Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

at the ending. Didn't think one of the main characters would be taken out by Manny.

That was real greaseball type of stuff
I had a sneaky feeling that Manny wasn't going to have mercy on Jimmy's wife whatsoever.

His last words to her about health were chilling to say the least.
Didn't care much for Margaret's religious struggle this episode. It's not a bad angle it just felt contrived and didn't seem up to par considering how strong her performance has been this season.

Following Jimmy and Angela's talk I knew one of them would have to die, glad the show didn't pull a fast one and kill off Jimmy. He's too great of a character to go this early. Manny is proving to be a great villain, I'm really enjoying it.

The struggles within Jimmy's group have been done really well, yet again Lansky proves to be the voice of reason
my favorite character I think. The writers have been doing a great job of keeping up stories in a subtle manner. The newspaper about the Black Sox scandal, Luciano showing Jimmy the heroin and insisting they sell it again, etc. Chalky was good this episode too. Notice how he didn't ask for a raise for the workers during his conversation with Jimmy (unless I totally missed it), but wanted more vengeance. I respect the desire for revenge but using the worker's strike to obtain that is interesting.

Eli in jail on suspicions of murder, the strike building, Manny closing in, challenges in Jimmy's faction, and I totally forgot about Nelson.. there's a lot going on and I'm really looking forward to how they bring the season to a close.
What do you guys think of the last scene when Jimmy pulls into Princeton? Does anyone think it has anything to do with his conversation with Angela about making things right and turning everything around? I remember early on in Season 1 when Nucky and his people gave Jimmy a lot of +@*$ for passing up on Princeton to serve in the war, anyone think those regrets are still lingering in his mind?
I like how they've strung together the kid's pyromania.
Watching Nucky burn the house down, lighting matches in school, then watching the polio bonfire, I was sure little dude was going to light something on fire following that slap.
definitely bored with margaret, would like to see more of jimmy and his crew. last 2 episodes should be very interesting
Yeah, not much sympathy from me.
I, personally, never liked female characters that weren't ride or die with their men.
anybody know where can I watch the new episodes online? Just cancelled my HBO
I laugh every time I see Doyle with that early 20th century neck brace. Never cared for Shroeder's religious struggle but being a parent and wanting what's best for your child will make you do crazy things. She's going off the deep end as the bad news piles up.

@ the deputy snitching after that beating. Preemptive attack backfired. Chalky taking a stand with his demands

I thought Manny was a man of honor
I was looking forward to him and Jimmy squaring off but now it's on a whole other level. Killing Angela like that was beyond cold blooded.

Good ep.
Originally Posted by xblaze23

Don't see the problem with taking her out. I would've done the same thing *shrug*

Can't say I blame Manny for doing it, but, dang, did it have to be Angela
I gotta re-watch, bc I wasnt completely paying attention the whole time. But I do think its safe to say Manny bought his early exit off the show with that move. Do I care? Not at all. I like when main characters get knocked off, and I havent liked her since she first went behind Jimmys back. I didnt expect it, but it was a big enough character to make an impact, and not really effect the show. But I got money says Manny doesnt make it out of the last 2 episodes now.
like many i was shocked that Angela got it. But i as i rewatch the moment that Angela tries to save herself with the mention of money(ala Stringer b4 he got his on The Wire), the look on Manny's face went from kinda sympathetic, completely vanishes to disgust.

Anyways the smoothest characters are the 2 Jews and the Black guy. I mean every time AR is on the screen it's Emmy worthy, Chalky is boss and Lansky is level as can be.

So it also seems like the only possible suspect in the double H is gonna be Jimmy by the preview with Gillian saying "what you did, we never have to speak about again."

Think bout it. Married woman found shot with another woman in her home.

This season has def. had some slow parts but overall it's moving the story well. Better than TWD at least.
Any one else think if Angela* said "no, she is" and kept crying when Manny asked her if shes Jimmy's wife, he'd let her slide? Or was he going to do both of em either way?

I honestly thought that was Jimmy cleaning up in the bathroom but should've seen the swerve beforehand

Jimmy 0 for 2 on ordered hits 

Yea,going off next weeks preview I agree. It looks like Jimmy is gonna be the one suspected. His wife found dead while embracing another woman,he'd be the first suspect. After this whole incident,I think that Jimmys partners are gonna try to distance themselves from him as seen when Lucky and Lansky decide to take Jimmys share in the preview. Everything is going to start to unravel for him which is eventually gonna lead to Jimmy most likely trying to rejoin Nucky.

I also think that now with Angela out of the way,the whole incestuous sub plot with his Mom is going to resurface.

%@@% got real in this episode and it looks like it's about to get even realer next week.

Idk why I laughed so hard at Nucky's face when Rothstein's lawyer reached in the drawer switched the Ty Cobb baseball...

I kinda dig the correlation between Nuck and Teddy, and I like how they're developing Teddy's character this season...

Schroeder is all over the place tryina get a handle and understanding for her daughter having Polio... I thought for a minute that the priest was goina smang too...
 He seems to have a hidden agenda...

Boss Don Chalky...

Manny is just ruthless... No f**ks given!!!... He did Angela greasy tho... Just made it worse when she asked for mercy after saying she had a son...
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Any one else think if Margaret said "no, she is" and kept crying when Manny asked her if shes Jimmy's wife, he'd let her slide? Or was he going to do both of em either way?

I honestly thought that was Jimmy cleaning up in the bathroom but should've seen the swerve beforehand

Jimmy 0 for 2 on ordered hits 

word JImmy really is 0-2

looks like he got on that har-on too after he got the news

I actually like Manny. Jimmy f'd him over and got what he had coming.

plus i never liked his cheatin' *@@ wife. I was a bit sympathetic to her as a character though because it had to be tough having a taboo sexual preference back then but yea i think it will contribute to the growth of Jimmy's character and him as a leader.

speaking of his leadership what was that with the men with clubs on the boardwalk!? :Lol his stoke riddled pops gas'd him up and it just made things worse. go head and serve those klansman up
- Father Brennan was taking advantage of Margaret. I think he has an plans for Margaret's and Nuckys money

- Purnsley is the new Harrow

- funny the kid is now a pyro. Nucky has another young one copying what he sees from him a la Jimmy

- Nuckys new lawyer is just crooked. Just what he needs though. My dude has half dozen singed Ty Cobb baseballs? I doubt Ty even signed them.
You guys "surprised" that Manny killed Angela are buggin'.

These guys aren't choir boys. They're %%!+%+# killers.

He goes in to snuff out Jimmy. Once that all goes wrong and his face is seen, there is NO other option.

Let somebody take a shot a y'all as Jimmy did Manny and we'll see how ethical you are then.

!@!* is all bad for Jimmy. Now his wife and her lover are going to get found in his house while he's gone.

Not a good look AT ALL.
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