Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

Maragaret must be related to ari golds wife smh
Good episode. Eli said that whole situation with jimmy and his mom was weird. I guess we found out weird it was.
Son smashed his moms
Another one bites the dust, the Commodore is gone...
Jimmy and his mom 
...when she was making random comments about kissing his "wee wee", I was like huh? and now it all makes sense.

Going to have to catch the Finale after I return from Italy next Saturday.

Have a feeling it's going to be a great one...
Yea its official Next episode +***+# are gettin killed everywhere...

The thing i love about this episode is how it displays everyones extreme selfishness and eagerness to help themselves
 Gillian pretty muchscrewed Jimmy up for life that night. She wants a man to take care or her so much she doesn't care if its her son
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Episode was a straight mind %#@!.

Came in here just to write that.Capone was srtaight up comedy when he smacked dude Val alden is dunzoSlater had to mess things up by catching feelings
felt like i just did a line with Jimmy during the whole episode...
mom hated commodore with a passion and didn't care a bit for angela. now it seems like everything is falling into place for her.

from what we've seen now, guess she'll always have an upper hand on Jimmy.

i hope the maid lets Nucky in on Margaret and Slater.
Amazing ep
The ending was everything. Wouldn't have even been mad if he killed his moms too. For a sec thought Jimmy was gonna go on a mini killing spree give what's happened. Crazy how the Princeton scenes seem like legit flashbacks. Jimmy actually looks younger to me. I really felt sorry for Jimmy in most of these scenes, you can tell the war really changed him.... and the incest.

Love how there's no plot thread left hanging. Van Alden drowning that Jew finally comes back to bite him.
@ how son broke out that post office. Doyle getting punked for his share
Failing at making a deal.

I really hope Chalke doesn't die in the season finale.


It's clear his moms still has a hold over him but to me he recognizes it and allows it. I like how things are coming to a head for the finale for Nucky and Jimmy.

Oedipus mention
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Love how there's no plot thread left hanging. Van Alden drowning that Jew finally comes back to bite him.
@ how son broke out that post office. 

forgot to post this
....son bounced like he turned into the hulk in ripped jorts.
This show is showing that women can be the downfall of men and how the have the power. From Jimmy moms controlling him to the prostitute messing up van aldens life. Even the new fed lawyer chick coming in to take down nucky
i guess i'll be the first to say it but as i was cringing knowing what was going to happen, i did notice how hot his mom looked in bed right before they got it in. Great episode, but as far as plots not being tied up, what about the ex-mayor that Eli killed? i wonder if that comes out and how it'll affect his credibility as a witness.
They brought that drowning incident back perfectly. I had completely forgotten about it.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

They brought that drowning incident back perfectly. I had completely forgotten about it.
I was wondering if there would be repercussions. Dude drowned someone in front of dozens of people
that episode was nuts, complete mind &*%$$ like you guys said

I'm really looking forward to the last episode to see how this all gets wrapped up
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Episode was bananas


Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

 Gillian pretty muchscrewed Jimmy up for life that night. She wants a man to take care or her so much she doesn't care if its her son

And this.
 There was always a weird vibe about their relationship from the 1st time she was introduced on the show when Jimmy went to see here dance and now we know why.

ATGD7154xBBxMZ wrote:
Love how there's no plot thread left hanging. Van Alden drowning that Jew finally comes back to bite him.
@ how son broke out that post office. Doyle getting punked for his share
Failing at making a deal.

And this.

A gif of that scene would be appreciated.
@ tough guy Mickey Doyle. A lot less laughs from him

- Why did Richard Harrow did pick Angelas blood? Creepy.

- Gillian, Jimmys mom, sees his son her next victim imo, with the constant affection and such. She never cared much for Angela and always hating.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

- Why did Richard Harrow did pick Angelas blood? Creepy.
He was infatuated with her. He thought Jimmy had the perfect life and saw Angela as someone who could save him from the pain. Even when he's rarely mentioned Harrow is still a terrific character. He cleaned up the Commodore for Jimmy as well, he's beyond loyal.
I think I yelled out "Holy !%#*" 4-5 times this episode. First, Jimmy and his mom getting together, then Nelson getting his fugitive on and escaping, then killing the Commodore, and probably at something crazy Gillian said. What an amazing episode and the finale is going to be insane. I also yelled out "old man strength" when the Commodore was attacking Jimmy.. the old guy still had something left in the tank.

I'm glad we finally got a real history about Gillian and Jimmy. The comments and their relationship was always bizarre, but the depths to which Gillian uses Jimmy to try to make up for the past issues in her life was really addressed. Being given to the Commodore at 13, I believe, and having to raise a child was obviously traumatic for her and as a result, she now manipulates and uses Jimmy and others to make her life better. So much happened over the last two episodes, Angela's death, the reveal of Jimmy and Gillian having sex, the Commodore's murder, all let Gillian assume the role of wife to Jimmy and mother to his son... really complex and wild stuff.

I wasn't blown away with Margaret's religious subplot until this episode, but I thought it worked itself well back into Nucky and the trial. Her guilt is boiling over and now she questions how much more she can support Nucky and their "sin". 

I'm thrilled they brought back Nelson's murder of his fellow agent. Not only because it complicates the charges against Nucky, but because we get to see Nelson truly on the other side of the law. He was already profiting off of alcohol through Doyle (who had a great couple scenes being the butt of the jokes, then he tried to pull one over on Luciano and co.), but now for Nelson he's truly a criminal in the eyes of the law and I'm looking forward to that. 

The finale should be amazing. I'd like to see Jimmy and Nucky reuniting with future issues such as his assumed drug addiction creating drama between the pair next season. Chalky should be getting his vengenance next episode too, plus Eli is still in jail, we see Nucky in court, and hopefully a little Nelson on the run too

Edit: Nelson drowned the other agent in front of the church group down at the lake.
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