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Here's a most recent example from my own experience of these reparations that you "don't get." I'm applying to law school for the Fall 12' cycle and am currently flabbergasted by what would be in my reach school and scholarship-wise if I was an African American. With my numbers, if I was black I would receive an instant-admit and at least a partial scholarship to a number of T14 schools. However, being that this is not the case; I am left trying to give out hand-jobs to just get ACCEPTED into a 48th ranked school without ANY financial help. 
ahhh the crybaby tactic

how about you apply to a school with a 6% white acceptance rate and tell me how easy it is to get in....

(osu was around 11%, mortiz college of law was under 6%)

you have to go to the 48th ranked school because, in competition with your white male peers, you are pretty terrible.

now, compared to the 6% of black students who apply, you maybe better than some percentage of them, but then again, they're 6% total

in the grand scheme, the 94% you're actually in competition with?

you're only good enough for 48th ranked and no scholarships

i know you werent blaming anybody


you were SLIGHTLY misinformed.....

and crying....a little bit.

Im not sure you even know the point your getting to. OSU with an 11% black acceptance rate? Where did you get those numbers? 
I believe you've mistaken the idea that 11% of the accepted class was black. That doesn't mean only 11% of the total percentage of blacks that applied were accepted; which would make more sense for your argument. 
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