Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*



wow it explains so much and I KNEW it was something between him and his mom
 Episode was crazy!

I didnt really understand the point of all the flashbacks up until I seen them walk through those apartment doors all drunk... Then I already knew what it was...

That motherf**ker Jimmy (yes pun) is as good as done... His moms needs to be offed instantly, she is truly corrupting him...

Lucky, Lansky, and Capone are all bullies!!...
 I totally forgot that Mickey signed that life insurance policy along with the D'Allessio (sp) Brothers... They left my son Doyle standing with the lame look...

Margaret needs to go!!... That treacherous scuntbag swine!!!... I thought Nuck was goina lay the big hand down on her for a moment...

Next week's ep is goina be piff, cannot wait!...

ATGD7154xBBxMZ wrote:

Love how there's no plot thread left hanging. Van Alden drowning that Jew finally comes back to bite him.
@ how son broke out that post office.

Son got the hell AND the f**k up outa there...
I also yelled out "old man strength" when the Commodore was attacking Jimmy..
 Commodore held his own against Jimmy.

Did anyone else feel that Harrow migh have hurt/resently about Gillian calling him a simpleton?

He seem standoffish when he left the room after that and also when he closed the curtains when Jimmy was watching him clean up the Commodore's blood.

I hope Margaret isn't Nucky's downfall.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Richard was in love with Angela
He might have been attracted to Angela but I think Harrow was moreso in love with Jimmy's life. To him Jimmy seemed to have it al,l wife, child, home; he even said as much to him in an episode this season.

I assumed Gillian did that to protect Harrow and get the cop out of her house.. but she didn't apologize so it's just her being a cruel person yet again. Richard probably was upset by it, but I think he was still in shock and wasn't really thinking or processing other information. Judging by the brief clips from next week I think Jimmy and Richard are back together without a problem.
Crazy thought.. the part where Jimmy's son asks "wheres momma?" and Gillian says "momma's here".. what if jimmy got her pregnant that one night(around the same time Angela was) and something happened to Angela's when jimmy was overseas or whatever. It may be far fetched but so was Jimmy bangin his moms out.
Harrow has that mean front-line walk in the preview for next week. Busting doors open and all that. Cannot wait.
I forgot to mention but I also like the little knowledge of Van Alden's youth with his father being one of those end of days followers basically ruining his family and then turning around resenting his son for being alive since the rapture didn't happen. I like this take on how religion is negatively affecting some of the characters.

@ the idea of Jimmy impregnating his moms and replacing it with Anglea's is sick and way more than farfetched man
Gillian and Jimmy incest was not far fetched because since S1 almost every scene between the two there's always been something off about how they interact. I mean it was just one thing cuz she's his mom and she's still hot, and then him being okay with all the dudes she's banging but before she even mentioned she use to play with him when he was a kid there was something up and steering us down this path. Besides that Gillian seems to be pro at preventing her pregnancies, plus it's just possible she may not be able to give birth anymore. I'm just wondering now if they've still been banging each other since (like in between scenes n shh) or if they will start again given Gillian's new role with Jimmy.

I also now want to see a bit of history between Gillian and Nucky.

@ those gifs of Van Alden. I'm hoping his fugitive status remains for next season, hopefully the finale just shows his potential to thrive in a life amongst criminals.
He reminded me of Batman as he ran down the halls.. I wish he would have jumped out a window.

Face= Priceless

No way they was locking dude up...

And Harrow **$!+! wit Angela hard... I think people bout to pay for killing her

 @ Gillian and Margaret *+****% been causing problems since the Prohibition.
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Speechless. But I do want to see how Nucky and Jimmy get back together.

well now that his one dad is out, it's natural that he'll gravitate toward the person who has been the father figure for most of his life. right?
@Jimmy and his mom...

Good episode, hope the maid exposes Margaret.  Can't believe she wants to testify
Originally Posted by krazy88s

I also now want to see a bit of history between Gillian and Nucky.
Same here.

And where's Lucy, Nuckys ex-gf??

She robbed and then dipped on Nelson leaving him with the kid. I believe the way they ended her role in that was to let us believe she went to go pursue singing or acting. She's probably in one of those clubs/theaters.burlesque spots with that suspect friend of hers.
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

somethings gotta happen with that guy that Eli murdered in his garage too

best hour of my Sunday
Nah, nobody saw that. Only way he gets caught is if they establish where dude was before he went to Eli's. I forget if he mentioned it then before dying. Would be cool if the deputy nailed him on that. Never cared for Eli much.

I also forget who it was Eli called to help clean up that guy's body, it was somebody else in Nucky's former inner circle.
Originally Posted by horchata kid

Just saw this...

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